提交 3b82bfb5 编写于 作者: L liuruilong

optimize batchnormal op kernel

上级 b37c8fef
develop _release/v2.6.2 gh-pages github/fork/AnBaolei1984/baolei/bitmain github/fork/AnBaolei1984/bitmain github/fork/Cambricon/develop github/fork/DannyIsFunny/Android5 github/fork/DannyIsFunny/Update_MemOpt github/fork/DannyIsFunny/fix_pow github/fork/DannyIsFunny/fix_v26_windows github/fork/GaoWei8/reduce_sum github/fork/GaoWei8/reduce_sum_test_con github/fork/LDOUBLEV/ocr github/fork/Leonardo-Ding/dwh_dev github/fork/MaxwellDing/develop github/fork/MyPandaShaoxiang/fpga_patch github/fork/MyPandaShaoxiang/int8 github/fork/MyPandaShaoxiang/nlp_correct github/fork/MyPandaShaoxiang/opencl_valid github/fork/MyPandaShaoxiang/release/v2.3 github/fork/NHZlX/more_jeston_support github/fork/PaddleLite-EB/merge1.4 github/fork/PaddleLite-EB/new_dev github/fork/Wangzheee/matrix_nms_op github/fork/Xreki/step_rnn/opt_ddim_lite github/fork/cathwong/patch-1 github/fork/cclauss/patch-1 github/fork/chenjiaoAngel/cherry_pic github/fork/chenjiaoAngel/conv_dw_5x5 github/fork/chenjiaoAngel/conv_dw_5x5s2 github/fork/edimetia3d/arm_update_elementwise_op github/fork/edimetia3d/host_deformable_conv github/fork/edimetia3d/matrix_nms_host github/fork/edimetia3d/update_pow_op github/fork/edimetia3d/update_yolo_box github/fork/haozech/develop github/fork/haozech/infershape_chz github/fork/haozech/parl-develop github/fork/jackzhang235/develop github/fork/jameswu2014/develop github/fork/jiansowa/jiansowa/img_nna github/fork/jiweibo/stream_manage github/fork/juncaipeng/add_cast github/fork/lijianshe02/lite-x86 github/fork/qili93/update_sup_model_v26 github/fork/qjing666/develop github/fork/qnqinan/develop github/fork/qnqinan/track-develop github/fork/sangoly/python_compa github/fork/smilejames/develop github/fork/sunsetlh/sunsetlh/xpu_multi_test github/fork/wangqunbaidu/develop github/fork/weihaoji/whj_27 github/fork/weihaoji/xpu_res2net_fusion github/fork/weihaoji/xpu_weihaoji_dev github/fork/xiebaiyuan/fix_leak_opencl github/fork/xiebaiyuan/opencl_depthwised1 github/fork/xiebaiyuan/opencl_softmax github/fork/yanghongtian/yanghongtian/add_ascend310_target_place github/fork/yiicy/computelib github/fork/yongqiangma/bm_card github/fork/yongqiangma/calib github/fork/yongqiangma/copytocpu github/fork/yongqiangma/gpu github/fork/yongqiangma/pass github/fork/yongqiangma/pool github/fork/yongqiangma/priorbox github/fork/yongqiangma/shape github/fork/yongqiangma/split_c github/fork/yongqiangma/trans github/fork/yongqiangma/trans2 github/fork/yongqiangma/workspace github/fork/ysh329/add-cl-kernel-member-for-opencl github/fork/ysh329/add-get-output github/fork/ysh329/cherry-pick-precision-profiler-enhance github/fork/ysh329/fix-opencl-concat github/fork/ysh329/support-int64-copy-from-to-cpu github/fork/zhaoyang-star/enable_prifile_in_tiny_publish github/fork/zhaoyang-star/fix_openc_demo github/fork/zhaoyang-star/patch-1 github/fork/zhupengyang/opt release/v2.0.0 release/v2.0.0-beta1 release/v2.0.0-beta2 release/v2.0.0-rc release/v2.1.0 release/v2.2.0 release/v2.3 release/v2.6 release/v2.6.0 release/v2.7 revert-4368-hongming/test_v26 2.0.0-beta 1.5.0 1.1.1 1.1.0 v2.7-beta v2.6.3-beta2 v2.6.3-beta1 v2.6.2 v2.6.1 v2.6.0 v2.3.0 v2.2.0 v2.1.0 v2.0.0 v2.0.0-rc v2.0.0-beta1 v2.0.0-beta1-prerel v1.0 v0.9 release/1.4
1 合并请求!772Metal
......@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ namespace operators {
template <>
void BatchNormKernel<CPU, float>::Compute(const BatchNormParam &param) const {
/// todo: test.
