提交 e93c52c0 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!273 修复timer用例引起用户态挂死

Merge pull request !273 from lnlan/master0524
......@@ -86,27 +86,5 @@ HWTEST_F(TimeTimerTest, TimerTest003, TestSize.Level0)
TimerTest004(); // TODO: musl sigaction handler have only one param.
/* *
* @tc.name: TIME_TEST_TZSET_001
* @tc.desc: function for TIME_TEST_TZSET_001
* @tc.type: FUNC
* @tc.require: AR000EEMQ9
HWTEST_F(TimeTimerTest, TIME_TEST_TZSET_001, TestSize.Level0)
/* *
* @tc.name: TIME_TEST_TZSET_002
* @tc.desc: function for TimeTimerTest
* @tc.type: FUNC
* @tc.require: AR000EEMQ9
HWTEST_F(TimeTimerTest, TIME_TEST_TZSET_002, TestSize.Level0)
} // namespace OHOS
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