Yi Wang 推送
cpplint recurrent_op* 301a21d8
名称 最后提交 最后更新
CMakeLists.txt move net_op to operators/ (#3201)
add_op.cc export Backward to python (#3174)
add_op.cu Add cpplint for *.h and cuda *.cu
add_op.h fix conflicts
add_op_test.cc Fix compile error
cross_entropy_op.cc use operator context and infer context (#3024)
cross_entropy_op.cu Add cpplint for *.h and cuda *.cu
cross_entropy_op.h use operator context and infer context (#3024)
fc_op.cc Move constants from framework::OperatorBase to framework::
fill_zeros_like_op.cc Follow comments and merge develop
fill_zeros_like_op.cu Add cpplint for *.h and cuda *.cu
fill_zeros_like_op.h Follow comments and merge develop
mean_op.cc Move constants from framework::OperatorBase to framework::
mean_op.cu Add cpplint for *.h and cuda *.cu
mean_op.h Move constants from framework::OperatorBase to framework::
mean_op_test.cc Add mean cpu/gpu op
mul_op.cc use operator context and infer context (#3024)
mul_op.cu Add cpplint for *.h and cuda *.cu
mul_op.h fix conflicts
net_op.cc move net_op to operators/ (#3201)
net_op.h move net_op to operators/ (#3201)
net_op_design.md move net_op to operators/ (#3201)
net_op_test.cc move net_op to operators/ (#3201)
recurrent_op.cc cpplint recurrent_op*
recurrent_op.h cpplint recurrent_op*
recurrent_op_test.cc cpplint recurrent_op*
rnn_design.md update more details
rowwise_add_op.cc use operator context and infer context (#3024)
rowwise_add_op.cu Add cpplint for *.h and cuda *.cu
rowwise_add_op.h Return Reference Instead Pointer to GetEigenDevice
sgd_op.cc use operator context and infer context (#3024)
sgd_op.cu Add cpplint for *.h and cuda *.cu
sgd_op.h fix conflicts
sgd_op_test.cc Add sgd op (#2950)
sigmoid_op.cc use operator context and infer context (#3024)
sigmoid_op.cu Add cpplint for *.h and cuda *.cu
sigmoid_op.h fix conflicts
softmax_op.cc Reforamt
softmax_op.cu fix softmax_op code line > 80
softmax_op.h Move constants from framework::OperatorBase to framework::
type_alias.h move net_op to operators/ (#3201)


PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)

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发行版本 60

PaddlePaddle 2.5.0 Release Note


贡献者 246



  • C++ 49.8 %
  • Python 41.0 %
  • Cuda 7.0 %
  • CMake 1.1 %
  • Shell 0.6 %
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