const Tensor *input_x = param.InputX();
auto input_x_ptr = input_x->data<float>();
const auto &x_dims = input_x->dims();
......@@ -46,50 +45,191 @@ void BatchNormKernel<CPU, float>::Compute(const BatchNormParam &param) const {
auto scale_ptr = scale->data<float>();
auto bias_ptr = bias->data<float>();
Tensor inv_std;
auto inv_std_ptr = inv_std.mutable_data<float>(make_ddim({C}));
if (C != variance->numel()) {
DLOG << "C must equal to variance.numel()";
assert(C == variance->numel());
/// std = (var + epsilon).sqrt();
/// inv_std = 1 / std;
for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {
inv_std_ptr[i] =
1 / static_cast<float>(pow((variance_ptr[i] + epsilon), 0.5));
// Tensor inv_std;
// auto inv_std_ptr = inv_std.mutable_data<float>(make_ddim({C}));
PADDLE_MOBILE_ENFORCE(C == variance->numel(), "C must equal to variance.numel()");
int HXW = H * W;
if (HXW > 32) {
int NXC = N * C;
float *inv_std_ptr = new float[NXC * 4];
float * volatile new_scale_ptr = new float[NXC * 4];
float * volatile new_bias_ptr = new float[NXC * 4];
/// std = (var + epsilon).sqrt();
/// inv_std = 1 / std;
for (int i = 0; i < C * 4; i += 4) {
inv_std_ptr[i] =
1 / static_cast<float>(pow((variance_ptr[i/4] + epsilon), 0.5));
inv_std_ptr[i + 1] = inv_std_ptr[i];
inv_std_ptr[i + 2] = inv_std_ptr[i];
inv_std_ptr[i + 3] = inv_std_ptr[i];
new_scale_ptr[i] = inv_std_ptr[i] * scale_ptr[i/4];
new_scale_ptr[i + 1] = new_scale_ptr[i];
new_scale_ptr[i + 2] = new_scale_ptr[i];
new_scale_ptr[i + 3] = new_scale_ptr[i];
new_bias_ptr[i] = bias_ptr[i/4] - mean_ptr[i/4] * inv_std_ptr[i] * scale_ptr[i/4];
new_bias_ptr[i + 1] = new_bias_ptr[i];
new_bias_ptr[i + 2] = new_bias_ptr[i];
new_bias_ptr[i + 3] = new_bias_ptr[i];
for (int j = C * 4; j < NXC * 4; ++j) {
new_scale_ptr[j] = new_scale_ptr[j - C * 4];
new_bias_ptr[j] = new_bias_ptr[j - C * 4];
asm volatile(
"subs %[N], %[N], #1 \n\t"
"blt end_n_%= \n\t"
"loop_n_%=: \n\t"
"subs %[C], %[C], #1 \n\t"
"blt end_c_%= \n\t"
"loop_c_%=: \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q9}, [%[new_scale_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q10}, [%[new_bias_ptr]]! \n\t"
"mov r6, %[HXW] \n\t"
"subs r6, r6, #32 \n\t"
"blt end_hw_%= \n\t"
"loop_hw_%=: \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q1, q2}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q3, q4}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q5, q6}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q7, q8}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
Tensor new_scale;
auto new_scale_ptr = new_scale.mutable_data<float>(make_ddim({C}));
Tensor new_bias;
auto new_bias_ptr = new_bias.mutable_data<float>(make_ddim({C}));
/// ((x - est_mean) * (inv_var) * scale + bias equal to
/// (x * inv_var * scale) + (bias - est_mean * inv_var * scale)
for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {
new_scale_ptr[i] = inv_std_ptr[i] * scale_ptr[i];
new_bias_ptr[i] = bias_ptr[i] - mean_ptr[i] * inv_std_ptr[i] * scale_ptr[i];
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
for (int h = 0; h < H; h++) {
int tmp_index = n * stride0 + i * stride1 + h * stride2;
for (int w = 0; w < W; w++) {
int index = tmp_index + w;
out_ptr[index] =
input_x_ptr[index] * new_scale_ptr[i] + new_bias_ptr[i];
"vmul.f32 q1, q1, q9 \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q2, q2, q9 \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q3, q3, q9 \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q4, q4, q9 \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q5, q5, q9 \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q6, q6, q9 \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q7, q7, q9 \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q8, q8, q9 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q1, q1, q10 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q2, q2, q10 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q3, q3, q10 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q4, q4, q10 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q5, q5, q10 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q6, q6, q10 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q7, q7, q10 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q8, q8, q10 \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q1, q2}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q3, q4}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q5, q6}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q7, q8}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"subs r6, r6, #32 \n\t"
