未验证 提交 fa44d40b 编写于 作者: Y YongxueHong 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #1273 from lolyu/dd_test

dd_test: add different block size
......@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
only Linux
type = dd_test
images += " stg1"
create_image_stg1 = yes
force_create_image_stg1 = yes
image_name_stg1 = images/stg1
image_size_stg1 = 1M
image_size_stg1 = 20G
image_snapshot_stg1 = no
image_readonly_stg1 = no
drive_index_stg1 = 3
image_boot_stg1 = no
blk_extra_params_stg1 = "serial=TARGET_DISK0"
......@@ -39,3 +40,16 @@
dd_if = stg1
dd_of = NULL
dd_stat = 0
- multiple:
partition_size = 2G
- zero2disk:
dd_if = ZERO
dd_of = stg1
dd_bs = "4k 8k 16k 64k 128k 256k 4M 1G"
dd_oflag = direct
- disk2null:
dd_if = stg1
dd_of = NULL
dd_bs = "4k 8k 16k 64k 128k 256k 4M 1G"
dd_iflag = direct
......@@ -4,12 +4,20 @@ Configurable on-guest dd test.
:author: Lukas Doktor <ldoktor@redhat.com>
:copyright: 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
import os
import re
import logging
import aexpect
from virttest import error_context
from virttest import utils_misc
from virttest import utils_disk
from virttest import utils_numeric
from virttest import error_context
from itertools import zip_longest as zip_longest
except Exception:
from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest
......@@ -60,62 +68,105 @@ def run(test, params, env):
error_context.context("Wait guest boot up", logging.info)
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
dd_if = params.get("dd_if")
dd_if_select = int(params.get("dd_if_select", '-1'))
dd_of = params.get("dd_of")
dd_of_select = int(params.get("dd_of_select", '-1'))
dd_bs = params.get("dd_bs")
dd_count = params.get("dd_count")
dd_iflag = params.get("dd_iflag")
dd_oflag = params.get("dd_oflag")
dd_skip = params.get("dd_skip")
dd_seek = params.get("dd_seek")
dd_keys = ['dd_if', 'dd_of', 'dd_bs', 'dd_count', 'dd_iflag',
'dd_oflag', 'dd_skip', 'dd_seek']
dd_timeout = int(params.get("dd_timeout", 60))
dd_params = {key: params.get(key, None) for key in dd_keys}
if dd_params['dd_bs'] is None:
dd_params['dd_bs'] = '512'
dd_params['dd_bs'] = dd_params['dd_bs'].split()
bs_count = len(dd_params['dd_bs'])
dd_timeout = int(params.get("dd_timeout", 180))
dd_output = params.get("dd_output", "")
dd_stat = int(params.get("dd_stat", 0))
dd_cmd = "dd"
if dd_if:
dd_if = _get_file(dd_if, dd_if_select)
dd_cmd += " if=%s" % dd_if
if dd_of:
dd_of = _get_file(dd_of, dd_of_select)
dd_cmd += " of=%s" % dd_of
if dd_bs:
dd_cmd += " bs=%s" % dd_bs
if dd_count:
dd_cmd += " count=%s" % dd_count
if dd_iflag:
dd_cmd += " iflag=%s" % dd_iflag
if dd_oflag:
dd_cmd += " oflag=%s" % dd_oflag
if dd_skip:
dd_cmd += " skip=%s" % dd_skip
if dd_seek:
dd_cmd += " seek=%s" % dd_seek
logging.info("Using '%s' cmd", dd_cmd)
error_context.context("Execute dd in guest", logging.info)
dev_partitioned = []
for arg in ['dd_if', 'dd_of']:
filename = dd_params[arg]
path = _get_file(filename,
int(params.get('%s_select' % arg, '-1')))
if (bs_count > 1
and filename in params.objects('images')):
psize = float(
params.get("partition_size", '2G')
start = 0.0
dev_id = os.path.split(path)[-1]
utils_disk.create_partition_table_linux(session, dev_id, 'gpt')
for i in range(bs_count):
utils_disk.create_partition_linux(session, dev_id,
'%fM' % psize,
'%fM' % start)
start += psize
disks = utils_disk.get_linux_disks(session, partition=True)
partitions = [key for key in disks if
re.match(r'%s\d+$' % dev_id, key)]
dd_params[arg] = [path.replace(dev_id, part)
for part in partitions]
dd_params[arg] = [path]
if bs_count > 1 and not dev_partitioned:
test.error('with multiple bs, either dd_if or \
dd_of must be a block device')
dd_cmd = ['dd']
for key in dd_keys:
value = dd_params[key]
if value is None:
arg = key.split('_')[-1]
if key in ['dd_if', 'dd_of', 'dd_bs']:
part = '%s=%s' % (arg, '{}')
part = '%s=%s' % (arg, value)
dd_cmd = ' '.join(dd_cmd)
remaining = [dd_params[key] for key in ['dd_if', 'dd_of', 'dd_bs']]
if len(dd_params['dd_if']) != bs_count:
fillvalue = dd_params['dd_if'][-1]
fillvalue = dd_params['dd_of'][-1]
cmd = [dd_cmd.format(*t) for t in
zip_longest(*remaining, fillvalue=fillvalue)]
cmd = ' & '.join(cmd)
logging.info("Using '%s' cmd", cmd)
(stat, out) = session.cmd_status_output(dd_cmd, timeout=dd_timeout)
except aexpect.ShellTimeoutError:
err = ("dd command timed-out (cmd='%s', timeout=%d)"
% (dd_cmd, dd_timeout))
except aexpect.ShellCmdError as details:
stat = details.status
out = details.output
error_context.context("Check command exit status and output", logging.info)
logging.debug("Returned dd_status: %s\nReturned output:\n%s", stat, out)
if stat != dd_stat:
err = ("Return code doesn't match (expected=%s, actual=%s)\n"
"Output:\n%s" % (dd_stat, stat, out))
if dd_output not in out:
err = ("Output doesn't match:\nExpected:\n%s\nActual:\n%s"
% (dd_output, out))
logging.info("dd test succeeded.")
error_context.context("Execute dd in guest", logging.info)
(stat, out) = session.cmd_status_output(cmd, timeout=dd_timeout)
except aexpect.ShellTimeoutError:
err = ("dd command timed-out (cmd='%s', timeout=%d)"
% (cmd, dd_timeout))
except aexpect.ShellCmdError as details:
stat = details.status
out = details.output
error_context.context("Check command exit status and output",
logging.debug("Returned dd_status: %s\nReturned output:\n%s",
stat, out)
if stat != dd_stat:
err = ("Return code doesn't match (expected=%s, actual=%s)\n"
"Output:\n%s" % (dd_stat, stat, out))
if dd_output not in out:
err = ("Output doesn't match:\nExpected:\n%s\nActual:\n%s"
% (dd_output, out))
logging.info("dd test succeeded.")
for dev_id in dev_partitioned:
utils_disk.clean_partition_linux(session, dev_id)
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