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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# this code heavily base on
LaneNet model post process
import os.path as ops
import math

import cv2
import time
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

def _morphological_process(image, kernel_size=5):
    morphological process to fill the hole in the binary segmentation result
    :param image:
    :param kernel_size:
    if len(image.shape) == 3:
        raise ValueError('Binary segmentation result image should be a single channel image')

    if image.dtype is not np.uint8:
        image = np.array(image, np.uint8)

    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(shape=cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, ksize=(kernel_size, kernel_size))

    # close operation fille hole
    closing = cv2.morphologyEx(image, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel, iterations=1)

    return closing

def _connect_components_analysis(image):
    connect components analysis to remove the small components
    :param image:
    if len(image.shape) == 3:
        gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        gray_image = image

    return cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(gray_image, connectivity=8, ltype=cv2.CV_32S)

class _LaneFeat(object):

    def __init__(self, feat, coord, class_id=-1):
        lane feat object
        :param feat: lane embeddng feats [feature_1, feature_2, ...]
        :param coord: lane coordinates [x, y]
        :param class_id: lane class id
        self._feat = feat
        self._coord = coord
        self._class_id = class_id

    def feat(self):
        return self._feat

    def feat(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
            value = np.array(value, dtype=np.float64)

        if value.dtype != np.float32:
            value = np.array(value, dtype=np.float64)

        self._feat = value

    def coord(self):
        return self._coord

    def coord(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
            value = np.array(value)

        if value.dtype != np.int32:
            value = np.array(value, dtype=np.int32)

        self._coord = value

    def class_id(self):
        return self._class_id

    def class_id(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, np.int64):
            raise ValueError('Class id must be integer')

        self._class_id = value

class _LaneNetCluster(object):
     Instance segmentation result cluster
    def __init__(self):

        self._color_map = [np.array([255, 0, 0]),
                           np.array([0, 255, 0]),
                           np.array([0, 0, 255]),
                           np.array([125, 125, 0]),
                           np.array([0, 125, 125]),
                           np.array([125, 0, 125]),
                           np.array([50, 100, 50]),
                           np.array([100, 50, 100])]

    def _embedding_feats_dbscan_cluster(embedding_image_feats):
        dbscan cluster
        db = DBSCAN(eps=0.4, min_samples=500)

            features = StandardScaler().fit_transform(embedding_image_feats)
        except Exception as err:
            ret = {
                'origin_features': None,
                'cluster_nums': 0,
                'db_labels': None,
                'unique_labels': None,
                'cluster_center': None
            return ret
        db_labels = db.labels_
        unique_labels = np.unique(db_labels)
        num_clusters = len(unique_labels)
        cluster_centers = db.components_

        ret = {
            'origin_features': features,
            'cluster_nums': num_clusters,
            'db_labels': db_labels,
            'unique_labels': unique_labels,
            'cluster_center': cluster_centers

        return ret

    def _get_lane_embedding_feats(binary_seg_ret, instance_seg_ret):
        get lane embedding features according the binary seg result

        idx = np.where(binary_seg_ret == 255)
        lane_embedding_feats = instance_seg_ret[idx]

        lane_coordinate = np.vstack((idx[1], idx[0])).transpose()

        assert lane_embedding_feats.shape[0] == lane_coordinate.shape[0]

        ret = {
            'lane_embedding_feats': lane_embedding_feats,
            'lane_coordinates': lane_coordinate

        return ret

    def apply_lane_feats_cluster(self, binary_seg_result, instance_seg_result):

        :param binary_seg_result:
        :param instance_seg_result:
        # get embedding feats and coords
        get_lane_embedding_feats_result = self._get_lane_embedding_feats(

        # dbscan cluster
        dbscan_cluster_result = self._embedding_feats_dbscan_cluster(

        mask = np.zeros(shape=[binary_seg_result.shape[0], binary_seg_result.shape[1], 3], dtype=np.uint8)
        db_labels = dbscan_cluster_result['db_labels']
        unique_labels = dbscan_cluster_result['unique_labels']
        coord = get_lane_embedding_feats_result['lane_coordinates']

        if db_labels is None:
            return None, None

        lane_coords = []

        for index, label in enumerate(unique_labels.tolist()):
            if label == -1:
            idx = np.where(db_labels == label)
            pix_coord_idx = tuple((coord[idx][:, 1], coord[idx][:, 0]))
            mask[pix_coord_idx] = self._color_map[index]

        return mask, lane_coords

class LaneNetPostProcessor(object):
    lanenet post process for lane generation
    def __init__(self, ipm_remap_file_path='./utils/tusimple_ipm_remap.yml'):
        convert front car view to bird view
        assert ops.exists(ipm_remap_file_path), '{:s} not exist'.format(ipm_remap_file_path)

        self._cluster = _LaneNetCluster()
        self._ipm_remap_file_path = ipm_remap_file_path

        remap_file_load_ret = self._load_remap_matrix()
        self._remap_to_ipm_x = remap_file_load_ret['remap_to_ipm_x']
        self._remap_to_ipm_y = remap_file_load_ret['remap_to_ipm_y']

        self._color_map = [np.array([255, 0, 0]),
                           np.array([0, 255, 0]),
                           np.array([0, 0, 255]),
                           np.array([125, 125, 0]),
                           np.array([0, 125, 125]),
                           np.array([125, 0, 125]),
                           np.array([50, 100, 50]),
                           np.array([100, 50, 100])]

    def _load_remap_matrix(self):
        fs = cv2.FileStorage(self._ipm_remap_file_path, cv2.FILE_STORAGE_READ)

        remap_to_ipm_x = fs.getNode('remap_ipm_x').mat()
        remap_to_ipm_y = fs.getNode('remap_ipm_y').mat()

        ret = {
            'remap_to_ipm_x': remap_to_ipm_x,
            'remap_to_ipm_y': remap_to_ipm_y,


        return ret

    def postprocess(self, binary_seg_result, instance_seg_result=None,
                    min_area_threshold=100, source_image=None,

