未验证 提交 3ecf1136 编写于 作者: H huzhiqiang 提交者: GitHub

[doc]modify release doc, add explanation for `build_extra` (#3005)

上级 43fe14bb
# 支持OP列表 # 支持OP列表
## Ops ## Ops (共计158个算子)
### Basic Operators (默认编译的算子)
- affine_channel - affine_channel
- anchor_generator
- arg_max - arg_max
- assign
- assign_value
- attention_padding_mask
- axpy
- batch_norm - batch_norm
- beam_search
- beam_search_decode
- bilinear_interp - bilinear_interp
- box_clip
- box_coder - box_coder
- calib - calib
- calib_once
- cast - cast
- collect_fpn_proposals
- concat - concat
- conditional_block
- conv2d - conv2d
- conv2d_transpose - conv2d_transpose
- crop
- decode_bboxes
- density_prior_box - density_prior_box
- depthwise_conv2d - depthwise_conv2d
- distribute_fpn_proposals
- dropout - dropout
- elementwise_add - elementwise_add
- elementwise_div - elementwise_div
- elementwise_max - elementwise_max
- elementwise_mul - elementwise_mul
- elementwise_sub - elementwise_sub
- equal
- exp - exp
- expand - expand
- fake_channel_wise_dequantize_max_abs - fake_channel_wise_dequantize_max_abs
- fake_dequantize_max_abs - fake_dequantize_max_abs
- fake_quantize_abs_max
- fake_quantize_dequantize_moving_average_abs_max - fake_quantize_dequantize_moving_average_abs_max
- fake_quantize_moving_average_abs_max - fake_quantize_moving_average_abs_max
- fake_quantize_range_abs_max - fake_quantize_range_abs_max
...@@ -55,6 +42,72 @@ ...@@ -55,6 +42,72 @@
- fusion_elementwise_max_activation - fusion_elementwise_max_activation
- fusion_elementwise_mul_activation - fusion_elementwise_mul_activation
- fusion_elementwise_sub_activation - fusion_elementwise_sub_activation
- gelu
- grid_sampler
- hard_sigmoid
- instance_norm
- io_copy
- io_copy_once
- layout
- leaky_relu
- log
- matmul
- mean
- mul
- multiclass_nms
- nearest_interp
- pad2d
- pool2d
- prelu
- prior_box
- range
- reduce_mean
- relu
- relu6
- relu_clipped
- reshape
- reshape2
- rsqrt
- scale
- search_fc
- sequence_topk_avg_pooling
- shuffle_channel
- sigmoid
- slice
- softmax
- softsign
- split
- sqrt
- square
- squeeze
- squeeze2
- stack
- subgraph
- swish
- tanh
- transpose
- transpose2
- unsqueeze
- unsqueeze2
- yolo_box
### Extra Operators (打开 `--build_extra=ON`开关才会编译)
- anchor_generator
- assign
- assign_value
- attention_padding_mask
- axpy
- beam_search
- beam_search_decode
- box_clip
- calib_once
- collect_fpn_proposals
- conditional_block
- crop
- decode_bboxes
- distribute_fpn_proposals
- equal
- gather - gather
- generate_proposals - generate_proposals
- graph_op - graph_op
...@@ -62,21 +115,14 @@ ...@@ -62,21 +115,14 @@
- greater_than - greater_than
- gru - gru
- gru_unit - gru_unit
- hard_sigmoid
- im2sequence - im2sequence
- increment - increment
- instance_norm
- io_copy
- io_copy_once
- is_empty - is_empty
- layer_norm - layer_norm
- layout
- layout_once - layout_once
- leaky_relu
- less_equal - less_equal
- less_than - less_than
- lod_reset - lod_reset
- log
- logical_and - logical_and
- logical_not - logical_not
- logical_or - logical_or
...@@ -85,37 +131,18 @@ ...@@ -85,37 +131,18 @@
- lookup_table_v2 - lookup_table_v2
- lrn - lrn
- match_matrix_tensor - match_matrix_tensor
- matmul
- mean
- merge_lod_tensor - merge_lod_tensor