"bge loop_hw_%= \n\t"
"end_hw_%=: \n\t"
"cmp r6, #0 \n\t"
"bge end_remainder_%= \n\t"
"mov r5, #4 \n\t"
"mul r6, r6, r5 \n\t"
"add %[input_x_ptr], %[input_x_ptr], r6 \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q1, q2}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q3, q4}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q5, q6}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q7, q8}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q1, q1, q9 \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q2, q2, q9 \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q3, q3, q9 \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q4, q4, q9 \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q5, q5, q9 \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q6, q6, q9 \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q7, q7, q9 \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q8, q8, q9 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q1, q1, q10 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q2, q2, q10 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q3, q3, q10 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q4, q4, q10 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q5, q5, q10 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q6, q6, q10 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q7, q7, q10 \n\t"
"vadd.f32 q8, q8, q10 \n\t"
"add %[out_ptr], %[out_ptr], r6 \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q1, q2}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q3, q4}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q5, q6}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q7, q8}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"end_remainder_%=: \n\t"
"subs %[C], %[C], #1 \n\t"
"bge loop_c_%= \n\t"
"end_c_%=: \n\t"
"subs %[N], %[N], #1 \n\t"
"bge loop_n_%= \n\t"
"end_n_%=: \n\t"
:[input_x_ptr]"r"(input_x_ptr), [out_ptr]"r"(out_ptr), [new_scale_ptr]"r"(new_scale_ptr), [new_bias_ptr]"r"(new_bias_ptr),
[N]"r"(N), [C]"r"(C), [HXW]"r"(HXW)
:"memory", "q0", "q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "q5", "q6", "q7", "q8", "q9", "q10", "r5", "r6"
delete [] inv_std_ptr;
delete [] new_scale_ptr;
delete [] new_bias_ptr;
} else {
float *inv_std_ptr = new float[C];
for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {
inv_std_ptr[i] =
1 / static_cast<float>(pow((variance_ptr[i] + epsilon), 0.5));
Tensor new_scale;
auto new_scale_ptr = new_scale.mutable_data<float>(make_ddim({C}));
Tensor new_bias;
auto new_bias_ptr = new_bias.mutable_data<float>(make_ddim({C}));
/// ((x - est_mean) * (inv_var) * scale + bias equal to
/// (x * inv_var * scale) + (bias - est_mean * inv_var * scale)
for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {
new_scale_ptr[i] = inv_std_ptr[i] * scale_ptr[i];
new_bias_ptr[i] = bias_ptr[i] - mean_ptr[i] * inv_std_ptr[i] * scale_ptr[i];
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
for (int h = 0; h < H; h++) {
int tmp_index = n * stride0 + i * stride1 + h * stride2;
for (int w = 0; w < W; w++) {
int index = tmp_index + w;
out_ptr[index] =
input_x_ptr[index] * new_scale_ptr[i] + new_bias_ptr[i];
delete [] inv_std_ptr;
// DLOG << "input[2,5,1,0](input[102]) ,channel 5 :";
// DLOG << "input_x_ptr : " << input_x_ptr[102];
// DLOG << "variance : " << variance_ptr[5];
// DLOG << "inv_std_ptr : " << inv_std_ptr[5];
// DLOG << "new_scale_ptr : " << new_scale_ptr[5];
// DLOG << "new_bias_ptr : " << new_bias_ptr[5];
// DLOG << "out_ptr : " << out_ptr[102];
DLOG << "input[2,5,1,0](input[102]) ,channel 5 :";
DLOG << "input_x_ptr : " << input_x_ptr[102];
DLOG << "variance : " << variance_ptr[5];
DLOG << "inv_std_ptr : " << inv_std_ptr[5];
DLOG << "new_scale_ptr : " << new_scale_ptr[5];
DLOG << "new_bias_ptr : " << new_bias_ptr[5];
DLOG << "out_ptr : " << out_ptr[102];
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle_mobile
......@@ -38,70 +38,70 @@ void ReluKernel<CPU, float>::Compute(const ReluParam &param) const {
auto *out_ptr = out->mutable_data<float>();
