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generate tusimple training dataset
import argparse
import glob
import json
import os
import os.path as ops
import shutil

import cv2
import numpy as np

def init_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--src_dir', type=str, help='The origin path of unzipped tusimple dataset')

    return parser.parse_args()

def process_json_file(json_file_path, src_dir, ori_dst_dir, binary_dst_dir, instance_dst_dir):

    assert ops.exists(json_file_path), '{:s} not exist'.format(json_file_path)

    image_nums = len(os.listdir(os.path.join(src_dir, ori_dst_dir)))

    with open(json_file_path, 'r') as file:
        for line_index, line in enumerate(file):
            info_dict = json.loads(line)

            image_dir = ops.split(info_dict['raw_file'])[0]
            image_dir_split = image_dir.split('/')[1:]
            image_name = '_'.join(image_dir_split)
            image_path = ops.join(src_dir, info_dict['raw_file'])
            assert ops.exists(image_path), '{:s} not exist'.format(image_path)

            h_samples = info_dict['h_samples']
            lanes = info_dict['lanes']

            image_name_new = '{:s}.png'.format('{:d}'.format(line_index + image_nums).zfill(4))

            src_image = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
            dst_binary_image = np.zeros([src_image.shape[0], src_image.shape[1]], np.uint8)
            dst_instance_image = np.zeros([src_image.shape[0], src_image.shape[1]], np.uint8)

            for lane_index, lane in enumerate(lanes):
                assert len(h_samples) == len(lane)
                lane_x = []
                lane_y = []
                for index in range(len(lane)):
                    if lane[index] == -2:
                        ptx = lane[index]
                        pty = h_samples[index]
                if not lane_x:
                lane_pts = np.vstack((lane_x, lane_y)).transpose()
                lane_pts = np.array([lane_pts], np.int64)

                cv2.polylines(dst_binary_image, lane_pts, isClosed=False,
                              color=255, thickness=5)
                cv2.polylines(dst_instance_image, lane_pts, isClosed=False,
                              color=lane_index * 50 + 20, thickness=5)

            dst_binary_image_path = ops.join(src_dir, binary_dst_dir, image_name_new)
            dst_instance_image_path = ops.join(src_dir, instance_dst_dir, image_name_new)
            dst_rgb_image_path = ops.join(src_dir, ori_dst_dir, image_name_new)

            cv2.imwrite(dst_binary_image_path, dst_binary_image)
            cv2.imwrite(dst_instance_image_path, dst_instance_image)
            cv2.imwrite(dst_rgb_image_path, src_image)

            print('Process {:s} success'.format(image_name))

def gen_sample(src_dir, b_gt_image_dir, i_gt_image_dir, image_dir, phase='train', split=False):

    label_list = []
    with open('{:s}/{}ing/{}.txt'.format(src_dir, phase, phase), 'w') as file:

        for image_name in os.listdir(b_gt_image_dir):
            if not image_name.endswith('.png'):

            binary_gt_image_path = ops.join(b_gt_image_dir, image_name)
            instance_gt_image_path = ops.join(i_gt_image_dir, image_name)
            image_path = ops.join(image_dir, image_name)

            assert ops.exists(image_path), '{:s} not exist'.format(image_path)
            assert ops.exists(instance_gt_image_path), '{:s} not exist'.format(instance_gt_image_path)

            b_gt_image = cv2.imread(binary_gt_image_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
            i_gt_image = cv2.imread(instance_gt_image_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
            image = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)

            if b_gt_image is None or image is None or i_gt_image is None:
                print('image: {:s} corrupt'.format(image_name))
                info = '{:s} {:s} {:s}'.format(image_path, binary_gt_image_path, instance_gt_image_path)
                file.write(info + '\n')
    if phase == 'train' and split:
        val_list_len = len(label_list) // 10
        val_label_list = label_list[:val_list_len]
        train_label_list = label_list[val_list_len:]
        with open('{:s}/{}ing/train_part.txt'.format(src_dir, phase, phase), 'w') as file:
            for info in train_label_list:
                file.write(info + '\n')
        with open('{:s}/{}ing/val_part.txt'.format(src_dir, phase, phase), 'w') as file:
            for info in val_label_list:
                file.write(info + '\n')

def process_tusimple_dataset(src_dir):

    traing_folder_path = ops.join(src_dir, 'training')
    testing_folder_path = ops.join(src_dir, 'testing')

    os.makedirs(traing_folder_path, exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(testing_folder_path, exist_ok=True)

    for json_label_path in glob.glob('{:s}/label*.json'.format(src_dir)):
        json_label_name = ops.split(json_label_path)[1]

        shutil.copyfile(json_label_path, ops.join(traing_folder_path, json_label_name))

    for json_label_path in glob.glob('{:s}/test_label.json'.format(src_dir)):
        json_label_name = ops.split(json_label_path)[1]

        shutil.copyfile(json_label_path, ops.join(testing_folder_path, json_label_name))

    train_gt_image_dir = ops.join('training', 'gt_image')
    train_gt_binary_dir = ops.join('training', 'gt_binary_image')
    train_gt_instance_dir = ops.join('training', 'gt_instance_image')

    test_gt_image_dir = ops.join('testing', 'gt_image')
    test_gt_binary_dir = ops.join('testing', 'gt_binary_image')
    test_gt_instance_dir = ops.join('testing', 'gt_instance_image')

    os.makedirs(os.path.join(src_dir, train_gt_image_dir), exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(src_dir, train_gt_binary_dir), exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(src_dir, train_gt_instance_dir), exist_ok=True)

    os.makedirs(os.path.join(src_dir, test_gt_image_dir), exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(src_dir, test_gt_binary_dir), exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(src_dir, test_gt_instance_dir), exist_ok=True)

    for json_label_path in glob.glob('{:s}/*.json'.format(traing_folder_path)):
        process_json_file(json_label_path, src_dir, train_gt_image_dir, train_gt_binary_dir, train_gt_instance_dir)

    gen_sample(src_dir, train_gt_binary_dir, train_gt_instance_dir, train_gt_image_dir, 'train', True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = init_args()
