提交 85e1f50e 编写于 作者: S sandyhouse

add quick_start_en.md

上级 098b5d42
# Quick Start
## How to install PLSC
PLSC requires python 2.7 or above versions.
First, you have to install PaddlePaddle. Using the following command to install paddlepaddle:
```shell script
pip install paddlepaddle-gpu>=1.6.2
For now, paddlepaddle-gpu is required.
Then, install PLSC using pip:
```shell script
pip install plsc
## How to do train and validation
The following example code shows how to train a model with PLSC.
from plsc import Entry
if __name__ == "__main__":
ins = Entry()
# ins.set_with_test(False) # 当没有验证集时,请取消该行的注释
# ins.set_loss_type('arcface') # 当仅有一张GPU卡时,请取消该行的注释
And use the following command to start the train.
```shell script
python -m paddle.distributed.launch \
--cluster_node_ips="" \
--node_ip="" \
--selected_gpus=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 \
The following example code shows how to do model validation with PLSC.
from plsc import Entry
if __name__ == "__main__":
ins = Entry()
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