        # convert binary_seg_result
        binary_seg_result = np.array(binary_seg_result * 255, dtype=np.uint8)
        # apply image morphology operation to fill in the hold and reduce the small area
        morphological_ret = _morphological_process(binary_seg_result, kernel_size=5)
        connect_components_analysis_ret = _connect_components_analysis(image=morphological_ret)

        labels = connect_components_analysis_ret[1]
        stats = connect_components_analysis_ret[2]
        for index, stat in enumerate(stats):
            if stat[4] <= min_area_threshold:
                idx = np.where(labels == index)
                morphological_ret[idx] = 0

        # apply embedding features cluster
        mask_image, lane_coords = self._cluster.apply_lane_feats_cluster(

        if mask_image is None:
            return {
                'mask_image': None,
                'fit_params': None,
                'source_image': None,

        # lane line fit
        fit_params = []
        src_lane_pts = []
        for lane_index, coords in enumerate(lane_coords):
            if data_source == 'tusimple':
                tmp_mask = np.zeros(shape=(720, 1280), dtype=np.uint8)
                tmp_mask[tuple((np.int_(coords[:, 1] * 720 / 256), np.int_(coords[:, 0] * 1280 / 512)))] = 255
                raise ValueError('Wrong data source now only support tusimple')
            tmp_ipm_mask = cv2.remap(
            nonzero_y = np.array(tmp_ipm_mask.nonzero()[0])
            nonzero_x = np.array(tmp_ipm_mask.nonzero()[1])

            fit_param = np.polyfit(nonzero_y, nonzero_x, 2)

            [ipm_image_height, ipm_image_width] = tmp_ipm_mask.shape
            plot_y = np.linspace(10, ipm_image_height, ipm_image_height - 10)
            fit_x = fit_param[0] * plot_y ** 2 + fit_param[1] * plot_y + fit_param[2]

            lane_pts = []
            for index in range(0, plot_y.shape[0], 5):
                src_x = self._remap_to_ipm_x[
                    int(plot_y[index]), int(np.clip(fit_x[index], 0, ipm_image_width - 1))]
                if src_x <= 0:
                src_y = self._remap_to_ipm_y[
                    int(plot_y[index]), int(np.clip(fit_x[index], 0, ipm_image_width - 1))]
                src_y = src_y if src_y > 0 else 0

                lane_pts.append([src_x, src_y])


        # tusimple test data sample point along y axis every 10 pixels
        source_image_width = source_image.shape[1]
        for index, single_lane_pts in enumerate(src_lane_pts):
            single_lane_pt_x = np.array(single_lane_pts, dtype=np.float32)[:, 0]
            single_lane_pt_y = np.array(single_lane_pts, dtype=np.float32)[:, 1]
            if data_source == 'tusimple':
                start_plot_y = 240
                end_plot_y = 720
                raise ValueError('Wrong data source now only support tusimple')
            step = int(math.floor((end_plot_y - start_plot_y) / 10))
            for plot_y in np.linspace(start_plot_y, end_plot_y, step):
                diff = single_lane_pt_y - plot_y
                fake_diff_bigger_than_zero = diff.copy()
                fake_diff_smaller_than_zero = diff.copy()
                fake_diff_bigger_than_zero[np.where(diff <= 0)] = float('inf')
                fake_diff_smaller_than_zero[np.where(diff > 0)] = float('-inf')
                idx_low = np.argmax(fake_diff_smaller_than_zero)
                idx_high = np.argmin(fake_diff_bigger_than_zero)

                previous_src_pt_x = single_lane_pt_x[idx_low]
                previous_src_pt_y = single_lane_pt_y[idx_low]
                last_src_pt_x = single_lane_pt_x[idx_high]
                last_src_pt_y = single_lane_pt_y[idx_high]

                if previous_src_pt_y < start_plot_y or last_src_pt_y < start_plot_y or \
                        fake_diff_smaller_than_zero[idx_low] == float('-inf') or \
                        fake_diff_bigger_than_zero[idx_high] == float('inf'):

                interpolation_src_pt_x = (abs(previous_src_pt_y - plot_y) * previous_src_pt_x +
                                          abs(last_src_pt_y - plot_y) * last_src_pt_x) / \
                                         (abs(previous_src_pt_y - plot_y) + abs(last_src_pt_y - plot_y))
                interpolation_src_pt_y = (abs(previous_src_pt_y - plot_y) * previous_src_pt_y +
                                          abs(last_src_pt_y - plot_y) * last_src_pt_y) / \
                                         (abs(previous_src_pt_y - plot_y) + abs(last_src_pt_y - plot_y))

                if interpolation_src_pt_x > source_image_width or interpolation_src_pt_x < 10:

                lane_color = self._color_map[index].tolist()
      , (int(interpolation_src_pt_x),
                                          int(interpolation_src_pt_y)), 5, lane_color, -1)
        ret = {
            'mask_image': mask_image,
            'fit_params': fit_params,
            'source_image': source_image,
        return ret