提交 15079c1e 编写于 作者: L Lukáš Doktor 提交者: Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues

qemu.tests.multi_disk_random_hotplug: Add new test

This tests the disk hotplug/unplug functionality.
 1) prepares multiple disks to be hotplugged
 2) hotplugs them
 3) verifies that they are in qtree/guest system/...
 4) unplugs them
 5) verifies they are not in qtree/guest system/...
 6) repeats $repeat_times
 *) During the whole test stress_cmd might be executed
Signed-off-by: NLukáš Doktor <ldoktor@redhat.com>
上级 0d9c7484
- multi_disk_random_hotplug: install setup image_copy unattended_install.cdrom
type = multi_disk_random_hotplug
force_create_image = yes
force_create_image_image1 = no
remove_image = yes
remove_image_image1 = no
stg_image_name = "images/stg%s"
stg_image_num = 20
repeat_times = 3
wait_between_hotplugs = 0
wait_after_hotplug = 3
wait_between_unplugs = 0
# since image check is executed after unplug wait can be 0
wait_after_unplug = 0
# We have multiple disks so just ignor first one of each type
no_stress_cmds = 100
stress_cmd = "touch /tmp/disk_stress ; "
stress_cmd += "while [ -f /tmp/disk_stress ] ; do "
stress_cmd += "READ=`ls /dev/[shv]d[a-z]* | egrep -v '^/dev/[vhs]da[0-9]*$' | sort -R | tail -n 1` ;"
stress_cmd += "WRITE=`ls /dev/[shv]d[a-z]* | egrep -v '^/dev/[vhs]da[0-9]*$' | sort -R | tail -n 1` ;"
stress_cmd += "dd if=$READ of=$WRITE bs=1k count=10 iflag=direct oflag=direct conv=nocreat; done &>/dev/null &"
stress_kill_cmd = "rm -f /tmp/disk_stress"
- all_types:
stg_params = "fmt:virtio,virtio_scsi,lsi_scsi,usb2"
usbs += " ehci"
usb_type_ehci = usb-ehci
- single_type:
no ide, ahci, scsi
multi_disk_random_hotplug test for Autotest framework.
:copyright: 2013 Red Hat Inc.
import logging
import random
from autotest.client.shared import error
from virttest import qemu_devices, qemu_qtree, utils_test, env_process
from virttest import funcatexit
import time
def stop_stresser(vm, stop_cmd):
Wrapper which connects to vm and sends the stop_cmd
:param vm: Virtual Machine
:type vm: virttest.virt_vm.BaseVM
:param stop_cmd: Command to stop the stresser
:type stop_cmd: string
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=10)
# TODO: Remove this silly function when qdev vs. qtree comparison is available
def convert_params(params, args):
Updates params according to images_define_by_params arguments.
:note: This is only temporarily solution until qtree vs. qdev verification
is available.
:param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
:type param: virttest.utils_params.Params
:param args: Dictionary of images_define_by_params arguments
:type args: dictionary
:return: Updated dictionary with the test parameters
:rtype: virttest.utils_params.Params
convert = {'fmt': 'drive_format', 'cache': 'drive_cache',
'werror': 'drive_werror', 'rerror': 'drive_rerror',
'serial': 'drive_serial', 'snapshot': 'image_snapshot',
'bus': 'drive_bus', 'unit': 'drive_unit', 'port': 'drive_port',
'readonly': 'image_readonly', 'scsiid': 'drive_scsiid',
'lun': 'drive_lun', 'aio': 'image_aio',
'imgfmt': 'image_format', 'pci_addr': 'drive_pci_addr',
'x_data_plane': 'x-data-plane',
'scsi': 'virtio-blk-pci_scsi'}
name = args.pop('name')
params['images'] += " %s" % name
params['image_name_%s' % name] = args.pop('filename')
params['image_raw_device_%s' % name] = 'yes'
for key, value in args.iteritems():
params["%s_%s" % (convert.get(key, key), name)] = value
return params
def run_multi_disk_random_hotplug(test, params, env):
This tests the disk hotplug/unplug functionality.
1) prepares multiple disks to be hotplugged
2) hotplugs them
3) verifies that they are in qtree/guest system/...
4) unplugs them
5) verifies they are not in qtree/guest system/...
