未验证 提交 3b9d9819 编写于 作者: X xiebaiyuan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #1008 from xiebaiyuan/develop

yolo mdl->fluid tools #995
# coding=utf-8
import cv2
from array import array
def resize_take_rgbs(path, shape_h_w):
print '--------------resize_take_rgbs-----------------begin'
image = cv2.imread(path)
# print image.shape
cv2.imshow("before", image)
print_rgb(image[0, 0])
# image len may be for .just check it
# image.resize(shape_h_w)
image = cv2.resize(image, (shape_h_w[0], shape_h_w[1]))
cv2.imshow("after", image)
print image.shape
height = shape_h_w[0]
width = shape_h_w[1]
rs_ = []
gs_ = []
bs_ = []
for h in range(0, height):
for w in range(0, width):
bs_.append(image[h, w, 0])
gs_.append(image[h, w, 1])
rs_.append(image[h, w, 2])
# print image[2, 2, 0]/255.
print len(bs_)
print len(gs_)
print len(rs_)
print '--------------resize_take_rgbs-----------------end'
return bs_, gs_, rs_
def print_rgb((b, g, r)):
print "像素 - R:%d,G:%d,B:%d" % (r, g, b) # 显示像素值
# image[0, 0] = (100, 150, 200) # 更改位置(0,0)处的像素
# (b, g, r) = image[0, 0] # 再次读取(0,0)像素
# print "位置(0,0)处的像素 - 红:%d,绿:%d,蓝:%d" % (r, g, b) # 显示更改后的像素值
# corner = image[0:100, 0:100] # 读取像素块
# cv2.imshow("Corner", corner) # 显示读取的像素块
# image[0:100, 0:100] = (0, 255, 0); # 更改读取的像素块
# cv2.imshow("Updated", image) # 显示图像
# cv2.waitKey(0) # 程序暂停
def save_to_file(to_file_name, array):
to_file = open(to_file_name, "wb")
# coding=utf-8
import cv2
from array import array
import imagetools as tools
from enum import Enum
class ChannelType(Enum):
RGB = 0,
BGR = 1
def combine_bgrs_nchw(bgrs, means_b_g_r, scale, channel_type=ChannelType.BGR):
print '--------------combine_bgrs_nchw-----------------begin'
print "scale: %f" % scale
print means_b_g_r
# print len(bgrs)
bs = bgrs[0]
gs = bgrs[1]
rs = bgrs[2]
assert len(bs) == len(gs) == len(rs)
print len(bs)
bgrs_float_array = array('f')
if channel_type == ChannelType.BGR:
print 'bgr'
for i in range(0, len(bs)):
bgrs_float_array.append((bs[i] - means_b_g_r[0]) * scale) # b
for i in range(0, len(gs)):
bgrs_float_array.append((gs[i] - means_b_g_r[1]) * scale) # g
for i in range(0, len(rs)):
bgrs_float_array.append((rs[i] - means_b_g_r[2]) * scale) # r
elif channel_type == ChannelType.RGB:
print 'rgb'
for i in range(0, len(rs)):
bgrs_float_array.append((rs[i] - means_b_g_r[2]) * scale) # r
for i in range(0, len(gs)):
bgrs_float_array.append((gs[i] - means_b_g_r[1]) * scale) # g
for i in range(0, len(bs)):
bgrs_float_array.append((bs[i] - means_b_g_r[0]) * scale) # b
print len(bgrs_float_array)
print '------------------'
print bgrs_float_array[0]
print bgrs_float_array[416 * 416 * 2 + 416 * 2 + 2]
# for i in range(0, 9):
# print'bs %d' % i
# print bs[i] / 255.
print bs[416 * 2 + 2] / 255.