int numel = input_x->numel();
if (numel > 32) {
asm volatile(
"pld [%[input_x_ptr], #0] \n\t"
"vmov.f32 q8, #0.0 \n\t"
"subs %[num], %[num], #32 \n\t"
"blt end_num_%= \n\t"
"loop_num_%=: \n\t"
"pld [%[input_x_ptr], #1024] \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q0, q1}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q2, q3}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q4, q5}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q6, q7}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q0, q0, q8 \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q1, q1, q8 \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q2, q2, q8 \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q3, q3, q8 \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q4, q4, q8 \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q5, q5, q8 \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q6, q6, q8 \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q7, q7, q8 \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q0, q1}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q2, q3}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q4, q5}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q6, q7}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"subs %[num], %[num], #32 \n\t"
"bge loop_num_%= \n\t"
"end_num_%=: \n\t"
"cmp %[num], #0 \n\t"
"bge end_%= \n\t"
"mov r6, #4 \n\t"
"mul r5, %[num], r6 \n\t"
"add %[input_x_ptr], %[input_x_ptr], r5 \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q0, q1}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q2, q3}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q4, q5}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vld1.32 {q6, q7}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q0, q0, q8 \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q1, q1, q8 \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q2, q2, q8 \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q3, q3, q8 \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q4, q4, q8 \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q5, q5, q8 \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q6, q6, q8 \n\t"
"vmax.f32 q7, q7, q8 \n\t"
"add %[out_ptr], %[out_ptr], r5 \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q0, q1}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q2, q3}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q4, q5}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"vst1.32 {q6, q7}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
"end_%=: \n\t"
[out_ptr] "r"(out_ptr), [input_x_ptr] "r"(input_x_ptr), [num] "r"(numel)
: "memory", "q0", "q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "q5", "q6", "q7", "q8", "r5",
} else {
// if (numel > 64) {
// asm volatile(
// "pld [%[input_x_ptr], #0] \n\t"
// "vmov.f32 q8, #0.0 \n\t"
// "subs %[num], %[num], #32 \n\t"
// "blt end_num_%= \n\t"
// "loop_num_%=: \n\t"
// "pld [%[input_x_ptr], #1024] \n\t"
// "vld1.32 {q0, q1}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "vld1.32 {q2, q3}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "vld1.32 {q4, q5}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "vld1.32 {q6, q7}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q0, q0, q8 \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q1, q1, q8 \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q2, q2, q8 \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q3, q3, q8 \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q4, q4, q8 \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q5, q5, q8 \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q6, q6, q8 \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q7, q7, q8 \n\t"
// "vst1.32 {q0, q1}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "vst1.32 {q2, q3}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "vst1.32 {q4, q5}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "vst1.32 {q6, q7}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "subs %[num], %[num], #32 \n\t"
// "bge loop_num_%= \n\t"
// "end_num_%=: \n\t"
// "cmp %[num], #0 \n\t"
// "bge end_%= \n\t"
// "mov r6, #4 \n\t"
// "mul r5, %[num], r6 \n\t"
// "add %[input_x_ptr], %[input_x_ptr], r5 \n\t"
