提交 19370b22 编写于 作者: W wangxiao

update downloader.py

上级 d2bbdfd0
......@@ -33,6 +33,44 @@ _items = {
'tasktype': {'utils': None},
def _download(item, scope, path, silent=False):
if not silent:
print('Downloading {}: {} from {}...'.format(item, scope, _items[item][scope]))
data_url = _items[item][scope]
data_dir = path + '/' + item + '/' + scope
if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
filename = data_dir + '/' + data_url.split('/')[-1]
def chunk_report(bytes_so_far, total_size):
percent = float(bytes_so_far) / float(total_size)
if percent > 1:
percent = 1
if not silent:
print('\r>> Downloading... {:.1%}'.format(percent), end = "")
def chunk_read(response, url, chunk_size = 16 * 1024, report_hook = None):
total_size = response.info().getheader('Content-Length').strip()
total_size = int(total_size)
bytes_so_far = 0
with open("%s" % filename, "wb") as f:
while 1:
chunk = response.read(chunk_size)
bytes_so_far += len(chunk)
if not chunk:
if report_hook:
report_hook(bytes_so_far, total_size)
return bytes_so_far
response = urlopen(data_url)
chunk_read(response, data_url, report_hook=chunk_report)
if not silent:
print(' done!')
def _convert():
raise NotImplementedError()
......@@ -42,59 +80,16 @@ def download(item, scope='all', path='.'):
item = item.lower()
scope = scope.lower()
assert item in _items, '{} is not found. Support list: {}'.format(item, list(_items.keys()))
# if not os.path.exists(path + '/' + item):
# os.makedirs(os.path.join(path + '/' + item))
def _download(item, scope, silent=False):
if not silent:
print('Downloading {}: {} from {}...'.format(item, scope, _items[item][scope]))
data_url = _items[item][scope]
data_dir = path + '/' + item + '/' + scope
if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
filename = data_dir + '/' + data_url.split('/')[-1]
def chunk_report(bytes_so_far, total_size):
percent = float(bytes_so_far) / float(total_size) * 100.0
if percent > 100:
percent = 100
if not silent:
print('\r>> Downloading... %.1f%%' % percent, end="\r")
def chunk_read(response, url, chunk_size = 16 * 1024, report_hook = None):
total_size = response.info().getheader('Content-Length').strip()
total_size = int(total_size)
bytes_so_far = 0
with open("%s" % filename, "wb") as f:
while 1:
chunk = response.read(chunk_size)
bytes_so_far += len(chunk)
if not chunk:
if report_hook:
report_hook(bytes_so_far, total_size)
return bytes_so_far
response = urlopen(data_url)
chunk_read(response, data_url, report_hook=chunk_report)
if not silent:
if _items[item]['utils'] is not None:
_download(item, 'utils', silent=True)
_download(item, 'utils', path, silent=True)
if scope != 'all':
assert scope in _items[item], '{} is not found. Support scopes: {}'.format(item, list(_items[item].keys()))
_download(item, scope)
_download(item, scope, path)
for s in _items[item].keys():
_download(item, s)
_download(item, s, path)
def ls(item=None, scope='all'):
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