未验证 提交 432d75b7 编写于 作者: B Bo Zhou 提交者: GitHub

Add a Chinese documentation (#65)

* Update README.md

* Create README.cn.md

* Update README.cn.md

* Update README.cn.md

* Update README.cn.md

* Update README.cn.md

* Update README.cn.md

* Update README.cn.md

* Update README.cn.md

* Update README.cn.md

* Update README.cn.md

* Update README.cn.md

* Update README.md

* Update README.md

* Update README.md

* Update README.cn.md
上级 3c511e8f
<p align="center">
<img src=".github/PARL-logo.png" alt="PARL" width="500"/>
[English](./README.md) | 简体中文
> PARL 是一个高性能、灵活的强化学习框架。
# 特点
# 框架结构
<img src=".github/abstractions.png" alt="abstractions" width="400"/>
### Model
`Model` 用来定义前向(`Forward`)网络,这通常是一个策略网络(`Policy Network`)或者一个值函数网络(`Value Function`),输入是当前环境状态(`State`)。
### Algorithm
`Algorithm` 定义了具体的算法来更新前向网络(`Model`),也就是通过定义损失函数来更新`Model`。一个`Algorithm`包含至少一个`Model`
### Agent
`Agent` 负责算法与环境的交互,在交互过程中把生成的数据提供给`Algorithm`来更新模型(`Model`),数据的预处理流程也一般定义在这里。
以下是构建一个包含DQN算法的智能体(`Agent`)用来玩雅达利游戏(`Atari Games`)的示例:
import parl
from parl.algorithms import DQN
class AtariModel(parl.Model):
This class defines the forward part for an algorithm,
its input is state observed on environment.
def __init__(self, img_shape, action_dim):
# define your layers
self.cnn1 = layers.conv_2d(num_filters=32, filter_size=5,
stride=1, padding=2, act='relu')
self.fc1 = layers.fc(action_dim)
def value(self, img):
# define how to estimate the Q value based on the image of atari games.
img = img / 255.0
l = self.cnn1(img)
Q = self.fc1(l)
return Q
1. 定义前向模型,就是上面的值函数网络(Value),定义了如何针对输入的游戏图像评估Q值。
2. 通过DQN算法来更新模型(Model),在这里我们直接import仓库中实现好的DQN算法即可。
3. 在AtariAgent中定义数据交互部分,把交互过程中得到的数据用来传给DQN算法以更新模型。
model = AtariModel(img_shape=(32, 32), action_dim=4)
algorithm = DQN(model)
agent = AtariAgent(algorithm)
# 简易高效的并行接口
以下我们通过`Hello World`的例子来说明如何简单地通过PARL来调度外部的计算资源实现并行计算。
class Agent(object):
def say_hello(self):
print("Hello World!")
def sum(self, a, b):
return a+b
# launch `Agent.py` at any computation platforms such as a CPU cluster.
if __main__ == '__main__':
agent = Agent()
remote_manager = parl.RemoteManager()
agent = remote_manager.get_remote()
ans = agent.sum(1,5) # run remotely and not comsume any local computation resources
1. 使用`parl.remote_class`修饰一个类,之后这个类就被转化为可以运行在其他CPU或者机器上的类。
2. 通过`RemoteManager`获取远端的类实例,通过这种方式获取到的实例和原来的类是有同样的函数的。由于这些类是在别的计算资源上运行的,执行这些函数**不再消耗当前线程计算资源**
<img src=".github/decorator.png" alt="PARL" width="450"/>
如上图所示,真实的actor(橙色圆圈)运行在CPU集群,learner(蓝色圆圈)和remote actor(黄色圆圈)运行在本地的GPU上。对于用户而言,完全可以像写多线程代码一样来实现并行算法,相当简单,但是这些多线程的运算利用了外部的计算资源。我们也提供了并行算法示例,更多细节请参考[IMPALA](examples/IMPALA), [A2C](examples/A2C) and [GA3C](examples/GA3C)
# 安装:
### 依赖
- Python 2.7 or 3.5+.
- PaddlePaddle >=1.2.1 (**非必须的**,如果你只用并行部分的接口不需要安装paddle)
pip install parl
# 算法示例
- [QuickStart](examples/QuickStart/)
- [DQN](examples/DQN/)
- [DDPG](examples/DDPG/)
- [PPO](examples/PPO/)
- [IMPALA](examples/IMPALA/)
- [A2C](examples/A2C/)
- [GA3C](examples/GA3C/)
- [NIPS2018强化学习假肢挑战赛冠军解决方案](examples/NeurIPS2018-AI-for-Prosthetics-Challenge/)
<img src=".github/NeurlIPS2018.gif" width = "300" height ="200" alt="NeurlIPS2018"/> <img src=".github/Half-Cheetah.gif" width = "300" height ="200" alt="Half-Cheetah"/> <img src=".github/Breakout.gif" width = "200" height ="200" alt="Breakout"/>
<img src=".github/Aircraft.gif" width = "808" height ="300" alt="NeurlIPS2018"/>
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
<img src=".github/PARL-logo.png" alt="PARL" width="500"/>
English | [简体中文](./README.cn.md)
> PARL is a flexible and high-efficient reinforcement learning framework based on [PaddlePaddle](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle).
# Features
......@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ The main abstractions introduced by PARL that are used to build an agent recursi
`Algorithm` describes the mechanism to update parameters in `Model` and often contains at least one model.
### Agent
`Agent` is a data bridge between environment and algorithm. It is responsible for data I/O with outside and describes data preprocessing before feeding data into the training process.
`Agent`, a data bridge between environment and algorithm, is responsible for data I/O with the outside environment and describes data preprocessing before feeding data into the training process.
Here is an example of building an agent with DQN algorithm for atari games.
......@@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ For users, they can write code in a simple way, just like writing multi-thread c
# Install:
### Dependencies
- Python 2.7 or 3.5+.
- PaddlePaddle >=1.2.1 (We try to make our repository always compatible with latest version PaddlePaddle)
- PaddlePaddle >=1.2.1 (**Optional**, if you only want to use APIs related to parallelization alone)
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