// "vld1.32 {q0, q1}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "vld1.32 {q2, q3}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "vld1.32 {q4, q5}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "vld1.32 {q6, q7}, [%[input_x_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q0, q0, q8 \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q1, q1, q8 \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q2, q2, q8 \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q3, q3, q8 \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q4, q4, q8 \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q5, q5, q8 \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q6, q6, q8 \n\t"
// "vmax.f32 q7, q7, q8 \n\t"
// "add %[out_ptr], %[out_ptr], r5 \n\t"
// "vst1.32 {q0, q1}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "vst1.32 {q2, q3}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "vst1.32 {q4, q5}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "vst1.32 {q6, q7}, [%[out_ptr]]! \n\t"
// "end_%=: \n\t"
// :
// :
// [out_ptr] "r"(out_ptr), [input_x_ptr] "r"(input_x_ptr), [num] "r"(numel)
// : "memory", "q0", "q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "q5", "q6", "q7", "q8", "r5",
// "r6");
// } else {
ReluFunctor<float> func_;
math::Transform trans;
trans(input_x_ptr, input_x_ptr + numel, out_ptr, func_);
// }
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle_mobile
......@@ -137,4 +137,6 @@ else ()
ADD_EXECUTABLE(test-depthwise-conv-op operators/test_depthwise_conv_op.cpp test_helper.h test_include.h executor_for_test.h)
target_link_libraries(test-depthwise-conv-op paddle-mobile)
#add_library(test-lib-size SHARED common/test_lib_size.h common/test_lib_size.cpp)
......@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include <vector>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <thread>
//#include <list>
//#include <tuple>
//#include <typeinfo>
......@@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ limitations under the License. */
//#include <iostream>
//#include <sstream>
#include <memory>
//#include <memory>
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <cstring>
......@@ -44,8 +46,10 @@ void foo() {
// std::cout << "12345" << std::endl;
std::vector<int> vec = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
// std::find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 1);
pthread_mutex_init(NULL, NULL);
// std::find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 1);
// std::list<int> l;
......@@ -70,7 +74,7 @@ void foo() {
// int z = 10;
// }
std::shared_ptr<int> s1 = std::make_shared<int>();
// std::shared_ptr<int> s1 = std::make_shared<int>();
// std::stringstream ss;
// ss << "12345";
......@@ -19,11 +19,9 @@ int main() {
paddle_mobile::Loader<paddle_mobile::CPU> loader;
// ../../../test/models/googlenet
// ../../../test/models/mobilenet
auto program = loader.Load(g_googlenet, true, true);
auto program = loader.Load(g_mobilenet_ssd, false, false);
// loader.Load(g_googlenet_combine + "/model", g_googlenet_combine +
// "/params",
// true);
// "/params", true);
program.originProgram->Description("program desc: ");
return 0;
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ limitations under the License. */
int main() {
paddle_mobile::Loader<paddle_mobile::CPU> loader;
bool optimize = false;
bool optimize = true;
auto time1 = time();
auto program = loader.Load(g_googlenet, optimize);
// auto program = loader.Load(g_googlenet_combine + "/model",
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class TestBatchNormOp {
for (int j = 0; j < ops.size(); ++j) {
std::shared_ptr<OpDesc> op = ops[j];
if (op->Type() == "batch_norm" &&
op->Input("X")[0] == "conv2d_0.tmp_0") {
op->Input("X")[0] == "conv2d_5.tmp_0") {
DLOG << " mul attr size: " << op->GetAttrMap().size();
DLOG << " inputs size: " << op->GetInputs().size();
DLOG << " outputs size: " << op->GetOutputs().size();
......@@ -67,29 +67,29 @@ class TestBatchNormOp {
const Tensor &t5) {
// feed
auto scope = program_.scope;
Variable *x1_feed_value = scope->Var("conv2d_0.tmp_0");
Variable *x1_feed_value = scope->Var("conv2d_5.tmp_0");
auto tensor_x1 = x1_feed_value->GetMutable<LoDTensor>();
Variable *mean_feed_value = scope->Var("batch_norm_0.w_1");
Variable *mean_feed_value = scope->Var("batch_norm_10.w_1");
auto tensor_mean = mean_feed_value->GetMutable<LoDTensor>();