print '--------------combine_bgrs_nchw-----------------end'
return bgrs_float_array
# bgrs = tools.resize_take_rgbs('banana.jpeg', (224, 224, 3))
# array = combine_bgrs_nchw(bgrs, (103.94, 116.78, 123.68), 0.017, array,ChannelType.BGR)
# tools.save_to_file('banana_1_3_224_224_nchw_float')
# cv2.waitKey(0)
bgrs = tools.resize_take_rgbs('datas/newyolo.jpg', (416, 416, 3))
array = combine_bgrs_nchw(bgrs, (0, 0, 0), 1. / 255, ChannelType.RGB)
tools.save_to_file('datas/desktop_1_3_416_416_nchw_float', array)
# coding=utf-8
import cv2
from array import array
import imagetools as tools
def combine_bgrs_nhwc(bgrs, means_b_g_r, scale):
print "scale: %f" % scale
print means_b_g_r
# print len(bgrs)
bs = bgrs[0]
gs = bgrs[1]
rs = bgrs[2]
assert len(bs) == len(gs) == len(rs)
# print len(bs)
bgrs_float_array = array('f')
for i in range(0, len(bs)):
bgrs_float_array.append((rs[i] - means_b_g_r[2]) * scale) # r
bgrs_float_array.append((gs[i] - means_b_g_r[1]) * scale) # g
bgrs_float_array.append((bs[i] - means_b_g_r[0]) * scale) # b
print len(bgrs_float_array)
print '------------------'
print bgrs_float_array[0]
print bgrs_float_array[999]
return bgrs_float_array
bgrs = tools.resize_take_rgbs('newyolo_1.jpg', (416, 416, 3))
array = combine_bgrs_nhwc(bgrs, (0, 0, 0), 1.0 / 255)
tools.save_to_file('desktop_1_3_416_416_nhwc_float', array)
# coding=utf-8
# 这个脚本是可以将numpy合并到二进制
import cv2
import numpy as np
import imagetools as tools
from array import array
# image = cv2.imread(path)
# print image.shape
# print_rgb(image[0, 0])
# # image len may be for .just check it
# image.resize(shape_h_w)
data = np.fromfile('datas/img.res')
print data.size
print data[0]
data.reshape(1, 3, 416, 416)
out_array = array('f')
print data.size
print data[0]
print '如果是nhwc --------'
# rgb rgb rgb rgb rgb
print data[416 * 3 * 2 + 3 * 2 + 2]
# print data[2]
print '如果是nchw --------'
# rgb rgb rgb rgb rgb
print data[416 * 416 * 2 + 416 * 2 + 2]
# print data[2]
# 明明是nchw
for i in range(0, data.size):
print len(out_array)
print out_array[416 * 416 * 2 + 416 * 2 + 2]
tools.save_to_file('datas/in_put_1_3_416_416_2', out_array)
# coding=utf-8
import os
path = "yolo_v2_tofile_source/" # 文件夹目录
to_file_path = "yolo_v2_tofile_combined/params"
files = os.listdir(path) # 得到文件夹下的所有文件名称
files.sort(cmp=None, key=str.lower)
to_file = open(to_file_path, "wb")
for file in files: # 遍历文件夹
if not os.path.isdir(file): # 判断是否是文件夹,不是文件夹才打开
f = open(path + "/" + file) # 打开文件
name = f.name
print 'name: ' + name
from_file = open(name, "rb")
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class Swichter:
def read_head(self, head_file):
from_file = open(head_file, "rb")
read = from_file.read(20)
read = from_file.read(24)
# print read
# print read
......@@ -84,9 +84,32 @@ class Swichter:
def copy_padding_add_head(self, from_file_name, to_file_name, tmp_file_name, padding):
print'padding = %d' % padding
from_file = open(from_file_name, "rb")
# print len(from_file.read())
from_file.seek(padding, 0)
read = from_file.read()
print len(read)
to_file = open(to_file_name, "wb")
# tmp_file = open(tmp_file_name, "wb")
head = self.read_head('/Users/xiebaiyuan/PaddleProject/paddle-mobile/python/tools/mdl2fluid/yolo/conv1_biases')
# Swichter().nhwc2nchw_one_slice_add_head(
# '/Users/xiebaiyuan/PaddleProject/paddle-mobile/python/tools/mdl2fluid/multiobjects/float32s_nhwc/conv1_0.bin',
# '/Users/xiebaiyuan/PaddleProject/paddle-mobile/python/tools/mdl2fluid/multiobjects/float32s_nchw_with_head/conv1_0',
# '/Users/xiebaiyuan/PaddleProject/paddle-mobile/python/tools/mdl2fluid/multiobjects/float32s_nchw/.tmp',
# 32,
# 3, 3, 3)
# Swichter().read_head('/Users/xiebaiyuan/PaddleProject/paddle-mobile/python/tools/mdl2fluid/yolo/conv1_biases')
# Swichter().nhwc2nchw_one_slice(
# '/Users/xiebaiyuan/PaddleProject/paddle-mobile/python/tools/mdl2fluid/multiobjects/float32s_nhwc/conv5_6_dw_0.bin',
# '/Users/xiebaiyuan/PaddleProject/paddle-mobile/python/tools/mdl2fluid/multiobjects/float32s_nchw/conv5_6_dw_0', 1,
# 512, 3, 3)
# Swichter().copy_add_head('datas/model.0.0.weight', 'datas/conv1_0', '')
......@@ -233,6 +233,13 @@ void Executor<Dtype, P>::InitMemory() {
