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multi_disk_random_hotplug test for Autotest framework.

:copyright: 2013 Red Hat Inc.
import logging
import random
import time
from autotest.client.shared import error
from virttest import funcatexit, arch
11 12
from virttest import qemu_qtree, utils_test, env_process
from virttest.qemu_devices import qcontainer
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def stop_stresser(vm, stop_cmd):
    Wrapper which connects to vm and sends the stop_cmd
    :param vm: Virtual Machine
    :type vm: virttest.virt_vm.BaseVM
    :param stop_cmd: Command to stop the stresser
    :type stop_cmd: string
    session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=10)

# TODO: Remove this silly function when qdev vs. qtree comparison is available
def convert_params(params, args):
    Updates params according to images_define_by_params arguments.
    :note: This is only temporarily solution until qtree vs. qdev verification
           is available.
    :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
    :type param: virttest.utils_params.Params
    :param args: Dictionary of images_define_by_params arguments
    :type args: dictionary
    :return: Updated dictionary with the test parameters
    :rtype: virttest.utils_params.Params
    convert = {'fmt': 'drive_format', 'cache': 'drive_cache',
               'werror': 'drive_werror', 'rerror': 'drive_rerror',
               'serial': 'drive_serial', 'snapshot': 'image_snapshot',
               'bus': 'drive_bus', 'unit': 'drive_unit', 'port': 'drive_port',
               'readonly': 'image_readonly', 'scsiid': 'drive_scsiid',
               'lun': 'drive_lun', 'aio': 'image_aio',
               'imgfmt': 'image_format', 'pci_addr': 'drive_pci_addr',
               'x_data_plane': 'x-data-plane',
               'scsi': 'virtio-blk-pci_scsi'}
    name = args.pop('name')
    params['images'] += " %s" % name
    params['image_name_%s' % name] = args.pop('filename')
    params['image_raw_device_%s' % name] = 'yes'
    for key, value in args.iteritems():
        params["%s_%s" % (convert.get(key, key), name)] = value
    return params

def run(test, params, env):
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
    This tests the disk hotplug/unplug functionality.
    1) prepares multiple disks to be hotplugged
    2) hotplugs them
    3) verifies that they are in qtree/guest system/...
    4) unplugs them
    5) verifies they are not in qtree/guest system/...
    6) repeats $repeat_times
    *) During the whole test stress_cmd might be executed

    :param test: QEMU test object
    :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
    :param env: Dictionary with test environment.
    def verify_qtree(params, info_qtree, info_block, proc_scsi, qdev):
        Verifies that params, info qtree, info block and /proc/scsi/ matches
        :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
        :type params: virttest.utils_params.Params
        :param info_qtree: Output of "info qtree" monitor command
        :type info_qtree: string
        :param info_block: Output of "info block" monitor command
        :type info_block: dict of dicts
        :param proc_scsi: Output of "/proc/scsi/scsi" guest file
        :type proc_scsi: string
87 88
        :param qdev: qcontainer representation
        :type qdev: virttest.qemu_devices.qcontainer.DevContainer
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
        err = 0
        qtree = qemu_qtree.QtreeContainer()
        disks = qemu_qtree.QtreeDisksContainer(qtree.get_nodes())
        (tmp1, tmp2) = disks.parse_info_block(info_block)
        err += tmp1 + tmp2
        err += disks.generate_params()
        err += disks.check_disk_params(params)
        (tmp1, tmp2, _, _) = disks.check_guests_proc_scsi(proc_scsi)
        err += tmp1 + tmp2
        if err:
            logging.error("info qtree:\n%s", info_qtree)
            logging.error("info block:\n%s", info_block)
            logging.error("/proc/scsi/scsi:\n%s", proc_scsi)
            raise error.TestFail("%s errors occurred while verifying"
                                 " qtree vs. params" % err)

