提交 3c21282d 编写于 作者: T tianyi1997 提交者: HydrogenSulfate

Create losses for MetaBIN

上级 c3fa6eca
......@@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ from .deephashloss import DSHSDLoss
from .deephashloss import LCDSHLoss
from .deephashloss import DCHLoss
from .metabinloss import CELossForMetaBIN
from .metabinloss import TripletLossForMetaBIN
from .metabinloss import InterDomainShuffleLoss
from .metabinloss import IntraDomainScatterLoss
class CombinedLoss(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self, config_list):
# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.14670
import copy
import numpy as np
import paddle
from paddle import nn
from paddle.nn import functional as F
from .dist_loss import cosine_similarity
from .celoss import CELoss
from .triplet import TripletLoss
def euclidean_dist(x, y):
m, n = x.shape[0], y.shape[0]
xx = paddle.pow(x, 2).sum(1, keepdim=True).expand([m, n])
yy = paddle.pow(y, 2).sum(1, keepdim=True).expand([n, m]).t()
dist = xx + yy - 2 * paddle.matmul(x, y.t())
dist = dist.clip(min=1e-12).sqrt() # for numerical stability
return dist
def hard_example_mining(dist_mat, is_pos, is_neg):
"""For each anchor, find the hardest positive and negative sample.
dist_mat: pairwise distance between samples, shape [N, M]
is_pos: positive index with shape [N, M]
is_neg: negative index with shape [N, M]
dist_ap: distance(anchor, positive); shape [N]
dist_an: distance(anchor, negative); shape [N]
assert len(dist_mat.shape) == 2
dist_ap = list()
for i in range(dist_mat.shape[0]):
dist_ap = paddle.stack(dist_ap)
dist_an = list()
for i in range(dist_mat.shape[0]):
dist_an = paddle.stack(dist_an)
return dist_ap, dist_an
class IntraDomainScatterLoss(nn.Layer):
enhance intra-domain diversity and disarrange inter-domain distributions like confusing multiple styles.
reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.14670
def __init__(self, normalize_feature, feature_from):
super(IntraDomainScatterLoss, self).__init__()
self.normalize_feature = normalize_feature
self.feature_from = feature_from
def forward(self, input, batch):
domains = batch["domain"]
inputs = input[self.feature_from]
if self.normalize_feature:
inputs = 1. * inputs / (paddle.expand_as(
inputs, p=2, axis=-1, keepdim=True), inputs) + 1e-12)
unique_label = paddle.unique(domains)
features_per_domain = list()
for i, x in enumerate(unique_label):
features_per_domain.append(inputs[x == domains])
num_domain = len(features_per_domain)
losses = []
for i in range(num_domain):
features_in_same_domain = features_per_domain[i]
center = paddle.mean(features_in_same_domain, 0)
cos_sim = cosine_similarity(
center.unsqueeze(0), features_in_same_domain)
loss = paddle.mean(paddle.stack(losses))
return {"IntraDomainScatterLoss": loss}
class InterDomainShuffleLoss(nn.Layer):
pull the negative sample of the interdomain and push the negative sample of the intra-domain,
so that the inter-domain distributions are shuffled.
reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.14670
def __init__(self, normalize_feature=True, feature_from="features"):
super(InterDomainShuffleLoss, self).__init__()
self.feature_from = feature_from
self.normalize_feature = normalize_feature
def forward(self, input, batch):
target = batch["label"]
domains = batch["domain"]
inputs = input[self.feature_from]
bs = inputs.shape[0]
if self.normalize_feature:
inputs = 1. * inputs / (paddle.expand_as(
inputs, p=2, axis=-1, keepdim=True), inputs) + 1e-12)
# compute distance
dist_mat = euclidean_dist(inputs, inputs)
is_same_img = np.zeros(shape=[bs, bs], dtype=bool)
np.fill_diagonal(is_same_img, True)
is_same_img = paddle.to_tensor(is_same_img)
is_diff_instance = target.reshape([bs, 1]).expand([bs, bs])\
.not_equal(target.reshape([bs, 1]).expand([bs, bs]).t())
is_same_domain = domains.reshape([bs, 1]).expand([bs, bs])\
.equal(domains.reshape([bs, 1]).expand([bs, bs]).t())
is_diff_domain = is_same_domain == False
is_pos = paddle.logical_or(is_same_img, is_diff_domain)
is_neg = paddle.logical_and(is_diff_instance, is_same_domain)
dist_ap, dist_an = hard_example_mining(dist_mat, is_pos, is_neg)
y = paddle.ones_like(dist_an)
loss = F.soft_margin_loss(dist_an - dist_ap, y)
if loss == float('Inf'):
loss = F.margin_ranking_loss(dist_an, dist_ap, y, margin=0.3)
return {"InterDomainShuffleLoss": loss}
class CELossForMetaBIN(CELoss):
def _labelsmoothing(self, target, class_num):
if len(target.shape) == 1 or target.shape[-1] != class_num:
one_hot_target = F.one_hot(target, class_num)
one_hot_target = target
# epsilon is different from the one in original CELoss
epsilon = class_num / (class_num - 1) * self.epsilon
soft_target = F.label_smooth(one_hot_target, epsilon=epsilon)
soft_target = paddle.reshape(soft_target, shape=[-1, class_num])
return soft_target
def forward(self, x, batch):
label = batch["label"]
return super().forward(x, label)
class TripletLossForMetaBIN(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self,
super(TripletLossForMetaBIN, self).__init__()
self.margin = margin
self.feature_from = feature_from
self.normalize_feature = normalize_feature
def forward(self, input, batch):
inputs = input[self.feature_from]
targets = batch["label"]
bs = inputs.shape[0]
all_targets = targets
if self.normalize_feature:
inputs = 1. * inputs / (paddle.expand_as(
inputs, p=2, axis=-1, keepdim=True), inputs) + 1e-12)
dist_mat = euclidean_dist(inputs, inputs)
is_pos = all_targets.reshape([bs, 1]).expand([bs, bs]).equal(
all_targets.reshape([bs, 1]).expand([bs, bs]).t())
is_neg = all_targets.reshape([bs, 1]).expand([bs, bs]).not_equal(
all_targets.reshape([bs, 1]).expand([bs, bs]).t())
dist_ap, dist_an = hard_example_mining(dist_mat, is_pos, is_neg)
y = paddle.ones_like(dist_an)
loss = F.margin_ranking_loss(dist_an, dist_ap, y, margin=self.margin)
return {"TripletLoss": loss}
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