提交 224afa22 编写于 作者: L lolyu

dd_test: add different block size

add different block size, which will execute multiple dd test
based on the block sizes provided.
1. use extra parameter to specify partition size.
2. add readonly=off.
3. add dd I/O flag: direct.
Signed-off-by: Nlolyu <lolyu@redhat.com>
上级 4f1b203b
......@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
only Linux
type = dd_test
images += " stg1"
create_image_stg1 = yes
force_create_image_stg1 = yes
image_name_stg1 = images/stg1
image_size_stg1 = 1M
image_size_stg1 = 20G
image_snapshot_stg1 = no
image_readonly_stg1 = no
drive_index_stg1 = 3
image_boot_stg1 = no
blk_extra_params_stg1 = "serial=TARGET_DISK0"
......@@ -39,3 +40,16 @@
dd_if = stg1
dd_of = NULL
dd_stat = 0
- multiple:
partition_size = 2G
- zero2disk:
dd_if = ZERO
dd_of = stg1
dd_bs = "4k 8k 16k 64k 128k 256k 4M 1G"
dd_oflag = direct
- disk2null:
dd_if = stg1
dd_of = NULL
dd_bs = "4k 8k 16k 64k 128k 256k 4M 1G"
dd_iflag = direct
......@@ -4,12 +4,20 @@ Configurable on-guest dd test.
:author: Lukas Doktor <ldoktor@redhat.com>
:copyright: 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
import os
import re
import logging
import aexpect
from virttest import error_context
from virttest import utils_misc
from virttest import utils_disk
from virttest import utils_numeric
from virttest import error_context
from itertools import zip_longest as zip_longest
except Exception:
from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest
......@@ -60,62 +68,105 @@ def run(test, params, env):
error_context.context("Wait guest boot up", logging.info)
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
dd_if = params.get("dd_if")
dd_if_select = int(params.get("dd_if_select", '-1'))
dd_of = params.get("dd_of")
dd_of_select = int(params.get("dd_of_select", '-1'))
dd_bs = params.get("dd_bs")
dd_count = params.get("dd_count")
dd_iflag = params.get("dd_iflag")
dd_oflag = params.get("dd_oflag")
dd_skip = params.get("dd_skip")
dd_seek = params.get("dd_seek")
dd_keys = ['dd_if', 'dd_of', 'dd_bs', 'dd_count', 'dd_iflag',
'dd_oflag', 'dd_skip', 'dd_seek']
dd_timeout = int(params.get("dd_timeout", 60))
dd_params = {key: params.get(key, None) for key in dd_keys}
if dd_params['dd_bs'] is None:
dd_params['dd_bs'] = '512'
dd_params['dd_bs'] = dd_params['dd_bs'].split()
bs_count = len(dd_params['dd_bs'])
dd_timeout = int(params.get("dd_timeout", 180))
dd_output = params.get("dd_output", "")
dd_stat = int(params.get("dd_stat", 0))
dd_cmd = "dd"
if dd_if:
dd_if = _get_file(dd_if, dd_if_select)
dd_cmd += " if=%s" % dd_if
if dd_of:
dd_of = _get_file(dd_of, dd_of_select)
dd_cmd += " of=%s" % dd_of
if dd_bs:
dd_cmd += " bs=%s" % dd_bs
if dd_count:
dd_cmd += " count=%s" % dd_count
if dd_iflag:
dd_cmd += " iflag=%s" % dd_iflag
if dd_oflag:
dd_cmd += " oflag=%s" % dd_oflag
if dd_skip:
dd_cmd += " skip=%s" % dd_skip
if dd_seek:
dd_cmd += " seek=%s" % dd_seek
logging.info("Using '%s' cmd", dd_cmd)
error_context.context("Execute dd in guest", logging.info)
dev_partitioned = []
for arg in ['dd_if', 'dd_of']:
filename = dd_params[arg]
path = _get_file(filename,
int(params.get('%s_select' % arg, '-1')))
if (bs_count > 1
and filename in params.objects('images')):
psize = float(
params.get("partition_size", '2G')
start = 0.0
dev_id = os.path.split(path)[-1]
utils_disk.create_partition_table_linux(session, dev_id, 'gpt')
for i in range(bs_count):
utils_disk.create_partition_linux(session, dev_id,
'%fM' % psize,
'%fM' % start)
start += psize
disks = utils_disk.get_linux_disks(session, partition=True)
partitions = [key for key in disks if
re.match(r'%s\d+$' % dev_id, key)]
dd_params[arg] = [path.replace(dev_id, part)
for part in partitions]
dd_params[arg] = [path]
if bs_count > 1 and not dev_partitioned:
test.error('with multiple bs, either dd_if or \
dd_of must be a block device')
dd_cmd = ['dd']
for key in dd_keys:
value = dd_params[key]
if value is None:
arg = key.split('_')[-1]
if key in ['dd_if', 'dd_of', 'dd_bs']:
part = '%s=%s' % (arg, '{}')
part = '%s=%s' % (arg, value)
dd_cmd = ' '.join(dd_cmd)
remaining = [dd_params[key] for key in ['dd_if', 'dd_of', 'dd_bs']]
if len(dd_params['dd_if']) != bs_count:
fillvalue = dd_params['dd_if'][-1]
fillvalue = dd_params['dd_of'][-1]
cmd = [dd_cmd.format(*t) for t in
zip_longest(*remaining, fillvalue=fillvalue)]
cmd = ' & '.join(cmd)
logging.info("Using '%s' cmd", cmd)
(stat, out) = session.cmd_status_output(dd_cmd, timeout=dd_timeout)
except aexpect.ShellTimeoutError:
err = ("dd command timed-out (cmd='%s', timeout=%d)"
% (dd_cmd, dd_timeout))
except aexpect.ShellCmdError as details:
stat = details.status
out = details.output
error_context.context("Check command exit status and output", logging.info)
logging.debug("Returned dd_status: %s\nReturned output:\n%s", stat, out)
if stat != dd_stat:
err = ("Return code doesn't match (expected=%s, actual=%s)\n"
"Output:\n%s" % (dd_stat, stat, out))
if dd_output not in out:
err = ("Output doesn't match:\nExpected:\n%s\nActual:\n%s"
% (dd_output, out))
logging.info("dd test succeeded.")
error_context.context("Execute dd in guest", logging.info)
(stat, out) = session.cmd_status_output(cmd, timeout=dd_timeout)
except aexpect.ShellTimeoutError:
err = ("dd command timed-out (cmd='%s', timeout=%d)"
% (cmd, dd_timeout))
except aexpect.ShellCmdError as details:
stat = details.status
out = details.output
error_context.context("Check command exit status and output",
logging.debug("Returned dd_status: %s\nReturned output:\n%s",
stat, out)
if stat != dd_stat:
err = ("Return code doesn't match (expected=%s, actual=%s)\n"
"Output:\n%s" % (dd_stat, stat, out))
if dd_output not in out:
err = ("Output doesn't match:\nExpected:\n%s\nActual:\n%s"
% (dd_output, out))
logging.info("dd test succeeded.")
for dev_id in dev_partitioned:
utils_disk.clean_partition_linux(session, dev_id)
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