6) repeats $repeat_times
*) During the whole test stress_cmd might be executed
:param test: QEMU test object
:param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
:param env: Dictionary with test environment.
def verify_qtree(params, info_qtree, info_block, proc_scsi, qdev):
Verifies that params, info qtree, info block and /proc/scsi/ matches
:param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
:type params: virttest.utils_params.Params
:param info_qtree: Output of "info qtree" monitor command
:type info_qtree: string
:param info_block: Output of "info block" monitor command
:type info_block: dict of dicts
:param proc_scsi: Output of "/proc/scsi/scsi" guest file
:type proc_scsi: string
:param qdev: qemu_devices representation
:type qdev: virttest.qemu_devices.DevContainer
err = 0
qtree = qemu_qtree.QtreeContainer()
disks = qemu_qtree.QtreeDisksContainer(qtree.get_nodes())
(tmp1, tmp2) = disks.parse_info_block(info_block)
err += tmp1 + tmp2
err += disks.generate_params()
err += disks.check_disk_params(params)
(tmp1, tmp2, _, _) = disks.check_guests_proc_scsi(proc_scsi)
err += tmp1 + tmp2
if err:
logging.error("info qtree:\n%s", info_qtree)
logging.error("info block:\n%s", info_block)
logging.error("/proc/scsi/scsi:\n%s", proc_scsi)
raise error.TestFail("%s errors occurred while verifying"
" qtree vs. params" % err)
def insert_into_qdev(qdev, param_matrix, no_disks, params):
Inserts no_disks disks int qdev using randomized args from param_matrix
:param qdev: qemu devices container
:type qdev: virttest.qemu_devices.DevContainer
:param param_matrix: Matrix of randomizable params
:type param_matrix: list of lists
:param no_disks: Desired number of disks
:type no_disks: integer
:param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
:type params: virttest.utils_params.Params
:return: (newly added devices, number of added disks)
:rtype: tuple(list, integer)
new_devices = []
_new_devs_fmt = ""
_formats = param_matrix.pop('fmt', [params.get('drive_format')])
formats = _formats[:]
i = 0
while i < no_disks:
# Set the format
if len(formats) < 1:
logging.warn("Can't create desired number '%s' of disk types "
"'%s'. Using '%d' no disks.", no_disks,
_formats, i)
name = 'stg%d' % i
args = {'name': name, 'filename': stg_image_name % i}
fmt = random.choice(formats)
if fmt == 'virtio_scsi':
args['fmt'] = 'scsi-hd'
args['scsi_hba'] = 'virtio-scsi-pci'
elif fmt == 'lsi_scsi':
args['fmt'] = 'scsi-hd'
args['scsi_hba'] = 'lsi53c895a'
args['fmt'] = fmt
# Other params
for key, value in param_matrix.iteritems():
args[key] = random.choice(value)
devs = qdev.images_define_by_variables(**args)
for dev in devs:
qdev.insert(dev, force=False)
except qemu_devices.DeviceInsertError:
# All buses are full, (TODO add bus) or remove this format
for dev in devs:
if dev in qdev:
qdev.remove(dev, recursive=True)
# TODO: Modify check_disk_params to use vm.devices
# 1) modify PCI bus to accept full pci addr (02.0, 01.3, ...)
# 2) add all devices into qemu_devices according to qtree
# 3) check qtree vs. qemu_devices PCI representation (+children)
# (use qtree vs devices, if key and value_qtree == value_devices
# match the device and remove it from comparison.
# Also use blacklist to remove unnecessarily stuff (like
# kvmclock, smbus-eeprom, ... from qtree and drive, ... from
# devices)
# => then modify this to use qtree verification
params = convert_params(params, args)
env_process.preprocess_image(test, params.object_params(name),
_new_devs_fmt += "%s(%s) " % (name, fmt)
i += 1
if _new_devs_fmt:
logging.info("Adding disks: %s", _new_devs_fmt[:-1])
param_matrix['fmt'] = _formats
return new_devices, params
def hotplug_serial(new_devices, monitor):
Do the actual hotplug of the new_devices using monitor monitor.
