未验证 提交 cf146106 编写于 作者: J jjyaoao 提交者: GitHub

修改COPY-FROM No.14 incubate (#55234)

Signed-off-by: Njjyaoao <jjyaoao@126.com>
上级 413efdc9
......@@ -79,20 +79,48 @@ def minimize_bfgs(
.. code-block:: python
:name: code-example1
# Example1: 1D Grid Parameters
import paddle
# Randomly simulate a batch of input data
inputs = paddle. normal(shape=(100, 1))
labels = inputs * 2.0
# define the loss function
def loss(w):
y = w * inputs
return paddle.nn.functional.square_error_cost(y, labels).mean()
# Initialize weight parameters
w = paddle.normal(shape=(1,))
# Call the bfgs method to solve the weight that makes the loss the smallest, and update the parameters
for epoch in range(0, 10):
# Call the bfgs method to optimize the loss, note that the third parameter returned represents the weight
w_update = paddle.incubate.optimizer.functional.minimize_bfgs(loss, w)[2]
# Use paddle.assign to update parameters in place
paddle. assign(w_update, w)
def func(x):
return paddle.dot(x, x)
x0 = paddle.to_tensor([1.3, 2.7])
results = paddle.incubate.optimizer.functional.minimize_bfgs(func, x0)
print("is_converge: ", results[0])
print("the minimum of func is: ", results[2])
# is_converge: is_converge: Tensor(shape=[1], dtype=bool, place=Place(gpu:0), stop_gradient=True,
# [True])
# the minimum of func is: Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=float32, place=Place(gpu:0), stop_gradient=True,
# [0., 0.])
.. code-block:: python
:name: code-example2
# Example2: Multidimensional Grid Parameters
import paddle
def flatten(x):
return x. flatten()
def unflatten(x):
return x.reshape((2,2))
# Assume the network parameters are more than one dimension
def net(x):
assert len(x.shape) > 1
return x.square().mean()
# function to be optimized
def bfgs_f(flatten_x):
return net(unflatten(flatten_x))
x = paddle.rand([2,2])
for i in range(0, 10):
# Flatten x before using minimize_bfgs
x_update = paddle.incubate.optimizer.functional.minimize_bfgs(bfgs_f, flatten(x))[2]
# unflatten x_update, then update parameters
paddle. assign(unflatten(x_update), x)
if dtype not in ['float32', 'float64']:
......@@ -80,20 +80,49 @@ def minimize_lbfgs(
.. code-block:: python
:name: code-example1
# Example1: 1D Grid Parameters
import paddle
# Randomly simulate a batch of input data
inputs = paddle. normal(shape=(100, 1))
labels = inputs * 2.0
# define the loss function
def loss(w):
y = w * inputs
return paddle.nn.functional.square_error_cost(y, labels).mean()
# Initialize weight parameters
w = paddle.normal(shape=(1,))
# Call the bfgs method to solve the weight that makes the loss the smallest, and update the parameters
for epoch in range(0, 10):
# Call the bfgs method to optimize the loss, note that the third parameter returned represents the weight
w_update = paddle.incubate.optimizer.functional.minimize_bfgs(loss, w)[2]
# Use paddle.assign to update parameters in place
paddle. assign(w_update, w)
.. code-block:: python
:name: code-example2
# Example2: Multidimensional Grid Parameters
import paddle
def flatten(x):
return x. flatten()
def unflatten(x):
return x.reshape((2,2))
# Assume the network parameters are more than one dimension
def net(x):
assert len(x.shape) > 1
return x.square().mean()
# function to be optimized
def bfgs_f(flatten_x):
return net(unflatten(flatten_x))
x = paddle.rand([2,2])
for i in range(0, 10):
# Flatten x before using minimize_bfgs
x_update = paddle.incubate.optimizer.functional.minimize_bfgs(bfgs_f, flatten(x))[2]
# unflatten x_update, then update parameters
paddle. assign(unflatten(x_update), x)
def func(x):
return paddle.dot(x, x)
x0 = paddle.to_tensor([1.3, 2.7])
results = paddle.incubate.optimizer.functional.minimize_lbfgs(func, x0)
print("is_converge: ", results[0])
print("the minimum of func is: ", results[2])
# is_converge: is_converge: Tensor(shape=[1], dtype=bool, place=Place(gpu:0), stop_gradient=True,
# [True])
# the minimum of func is: Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=float32, place=Place(gpu:0), stop_gradient=True,
# [0., 0.])
if dtype not in ['float32', 'float64']:
raise ValueError(
......@@ -125,6 +125,19 @@ class LRScheduler:
.. code-block:: python
import paddle
value = paddle.arange(26, dtype='float32')
a = paddle.reshape(value, [2, 13])
linear = paddle.nn.Linear(13, 5)
adadelta = paddle.optimizer.Adadelta(learning_rate=0.0003, epsilon=1e-06, rho=0.95,
parameters = linear.parameters())
out = linear(a)
.. code-block:: python
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