- mul
- multiclass_nms
- nearest_interp
- negative - negative
- norm - norm
- notequal - not_equal
- pad2d
- pool2d
- power - power
- prelu
- prior_box
- range
- read_from_array - read_from_array
- reduce_max - reduce_max
- reduce_mean
- reduce_prod - reduce_prod
- reduce_sum - reduce_sum
- relu
- relu6
- relu_clipped
- reshape
- reshape2
- roi_align - roi_align
- rsqrt
- scale
- search_aligned_mat_mul - search_aligned_mat_mul
- search_attention_padding_mask - search_attention_padding_mask
- search_fc
- search_grnn - search_grnn
- search_group_padding - search_group_padding
- search_seq_arithmetic - search_seq_arithmetic
...@@ -130,32 +157,15 @@ ...@@ -130,32 +157,15 @@
- sequence_reshape - sequence_reshape
- sequence_reverse - sequence_reverse
- sequence_softmax - sequence_softmax
- sequence_topk_avg_pooling
- shape - shape
- shuffle_channel
- sigmoid
- slice
- softmax
- softsign
- split
- split_lod_tensor - split_lod_tensor
- sqrt
- square
- squeeze
- squeeze2
- stack
- swish
- tanh
- top_k - top_k
- transpose
- transpose2
- uniform_random - uniform_random
- unsqueeze
- unsqueeze2
- var_conv_2d - var_conv_2d
- while - while
- write_to_array - write_to_array
- yolo_box
## Kernels ## Kernels
# 预测库说明 # `build_extra`参数说明:
Paddle-Lite的编译结果为预测库文件(包括静态库和动态库),具体编译过程参考[源码编译](./source_compile) Lite预测库分为**基础预测库****全量预测库(with_extra)**:基础预测库只包含基础CV算子(OP),体积较小;全量预测库包含所有Lite算子,体积较大,支持模型较多
Lite预测库分为**基础预测库****全量预测库**:基础预测库只打包了基础模型需要的基础算子,预测库体积较小;全量预测库打包了所有的Lite算子,可以支持更多的模型,但是预测库的体积也更大。 编译时由编译选项 `build_extra`(默认为OFF)控制,`--build_extra=OFF`时编译基础预测库,`--build_extra=ON`时编译全量的预测库 编译时由编译选项 `build_extra`(默认为OFF)控制,`--build_extra=OFF`时编译**基础预测库**`--build_extra=ON`时编译**全量预测库**
## 基础预测库 ## 基础预测库( [基础OP列表](../advanced_user_guides/support_operation_list.html#basic-operators) )
### 编译方法
编译时设置`--build_extra=OFF` (默认值) 或不指定即可编译出基础预测库。例如:
./lite/tools/build.sh --arm_os=android --arm_abi=armv8 --arm_lang=gcc --android_stl=c++_static tiny_publish
### 基础预测库支持的功能
(1)支持基础CV模型 ### 支持功能
2)支持基础的in8量化模型 1)87个[基础OP](../advanced_user_guides/support_operation_list.html#basic-operators) (2)9个基础模型 (3)3个in8量化模型
### 支持的模型
### 基础预测库支持的基础模型: 1. fluid基础模型(来源:[paddle-models](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models)
1. fluid基础模型(paddle model 提供的基础模型9个)
``` ```
mobileNetV1 mnasnet yolov3 ssd_mobilenetv1 shufflenet_v2 mobilenetV1 mnasnet yolov3 ssd_mobilenetv1 shufflenet_v2
mobileNetV2 resnet50 unet squeezenet_v11 mobilenetV2 resnet50 unet squeezenet_v11
``` ```
2. int8量化模型模型 2. int8量化模型
``` ```
mobilenet_v1 mobilenet_v2 resnet50 mobilenet_v1 mobilenet_v2 resnet50
``` ```
### 特点 ### 特点
轻量级预测库,体积更小,支持常用的基础模型。 轻量级预测库,体积更小,支持常用模型。
## 全量预测库
### 编译方法 ### 编译方法
编译时设置`--build_extra=ON` 即可编译出全量预测库。例如: 编译时设置`--build_extra=OFF` (默认值) 编译出基础预测库。例如:
``` ```
./lite/tools/build.sh --arm_os=android --arm_abi=armv8 --arm_lang=gcc --android_stl=c++_static --build_extra=ON tiny_publish ./lite/tools/build.sh --arm_os=android --arm_abi=armv8 --arm_lang=gcc --android_stl=c++_static tiny_publish
``` ```
### 全量预测库功能
(1) 基础预测库所有功能
(2)支持所有Paddle-Lite中注册的所有算子 ## 全量预测库( [OP列表](../advanced_user_guides/support_operation_list.html#op) )