Variable *scale_feed_value = scope->Var("batch_norm_0.w_0");
Variable *scale_feed_value = scope->Var("batch_norm_10.w_0");
auto tensor_scale = scale_feed_value->GetMutable<LoDTensor>();
Variable *variance_feed_value = scope->Var("batch_norm_0.w_2");
Variable *variance_feed_value = scope->Var("batch_norm_10.w_2");
auto tensor_variance = variance_feed_value->GetMutable<LoDTensor>();
Variable *bias_feed_value = scope->Var("batch_norm_0.b_0");
Variable *bias_feed_value = scope->Var("batch_norm_10.b_0");
auto tensor_bias = bias_feed_value->GetMutable<LoDTensor>();
Variable *output = scope->Var("batch_norm_0.tmp_2");
Variable *output = scope->Var("batch_norm_10.tmp_2");
auto *output_tensor = output->GetMutable<LoDTensor>();
output_tensor->mutable_data<float>({4, 10, 2, 2});
output_tensor->mutable_data<float>({1, 256, 38, 38});
// DLOG << typeid(output_tensor).name();
// DLOG << "output_tensor dims: " << output_tensor->dims();
......@@ -128,30 +128,30 @@ int main() {
DLOG << "----------**********----------";
DLOG << "begin to run BatchNormOp Test";
paddle_mobile::Loader<paddle_mobile::CPU> loader;
auto program = loader.Load(std::string(g_resnet));
auto program = loader.Load(std::string(g_mobilenet_ssd));
/// input x (4,10,2,2)
paddle_mobile::framework::Tensor inputx1;
SetupTensor<float>(&inputx1, {4, 10, 2, 2}, static_cast<float>(0),
SetupTensor<float>(&inputx1, {1, 256, 38, 38}, static_cast<float>(0),
auto *inputx1_ptr = inputx1.data<float>();
paddle_mobile::framework::Tensor mean;
SetupTensor<float>(&mean, {10}, static_cast<float>(0), static_cast<float>(1));
SetupTensor<float>(&mean, {256}, static_cast<float>(0), static_cast<float>(1));
auto *mean_ptr = mean.data<float>();
paddle_mobile::framework::Tensor scale;
SetupTensor<float>(&scale, {10}, static_cast<float>(0),
SetupTensor<float>(&scale, {256}, static_cast<float>(0),
auto *scale_ptr = scale.data<float>();
paddle_mobile::framework::Tensor variance;
SetupTensor<float>(&variance, {10}, static_cast<float>(0),
SetupTensor<float>(&variance, {256}, static_cast<float>(0),
auto *variance_ptr = variance.data<float>();
paddle_mobile::framework::Tensor bias;
SetupTensor<float>(&bias, {10}, static_cast<float>(0), static_cast<float>(1));
SetupTensor<float>(&bias, {256}, static_cast<float>(0), static_cast<float>(1));
auto *bias_ptr = bias.data<float>();
paddle_mobile::framework::TestBatchNormOp<paddle_mobile::CPU> testBatchNormOp(
......@@ -161,11 +161,13 @@ int main() {
testBatchNormOp.predict_bn(inputx1, mean, scale, variance, bias);
auto *output_bn_ptr = output_bn->data<float>();
/// [2, 5, 1, 0]
DLOG << " (" << inputx1_ptr[102] << " - " << mean_ptr[5] << ")/(("
<< variance_ptr[5] << " + 0.00001"
<< ")^0.5)* " << scale_ptr[5] << " + " << bias_ptr[5] << " = ";
DLOG << output_bn_ptr[102];
DLOG << " (" << inputx1_ptr[0] << " - " << mean_ptr[0] << ")/(("
<< variance_ptr[0] << " + 0.00001"
<< ")^0.5)* " << scale_ptr[0] << " + " << bias_ptr[0] << " = ";
DLOG << output_bn_ptr[0];
DLOG << "input_ptr 0 : " << inputx1_ptr[0];
DLOG << "output_ptr 0 : " << output_bn_ptr[0];
return 0;
#!/usr/bin/env sh
push_fn () {
adb shell mkdir ${EXE_DIR}
adb shell mkdir ${MODELS_DIR}
for file in `ls ${MODELS_SRC}`
adb shell mkdir ${MODELS_DIR}"/"${file}
adb shell mkdir ${IMAGES_DIR}
adb push ${EXE_FILE} ${EXE_DIR}
adb push ${LIB_PATH} ${EXE_DIR}
if [[ $1 != "npm" ]]; then
adb push ${IMAGE_PATH} ${IMAGES_DIR}
if [[ $1 == "npm" ]]; then
push_fn $1
......@@ -24,8 +24,15 @@ adb shell mkdir ${IMAGES_DIR}
adb push ${EXE_FILE} ${EXE_DIR}
adb push ${LIB_PATH} ${EXE_DIR}
if [[ $1 != "npm" ]]; then
adb push ${IMAGE_PATH} ${IMAGES_DIR}
adb shell "cd /data/local/tmp/bin; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./${TESTUNIT}"
if [[ $1 == "npm" ]]; then
push_fn $1
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -19,12 +19,19 @@ adb shell mkdir ${IMAGES_DIR}
adb push ${EXE_FILE} ${EXE_DIR}
adb push ${LIB_PATH} ${EXE_DIR}
if [[ $1 != "npm" ]]; then
adb push ${IMAGE_PATH} ${IMAGES_DIR}
echo "test-op or test-net below : "
adb shell ls /data/local/tmp/bin
echo "**** choose OP or NET to test ****"
read -p "which to test : " test_name
adb shell "cd /data/local/tmp/bin; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./${test_name}"
if [[ $1 == "npm" ]]; then
push_fn $1
\ No newline at end of file
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