提交 5a1a3a0f 编写于 作者: F frankwhzhang

add gru4rec example

上级 b2b166d6
......@@ -63,55 +63,38 @@ job_generator.generate_fl_job(
To build a gcn layer, one can use our pre-defined ```pgl.layers.gcn``` or just write a gcn layer with message passing interface.
### How to work in RunTime
python -u fl_server.py >server0.log &
python -u fl_trainer.py 0 data/ >trainer0.log &
python -u fl_trainer.py 1 data/ >trainer1.log &
fl_trainer.py define the reader.
import paddle.fluid as fluid
def gcn_layer(graph_wrapper, node_feature, hidden_size, act):
def send_func(src_feat, dst_feat, edge_feat):
return src_feat["h"]
def recv_func(msg):
return fluid.layers.sequence_pool(msg, "sum")
message = graph_wrapper.send(send_func, nfeat_list=[("h", node_feature)])
output = graph_wrapper.recv(recv_func, message)
output = fluid.layers.fc(output, size=hidden_size, act=act)
return output
r = Gru4rec_Reader()
train_reader = r.reader(train_file_dir, place, batch_size=10)
### Datasets
The datasets contain three citation networks: CORA, PUBMED, CITESEER. The details for these three datasets can be found in the [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.02907).
### Dependencies
- paddlepaddle>=1.4 (The speed can be faster in 1.5.)
- pgl
### Performance
We train gru4rec model with FedAvg Strategy for 40 epochs. We use first 1/20 rsc15 data as our dataset including 40w session and 3w7 item dictionary. We also constuct baselines including standard single mode and distributed parameter server mode.
We train our models for 200 epochs and report the accuracy on the test dataset.
| Dataset | Accuracy | Speed with paddle 1.4 <br> (epoch time) | Speed with paddle 1.5 <br> (epoch time)|
| --- | --- | --- |---|
| Cora | ~81% | 0.0106s | 0.0104s |
| Pubmed | ~79% | 0.0210s | 0.0154s |
| Citeseer | ~71% | 0.0175s | 0.0177s |
### How to run
For examples, use gpu to train gcn on cora dataset.
python train.py --dataset cora --use_cuda
# download code and readme
wget https://paddle-zwh.bj.bcebos.com/gru4rec_paddlefl_benchmark/gru4rec_benchmark.tar
#### Hyperparameters
| Dataset | single/distributed | distribute mode | recall@20|
| --- | --- | --- |---|
| all data | single | - | 0.508 |
| all data | distributed 4 node | parameter server | 0.501 |
| all data | distributed 4 node | FedAvg | 0.504 |
| 1/4 part-0 | single | - | 0.286 |
| 1/4 part-1 | single | - | 0.277 |
| 1/4 part-2 | single | - | 0.269 |
| 1/4 part-3 | single | - | 0.282 |
- dataset: The citation dataset "cora", "citeseer", "pubmed".
- use_cuda: Use gpu if assign use_cuda.
<img src='fl_benchmark.png' width = "1300" height = "310" align="middle"/>
### View the Code
See the code [here](gcn_examples_code.html)
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