| gpu_mem | GPU memory size used for initialization | 8000M |
| image_dir | The images path or folder path for predicting when used by the command line | |
| page_num | Valid when the input type is pdf file, specify to predict the previous page_num pages, all pages are predicted by default | 0 |
| det_algorithm | Type of detection algorithm selected | DB |
| det_model_dir | the text detection inference model folder. There are two ways to transfer parameters, 1. None: Automatically download the built-in model to `~/.paddleocr/det`; 2. The path of the inference model converted by yourself, the model and params files must be included in the model path | None |
| det_max_side_len | The maximum size of the long side of the image. When the long side exceeds this value, the long side will be resized to this size, and the short side will be scaled proportionally | 960 |