    def insert_into_qdev(qdev, param_matrix, no_disks, params):
        Inserts no_disks disks int qdev using randomized args from param_matrix
        :param qdev: qemu devices container
        :type qdev: virttest.qemu_devices.qcontainer.DevContainer
114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
        :param param_matrix: Matrix of randomizable params
        :type param_matrix: list of lists
        :param no_disks: Desired number of disks
        :type no_disks: integer
        :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
        :type params: virttest.utils_params.Params
        :return: (newly added devices, number of added disks)
        :rtype: tuple(list, integer)
        new_devices = []
        _new_devs_fmt = ""
        _formats = param_matrix.pop('fmt', [params.get('drive_format')])
        formats = _formats[:]
        i = 0
        while i < no_disks:
            # Set the format
            if len(formats) < 1:
                logging.warn("Can't create desired number '%s' of disk types "
                             "'%s'. Using '%d' no disks.", no_disks,
                             _formats, i)
            name = 'stg%d' % i
            args = {'name': name, 'filename': stg_image_name % i}
            fmt = random.choice(formats)
            if fmt == 'virtio_scsi':
                args['fmt'] = 'scsi-hd'
                args['scsi_hba'] = 'virtio-scsi-pci'
            elif fmt == 'lsi_scsi':
                args['fmt'] = 'scsi-hd'
                args['scsi_hba'] = 'lsi53c895a'
144 145 146
            elif fmt == 'spapr_vscsi':
                args['fmt'] = 'scsi-hd'
                args['scsi_hba'] = 'spapr-vscsi'
147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155
                args['fmt'] = fmt
            # Other params
            for key, value in param_matrix.iteritems():
                args[key] = random.choice(value)

            devs = qdev.images_define_by_variables(**args)
                for dev in devs:
            except qcontainer.DeviceInsertError:
158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
                # All buses are full, (TODO add bus) or remove this format
                for dev in devs:
                    if dev in qdev:
                        qdev.remove(dev, recursive=True)

            # TODO: Modify check_disk_params to use vm.devices
            # 1) modify PCI bus to accept full pci addr (02.0, 01.3, ...)
            # 2) add all devices into qemu_devices according to qtree
            # 3) check qtree vs. qemu_devices PCI representation (+children)
            #    (use qtree vs devices, if key and value_qtree == value_devices
            #     match the device and remove it from comparison.
Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues 已提交
            #     Also use blacklist to remove unnecessary stuff (like
172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
            #     kvmclock, smbus-eeprom, ... from qtree and drive, ... from
            #     devices)
            # => then modify this to use qtree verification
            params = convert_params(params, args)
            env_process.preprocess_image(test, params.object_params(name),
            _new_devs_fmt += "%s(%s) " % (name, fmt)
            i += 1
        if _new_devs_fmt:
  "Adding disks: %s", _new_devs_fmt[:-1])
        param_matrix['fmt'] = _formats
        return new_devices, params

    def hotplug_serial(new_devices, monitor):
        Do the actual hotplug of the new_devices using monitor monitor.
        :param new_devices: List of devices which should be hotplugged
        :type new_devices: List of virttest.qemu_devices.qdevice.QBaseDevice
192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219
        :param monitor: Monitor which should be used for hotplug
        :type monitor: virttest.qemu_monitor.Monitor
        err = []
        for device in new_devices:
            time.sleep(float(params.get('wait_between_hotplugs', 0)))
            out = device.hotplug(monitor)
            out = device.verify_hotplug(out, monitor)
        if err == [True] * len(err):    # No failures or unverified states
            logging.debug("Hotplug status: verified %d", len(err))
        failed = err.count(False)
        passed = err.count(True)
        unverif = len(err) - failed - passed
        if failed == 0:
            logging.warn("Hotplug status: verified %d, unverified %d", passed,
            logging.error("Hotplug status: verified %d, unverified %d, failed "
                          "%d", passed, unverif, failed)
            raise error.TestFail("Hotplug of some devices failed.")

    def unplug_serial(new_devices, qdev, monitor):
        Do the actual unplug of new_devices using monitor monitor
        :param new_devices: List of devices which should be hotplugged
        :type new_devices: List of virttest.qemu_devices.qdevice.QBaseDevice
        :param qdev: qemu devices container
        :type qdev: virttest.qemu_devices.qcontainer.DevContainer
223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231
        :param monitor: Monitor which should be used for hotplug
        :type monitor: virttest.qemu_monitor.Monitor
        failed = 0
        passed = 0
        unverif = 0
        for device in new_devices[::-1]:
            if device in qdev:
                time.sleep(float(params.get('wait_between_unplugs', 0)))
                out = qdev.simple_unplug(device, monitor)
233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266
            if out is True:
                passed += 1
            elif out is False:
                failed += 1
                unverif += 1
        # remove the images
        _disks = []
        for disk in params['images'].split(' '):
            if disk.startswith("stg"):
                env_process.postprocess_image(test, params.object_params(disk),
        params['images'] = " ".join(_disks)
        if failed == 0 and unverif == 0:
            logging.debug("Unplug status: verified %d", passed)
        elif failed == 0:
            logging.warn("Unplug status: verified %d, unverified %d", passed,
            logging.error("Unplug status: verified %d, unverified %d, failed "
                          "%d", passed, unverif, failed)
            raise error.TestFail("Unplug of some devices failed.")

