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# Debugging Methods

This section will introduce several debugging methods recommended by Dynamic Graph to Static Graph (hereafter called Dynamic-to-Staic).

> **NOTE:**
> Please ensure that the dynamic graph code before transformation can run successfully. It is recommended to call [paddle.jit.ProgramTranslator().enable(False)](../../api/dygraph/ProgramTranslator_en.html#enable) to disable Dynamic-to-Static, and run dynamic graph code as follows:

import paddle
import numpy as np

# Disable Dynamic-to-Static

def func(x):
    x = paddle.to_tensor(x)
    if x > 3:
        x = x - 1
    return x

func(np.ones([3, 2]))

## Breakpoint Debugging
When using Dynamic-to-Static, you can use breakpoints to debug.

For example, call `pdb.set_trace()` in your code:
import pdb

def func(x):
    x = paddle.to_tensor(x)
    if x > 3:
        x = x - 1
    return x
Executing the following code will land the debugger in the transformed static graph code:
func(np.ones([3, 2]))

> /tmp/
-> def true_fn_0(x):
(Pdb) n
> /tmp/
-> def false_fn_0(x):

Calling [`paddle.jit.ProgramTranslator().enable(False)`](../../api/dygraph/ProgramTranslator_en.html#enable) before executing the code will land the debugger in the original dynamic graph code:
func(np.ones([3, 2]))

> <ipython-input-22-0bd4eab35cd5>(10)func()
-> if x > 3:


## Print Transformed Code

There are two ways to print the transformed static graph code:

74 75 76
1. Use the attribute `code` of the decorated function

   In the following code, the decorator `paddle.jit.to_static` transforms `func` into a class object `StaticLayer`. You can use the `code` attribute of `StaticLayer` to get the transformed code.
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    def func(x):
    x = paddle.to_tensor(x)
        if x > 3:
            x = x - 1
        return x


    def func(x):
        x = fluid.layers.assign(x)

        def true_fn_0(x):
            x = x - 1
            return x

        def false_fn_0(x):
            return x
        x = fluid.dygraph.dygraph_to_static.convert_operators.convert_ifelse(x >
            3, true_fn_0, false_fn_0, (x,), (x,), (x,))
        return x
2. Call `set_code_level(level)` or set environment variable `TRANSLATOR_CODE_LEVEL=level`

    You can view the transformed code in the log by calling `set_code_level` or set environment variable `TRANSLATOR_CODE_LEVEL`.

       def func(x):
       x = paddle.to_tensor(x)
       if x > 3:
           x = x - 1
       return x

    paddle.jit.set_code_level() # the same effect to set os.environ["TRANSLATOR_CODE_LEVEL"] = '100'

    2020-XX-XX 00:00:00,980-INFO: After the level 100 ast transformer: 'All Transformers', the transformed code:
    def func(x):
        x = fluid.layers.assign(x)

        def true_fn_0(x):
            x = x - 1
            return x

        def false_fn_0(x):
            return x
        x = fluid.dygraph.dygraph_to_static.convert_operators.convert_ifelse(x >
            3, true_fn_0, false_fn_0, (x,), (x,), (x,))
        return x
    `set_code_level` can set different levels to view the code transformed by different ast transformers. For details, please refer to [set_code_level](../../../paddle/api/paddle/fluid/dygraph/jit/set_code_level_en.html)。
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## `print`
You can call `print` to view variables. `print` will be transformed when using Dynamic-to-Static. When only Paddle Tensor is printed, `print` will be transformed and call Paddle operator [Print](../../api/layers/Print.html) in runtime. Otherwise, call python `print`.

def func(x):
    x = paddle.to_tensor(x)
    # x is a Paddle Tensor, so it will run Paddle Print(x) actually.

    # The string is not a Paddle Tensor, so it will run print as-is.
    print("Here call print function.")

    if len(x) > 3:
        x = x - 1
        x = paddle.ones(shape=[1])
    return x


Variable: assign_0.tmp_0
  - lod: {}
  - place: CPUPlace
  - shape: [1]
  - layout: NCHW
  - dtype: double
  - data: [1]
Here call print function.  

## Log Printing
ProgramTranslator can log additional debugging information to help you know whether the function was successfully transformed or not.

You can call [`paddle.jit.set_verbosity(level)`](../../../paddle/api/paddle/fluid/dygraph/jit/set_verbosity_en.html) or set environment variable `TRANSLATOR_VERBOSITY=level` to enable logging and view logs of different levels. The argument `level` varies from 0 to 3:
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- 0: no logging
- 1: includes the information in Dynamic-to-Static tranformation process, such as the source code not transformed, the callable object to transform and so on
- 2: includes above and more detailed function transformation logs
- 3: includes above and extremely verbose logging

> **WARNING:**
> The logs includes information such as source code. Please make sure logs don't contain any sensitive information before sharing them.

You can call `paddle.jit.set_verbosity` to control the verbosity level of logs:
or use the environment variable `TRANSLATOR_VERBOSITY`
import os
os.environ["TRANSLATOR_VERBOSITY"] = '3'

2020-XX-XX 00:00:00,123-Level 1:    Source code:
def func(x):
    x = paddle.to_tensor(x)
    if len(x) > 3:
        x = x - 1
        x = paddle.ones(shape=[1])
    return x

2020-XX-XX 00:00:00,152-Level 1: Convert callable object: convert <built-in function len>.