Get_binary_data(program_.model_path + "/" + var_desc->Name());
char *data = origin_data;
LoadMemory(*var_desc, tensor, &data);
// DLOG << "----- " << var_desc->Name();
// DLOG << "----- " << tensor->dims();
// float *pDouble = tensor->template data<float>();
// for (int i = 0; i < tensor->numel() && i < 30; ++i) {
// std::cout << pDouble[i] << std::endl;
// }
delete origin_data;
} else {
if (var_desc->Type() == framework::VARTYPE_TYPE_LOD_TENSOR) {
......@@ -129,10 +129,13 @@ void ConvAddCompute(const FusionConvAddParam<CPU> &param) {
// param.Paddings(),
// param.Filter(), param.Bias(),
// param.Output(), false);
math::DepthwiseConv3x3s2p1v2(param.Input(), param.Filter(), param.Output(),
if (param.Paddings()[0] == 0) {
math::DepthwiseConv3x3s2p0(param.Input(), param.Filter(), param.Output(),
*param.Bias(), true);
} else {
math::DepthwiseConv3x3s2p1v2(param.Input(), param.Filter(),
param.Output(), *param.Bias(), true);
} else {
......@@ -1881,6 +1881,103 @@ void DepthwiseConvAddBNRelu3x3s2p1v2(const Tensor *input, const Tensor *filter,
void DepthwiseConv3x3s2p0(const Tensor *input, const Tensor *filter,
Tensor *output, Tensor bias, bool if_bias) {
#if __ARM_NEON
const int batch_size = static_cast<int>(input->dims()[0]);
const int input_channel = static_cast<int>(input->dims()[1]);
const int input_height = static_cast<int>(input->dims()[2]);
const int input_width = static_cast<int>(input->dims()[3]);
const int output_height = static_cast<int>(output->dims()[2]);
const int output_width = static_cast<int>(output->dims()[3]);
const int inhxw = input_height * input_width;
const int outhxw = output_height * output_width;
float32x4_t zero = vdupq_n_f32(0.0);
for (int b = 0; b < batch_size; b++) {
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int c = 0; c < input_channel; c++) {
const float *filter_data = filter->data<float>() + c * 9;
const float *input_data = input->data<float>() + c * inhxw;
const float *bias_data = bias.data<float>() + c;
float *output_data = output->data<float>() + c * outhxw;
float w00 = filter_data[0];
float w01 = filter_data[1];
float w02 = filter_data[2];
float w10 = filter_data[3];
float w11 = filter_data[4];
float w12 = filter_data[5];
float w20 = filter_data[6];
float w21 = filter_data[7];
float w22 = filter_data[8];
float32x4_t biasv = vld1q_dup_f32(bias_data);
for (int i = 0; i < output_height; i += 1) {
for (int m = 0; m < output_width - 2; m += 3) {
float *output_ptr = output_data + i * output_width + m;
float32x4x2_t input_buff_top{}, input_buff_mid{}, input_buff_bottom{};
float32x4_t in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3,
tmp4, tmp5, out0;
input_buff_top =
vld2q_f32(input_data + (2 * i) * input_width + (2 * m));
input_buff_mid =
vld2q_f32(input_data + (2 * i + 1) * input_width + (2 * m));
input_buff_bottom =
vld2q_f32(input_data + (2 * i + 2) * input_width + (2 * m));
in0 = input_buff_top.val[0];
tmp0 = input_buff_top.val[1];
tmp1 = vextq_f32(in0, zero, 1);
in2 = input_buff_mid.val[0];
tmp2 = input_buff_mid.val[1];
tmp3 = vextq_f32(in2, zero, 1);
in4 = input_buff_bottom.val[0];
tmp4 = input_buff_bottom.val[1];
tmp5 = vextq_f32(in4, zero, 1);
out0 = vmulq_n_f32(in0, w00);
out0 = vmlaq_n_f32(out0, tmp0, w01);
out0 = vmlaq_n_f32(out0, tmp1, w02);
out0 = vmlaq_n_f32(out0, in2, w10);
out0 = vmlaq_n_f32(out0, tmp2, w11);
out0 = vmlaq_n_f32(out0, tmp3, w12);
out0 = vmlaq_n_f32(out0, in4, w20);
out0 = vmlaq_n_f32(out0, tmp4, w21);
out0 = vmlaq_n_f32(out0, tmp5, w22);
out0 = vaddq_f32(out0, biasv);
vst1q_lane_f32(output_ptr, out0, 0);
vst1q_lane_f32(output_ptr + 1, out0, 1);
vst1q_lane_f32(output_ptr + 2, out0, 2);
int m;
for (m = 0; m < output_width - 2; m += 3) {
for (int j = m; j < output_width; j++) {
output_data[i * output_width + j] =
input_data[(2 * i - 1) * input_width + 2 * j - 1] * w00 +
input_data[(2 * i - 1) * input_width + 2 * j] * w01 +
input_data[(2 * i - 1) * input_width + 2 * j + 1] * w02 +
input_data[(2 * i) * input_width + 2 * j - 1] * w10 +
input_data[(2 * i) * input_width + 2 * j] * w11 +