    vm = env.get_vm(params['main_vm'])
    monitor = vm.monitor
    qdev = vm.devices
    session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))
    out = vm.monitor.human_monitor_cmd("info qtree", debug=False)
    if "unknown command" in str(out):
        verify_qtree = lambda _1, _2, _3: logging.warn("info qtree not "
Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues 已提交
267 268
                                                       "supported. Can't verify qtree"
                                                       "vs. guest disks.")
269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279

    stg_image_name = params['stg_image_name']
    stg_image_num = int(params['stg_image_num'])
    stg_params = params.get('stg_params', '').split(' ')
    i = 0
    while i < len(stg_params) - 1:
        if not stg_params[i].strip():
            i += 1
        if stg_params[i][-1] == '\\':
            stg_params[i] = '%s %s' % (stg_params[i][:-1],
Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues 已提交
                                       stg_params.pop(i + 1))
281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366
        i += 1

    param_matrix = {}
    for i in xrange(len(stg_params)):
        if not stg_params[i].strip():
        (cmd, parm) = stg_params[i].split(':', 1)
        # ',' separated list of values
        parm = parm.split(',')
        j = 0
        while j < len(parm) - 1:
            if parm[j][-1] == '\\':
                parm[j] = '%s,%s' % (parm[j][:-1], parm.pop(j + 1))
            j += 1

        param_matrix[cmd] = parm

    # Modprobe the module if specified in config file
    module = params.get("modprobe_module")
    if module:
        session.cmd("modprobe %s" % module)

    stress_cmd = params.get('stress_cmd')
    if stress_cmd:
        funcatexit.register(env, params.get('type'), stop_stresser, vm,
        stress_session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=10)
        for _ in xrange(int(params.get('no_stress_cmds', 1))):

    rp_times = int(params.get("repeat_times", 1))
    context_msg = "Running sub test '%s' %s"
    error.context("Verify before hotplug")
    info_qtree ='qtree', False)
    info_block = vm.monitor.info_block(False)
    proc_scsi = session.cmd_output('cat /proc/scsi/scsi')
    verify_qtree(params, info_qtree, info_block, proc_scsi, qdev)
    _images = params['images']
    for iteration in xrange(rp_times):
        sub_type = params.get("sub_type_before_plug")
        if sub_type:
            error.context(context_msg % (sub_type, "before hotplug"),
            utils_test.run_virt_sub_test(test, params, env, sub_type)

        error.context("Hotplugging devices, iteration %d" % iteration)
        new_devices, params = insert_into_qdev(qdev, param_matrix,
                                               stg_image_num, params)
        hotplug_serial(new_devices, monitor)
        time.sleep(float(params.get('wait_after_hotplug', 0)))
        info_qtree ='qtree', False)
        info_block = vm.monitor.info_block(False)
        proc_scsi = session.cmd_output('cat /proc/scsi/scsi')
        verify_qtree(params, info_qtree, info_block, proc_scsi, qdev)

        sub_type = params.get("sub_type_after_plug")
        if sub_type:
            error.context(context_msg % (sub_type, "after hotplug"),
            utils_test.run_virt_sub_test(test, params, env, sub_type)

        sub_type = params.get("sub_type_before_unplug")
        if sub_type:
            error.context(context_msg % (sub_type, "before hotunplug"),
            utils_test.run_virt_sub_test(test, params, env, sub_type)
        unplug_serial(new_devices, qdev, monitor)
        time.sleep(float(params.get('wait_after_unplug', 0)))
        info_qtree ='qtree', False)
        info_block = vm.monitor.info_block(False)
        proc_scsi = session.cmd_output('cat /proc/scsi/scsi')
        verify_qtree(params, info_qtree, info_block, proc_scsi, qdev)
        # we verified the unplugs, set the state to 0
        for _ in xrange(qdev.get_state()):

        sub_type = params.get("sub_type_after_unplug")
        if sub_type:
            error.context(context_msg % (sub_type, "after hotunplug"),
            utils_test.run_virt_sub_test(test, params, env, sub_type)

    # Check for various KVM failures