提交 93f296ac 编写于 作者: X xixiaoyao

add roberta-cn

上级 e566f312
......@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ _items = {
'pretrain': {'ernie-en-uncased-large': 'https://ernie.bj.bcebos.com/ERNIE_Large_en_stable-2.0.0.tar.gz',
'bert-en-uncased-large': 'https://bert-models.bj.bcebos.com/uncased_L-24_H-1024_A-16.tar.gz',
'bert-en-uncased-base': 'https://bert-models.bj.bcebos.com/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12.tar.gz',
'roberta-cn-base': 'https://bert-models.bj.bcebos.com/chinese_roberta_wwm_ext_L-12_H-768_A-12.tar.gz',
'roberta-cn-large': 'https://bert-models.bj.bcebos.com/chinese_roberta_wwm_large_ext_L-24_H-1024_A-16.tar.gz',
'utils': None},
'reader': {'utils': None},
'backbone': {'utils': None},
......@@ -91,13 +93,22 @@ def _download(item, scope, path, silent=False):
tar.extractall(path = data_dir)
if scope.startswith('bert'):
source_path = data_dir + '/' + data_name.split('.')[0]
fileList = os.listdir(source_path)
for file in fileList:
filePath = os.path.join(source_path, file)
if len(os.listdir(data_dir)) == 1 and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(data_dir, os.listdir(data_dir)[0])):
temp = os.path.join(data_dir, os.listdir(data_dir)[0])
for file in os.listdir(temp):
filePath = os.path.join(temp, file)
shutil.move(filePath, data_dir)
# if scope.startswith('bert'):
# source_path = os.path.join(data_dir + '/' + data_name.split('.')[0]
# fileList = os.listdir(source_path)
# for file in fileList:
# filePath = os.path.join(source_path, file)
# shutil.move(filePath, data_dir)
# os.removedirs(source_path)
if not silent:
print ('done!')
if not silent:
......@@ -203,13 +203,13 @@ def create_joint_iterator_fn(iterators, iterator_prefixes, joint_shape_and_dtype
v -= 1
if return_type == 'list':
yield results
elif return_type == 'dict':
temp = {}
for pos, i in enumerate(results):
temp[pos_to_outname[pos]] = i
yield temp
if return_type == 'list':
yield results
elif return_type == 'dict':
temp = {}
for pos, i in enumerate(results):
temp[pos_to_outname[pos]] = i
yield temp
return iterator
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