input_data[(2 * i) * input_width + 2 * j + 1] * w12 +
input_data[(2 * i + 1) * input_width + 2 * j - 1] * w20 +
input_data[(2 * i + 1) * input_width + 2 * j] * w21 +
input_data[(2 * i + 1) * input_width + 2 * j + 1] * w22;
output_data[i * output_width + j] += *bias_data;
} // namespace math
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle_mobile
......@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ void DepthwiseConv3x3s2p1v2(const Tensor *input, const Tensor *filter,
void DepthwiseConvAddBNRelu3x3s2p1v2(const Tensor *input, const Tensor *filter,
Tensor *output, const Tensor *new_scale,
const Tensor *new_bias, bool if_relu);
void DepthwiseConv3x3s2p0(const Tensor *input, const Tensor *filter,
Tensor *output, Tensor bias, bool if_bias);
} // namespace math
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle_mobile
......@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ elseif ("yolo" IN_LIST NET)
# gen test
ADD_EXECUTABLE(test-yolo net/test_yolo.cpp test_helper.h test_include.h executor_for_test.h)
target_link_libraries(test-yolo paddle-mobile)
# gen test
ADD_EXECUTABLE(test_yolo_combined net/test_yolo_combined.cpp test_helper.h test_include.h executor_for_test.h)
target_link_libraries(test_yolo_combined paddle-mobile)
elseif ("squeezenet" IN_LIST NET)
# gen test
ADD_EXECUTABLE(test-squeezenet net/test_squeezenet.cpp test_helper.h test_include.h executor_for_test.h)
......@@ -95,6 +98,10 @@ else ()
ADD_EXECUTABLE(test-yolo net/test_yolo.cpp test_helper.h test_include.h executor_for_test.h)
target_link_libraries(test-yolo paddle-mobile)
# gen test
ADD_EXECUTABLE(test_yolo_combined net/test_yolo_combined.cpp test_helper.h test_include.h executor_for_test.h)
target_link_libraries(test_yolo_combined paddle-mobile)
# gen test
ADD_EXECUTABLE(test-googlenet net/test_googlenet.cpp test_helper.h test_include.h executor_for_test.h)
target_link_libraries(test-googlenet paddle-mobile)
/* Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#include <iostream>
#include "../test_helper.h"
#include "../test_include.h"
int main() {
paddle_mobile::PaddleMobile<paddle_mobile::CPU> paddle_mobile;
// ../../../test/models/googlenet
// ../../../test/models/mobilenet
auto time1 = time();
if (paddle_mobile.Load(std::string(g_yolo_combined) + "/model",
std::string(g_yolo_combined) + "/params", true)) {
auto time2 = time();
std::cout << "load cost :" << time_diff(time1, time1) << "ms" << std::endl;
std::vector<int64_t> dims{1, 3, 416, 416};
std::vector<float> input;
GetInput<float>(g_test_image_desktop_1_3_416_416_nchw_float, &input, dims);
std::cout << "input.size(): " << input.size() << std::endl;
for (int j = 0; j < 100; ++j) {
std::cout << j << " : " << input[j] << std::endl;
// // 预热十次
// for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
// paddle_mobile.Predict(input, dims);
// }
auto time3 = time();
const vector<float> vector_out = paddle_mobile.Predict(input, dims);
std::cout << "--------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
for (float i : vector_out) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
std::cout << "--------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << "load cost :" << time_diff(time1, time1) << "ms" << std::endl;
auto time4 = time();
std::cout << "predict cost :" << time_diff(time3, time4) / 10 << "ms"
<< std::endl;
return 0;
......@@ -41,12 +41,15 @@ static const char *g_resnet_50 = "../models/resnet_50";
static const char *g_resnet = "../models/resnet";
static const char *g_googlenet_combine = "../models/googlenet_combine";
static const char *g_yolo = "../models/yolo";
static const char *g_yolo_combined = "../models/yolo_combined";
static const char *g_fluid_fssd_new = "../models/fluid_fssd_new";
static const char *g_test_image_1x3x224x224 =
static const char *g_test_image_1x3x224x224_banana =
static const char *g_test_image_desktop_1_3_416_416_nchw_float =
static const char *g_hand = "../images/hand_image";
static const char *g_imgfssd_ar = "../images/test_image_ssd_ar";
static const char *g_imgfssd_ar1 = "../images/003_0001.txt";
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