提交 b2b166d6 编写于 作者: F frankwhzhang

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# Gru4Rec for session-based recommendation
# Train gru4rec model with FedAvg Strategy
This doc introduce how to use PaddleFL to train model with Fl Strategy.
[Graph Convolutional Network \(GCN\)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.02907) is a powerful neural network designed for machine learning on graphs. Based on PGL, we reproduce GCN algorithms and reach the same level of indicators as the paper in citation network benchmarks.
### Dependencies
- paddlepaddle>=1.6
### How to install PaddleFL
please use the python which has installed paddlepaddle.
python setup.py install
### Model
[Gru4rec](https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06939) is the classical session-based recommendation model. The details implement by paddlepaddle is [here](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models/tree/develop/PaddleRec/gru4rec).
### Datasets
We use [Rsc15](https://2015.recsyschallenge.com) dataset as our data.
### Simple example to build GCN
#download data
cd example/gru4rec_demo
sh download.sh
### How to work in PaddleFL
PaddleFL has two period , CompileTime and RunTime. In CompileTime, define a federated learning task by fl_master. In RunTime, train a federated learning job by fl_server and fl_trainer .
### How to work in CompileTime
In this example, we implement it in fl_master.py
# please run fl_master to generate fl_job
python fl_master.py
In fl_master.py, we first define FL-Strategy, User-Defined-Program and Distributed-Config. Then FL-Job-Generator generate FL-Job for federated server and worker.
# define model
model = Model()
# define JobGenerator and set model config
# feed_name and target_name are config for save model.
job_generator = JobGenerator()
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=2.0)
[x.name for x in model.inputs], [model.loss.name, model.recall.name])
# define FL-Strategy , we now support two flstrategy, fed_avg and dpsgd. Inner_step means fl_trainer locally train inner_step mini-batch.
build_strategy = FLStrategyFactory()
build_strategy.fed_avg = True
build_strategy.inner_step = 1
strategy = build_strategy.create_fl_strategy()
# define Distributed-Config and generate fl_job
endpoints = [""]
output = "fl_job_config"
strategy, server_endpoints=endpoints, worker_num=2, output=output)
To build a gcn layer, one can use our pre-defined ```pgl.layers.gcn``` or just write a gcn layer with message passing interface.
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