### 支持功能
Paddle-Lite中的全量算子( [基础OP](../advanced_user_guides/support_operation_list.html#basic-operators) + [Extra OP](../advanced_user_guides/support_operation_list.html#extra-operators-build-extra-on)
### 特点 ### 特点
支持更多的硬件平台和算子,可以支持更多模型但体量更大。 包含更多算子、支持更多模型,但体量更大。
### 编译方法
设置`--build_extra=ON` 可编译出全量预测库。例如:
./lite/tools/build.sh --arm_os=android --arm_abi=armv8 --arm_lang=gcc --android_stl=c++_static --build_extra=ON tiny_publish
...@@ -3,10 +3,17 @@ ...@@ -3,10 +3,17 @@
## 编译版本介绍 ## 编译版本介绍
- ARM_Version=`armv7/armv8` 编译时选择的arm版本,v7或者v8 - ARM_Version=`armv7/armv8` arm版本,可选择armv7或者armv8
- build_extra=`ON/OFF` 是否编译全量算子,OFF时只编译CV相关基础算子
- arm_stl=`c++_static/c++_shared` 选择动态或者静态链接NDK STL库 - arm_os=`android\ios\ios64\armlinux` 安装平台,支持的arm端移动平台包括 `ios\ios64``armlinux``android`
- target: `tiny_publish/full_publish` 是否编译full_api预测库,`tiny_publish`时只编译light_api预测库
- arm_lang=`gcc/clang` 源码编译时的编译器,默认为`gcc`编译器
- arm_stl=`c++_static/c++_shared` Lite预测库链接STL库的方式,支持静态或动态链接
- build_extra=`ON/OFF` 是否编译全量OP,OFF时只编译CV相关基础OP,[参数详情](./library.html)
- `tiny_publish/full_publish` 编译模式,`tiny_publish`编译移动端部署库、`full_publish`编译部署库的同时编译第三方依赖库
## Android ## Android
...@@ -35,16 +42,16 @@ ...@@ -35,16 +42,16 @@
|ARM Version|arm_os|with_extra|下载| |ARM Version|arm_os|with_extra|下载|
|:-------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| |:-------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|
|armv7|Ios|OFF|[release/v2.3](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite/releases/download/v2.3.0/inference_lite_lib.ios.armv7.tar.gz)| |armv7|ios|OFF|[release/v2.3](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite/releases/download/v2.3.0/inference_lite_lib.ios.armv7.tar.gz)|
|armv7|ios|ON|[release/v2.3](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite/releases/download/v2.3.0/inference_lite_lib.ios.armv7.with_extra.tar.gz)| |armv7|ios|ON|[release/v2.3](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite/releases/download/v2.3.0/inference_lite_lib.ios.armv7.with_extra.tar.gz)|
|armv8|Ios64|OFF|[release/v2.3](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite/releases/download/v2.3.0/inference_lite_lib.ios64.armv8.tar.gz)| |armv8|ios64|OFF|[release/v2.3](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite/releases/download/v2.3.0/inference_lite_lib.ios64.armv8.tar.gz)|
|armv8|Ios64|ON|[release/v2.3](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite/releases/download/v2.3.0/inference_lite_lib.ios64.armv8.with_extra.tar.gz)| |armv8|ios64|ON|[release/v2.3](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite/releases/download/v2.3.0/inference_lite_lib.ios64.armv8.with_extra.tar.gz)|
## opt 工具 ## opt 工具
| 运行系统 | 下载 | | 运行系统 | 下载 |
| :---------: | :--------------: | | :---------: | :--------------: |
| Linux | [release/v2.3](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite/releases/download/v2.3.0/opt) | | Linux | [release/v2.3](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite/releases/download/v2.3.0/opt) |
| MacOs | [release/v2.3](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite/releases/download/v2.3.0/opt_mac) | | MacOs | [release/v2.3](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite/releases/download/v2.3.0/opt_mac) |
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