:param new_devices: List of devices which should be hotplugged
:type new_devices: List of virttest.qemu_devices.QBaseDevice
:param monitor: Monitor which should be used for hotplug
:type monitor: virttest.qemu_monitor.Monitor
err = []
for device in new_devices:
time.sleep(float(params.get('wait_between_hotplugs', 0)))
out = device.hotplug(monitor)
out = device.verify_hotplug(out, monitor)
if err == [True] * len(err): # No failures or unverified states
logging.debug("Hotplug status: verified %d", len(err))
failed = err.count(False)
passed = err.count(True)
unverif = len(err) - failed - passed
if failed == 0:
logging.warn("Hotplug status: verified %d, unverified %d", passed,
logging.error("Hotplug status: verified %d, unverified %d, failed "
"%d", passed, unverif, failed)
raise error.TestFail("Hotplug of some devices failed.")
def unplug_serial(new_devices, qdev, monitor):
Do the actual unplug of new_devices using monitor monitor
:param new_devices: List of devices which should be hotplugged
:type new_devices: List of virttest.qemu_devices.QBaseDevice
:param qdev: qemu devices container
:type qdev: virttest.qemu_devices.DevContainer
:param monitor: Monitor which should be used for hotplug
:type monitor: virttest.qemu_monitor.Monitor
failed = 0
passed = 0
unverif = 0
for device in new_devices[::-1]:
if device in qdev:
time.sleep(float(params.get('wait_between_unplugs', 0)))
out = qdev.unplug(device, monitor, True)
if out is True:
passed += 1
elif out is False:
failed += 1
unverif += 1
# remove the images
_disks = []
for disk in params['images'].split(' '):
if disk.startswith("stg"):
env_process.postprocess_image(test, params.object_params(disk),
params['images'] = " ".join(_disks)
if failed == 0 and unverif == 0:
logging.debug("Unplug status: verified %d", passed)
elif failed == 0:
logging.warn("Unplug status: verified %d, unverified %d", passed,
logging.error("Unplug status: verified %d, unverified %d, failed "
"%d", passed, unverif, failed)
raise error.TestFail("Unplug of some devices failed.")
vm = env.get_vm(params['main_vm'])
monitor = vm.monitor
qdev = vm.devices
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))
out = vm.monitor.human_monitor_cmd("info qtree", debug=False)
if "unknown command" in str(out):
verify_qtree = lambda _1, _2, _3: logging.warn("info qtree not "
"supported. Can't verify qtree"
"vs. guest disks.")
stg_image_name = params['stg_image_name']
stg_image_num = int(params['stg_image_num'])
stg_params = params.get('stg_params', '').split(' ')
i = 0
while i < len(stg_params) - 1:
if not stg_params[i].strip():
i += 1
if stg_params[i][-1] == '\\':
stg_params[i] = '%s %s' % (stg_params[i][:-1],
stg_params.pop(i + 1))
i += 1
param_matrix = {}
for i in xrange(len(stg_params)):
if not stg_params[i].strip():
(cmd, parm) = stg_params[i].split(':', 1)
# ',' separated list of values
parm = parm.split(',')
j = 0
while j < len(parm) - 1:
if parm[j][-1] == '\\':
parm[j] = '%s,%s' % (parm[j][:-1], parm.pop(j + 1))
j += 1
param_matrix[cmd] = parm
# Modprobe the module if specified in config file
module = params.get("modprobe_module")
if module:
session.cmd("modprobe %s" % module)
stress_cmd = params.get('stress_cmd')
if stress_cmd:
funcatexit.register(env, params.get('type'), stop_stresser, vm,
stress_session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=10)
for _ in xrange(int(params.get('no_stress_cmds', 1))):
rp_times = int(params.get("repeat_times", 1))
context_msg = "Running sub test '%s' %s"
error.context("Verify before hotplug")
info_qtree = vm.monitor.info('qtree', False)
info_block = vm.monitor.info_block(False)
proc_scsi = session.cmd_output('cat /proc/scsi/scsi')
verify_qtree(params, info_qtree, info_block, proc_scsi, qdev)
_images = params['images']
for iteration in xrange(rp_times):
sub_type = params.get("sub_type_before_plug")
if sub_type:
error.context(context_msg % (sub_type, "before hotplug"),
utils_test.run_virt_sub_test(test, params, env, sub_type)
error.context("Hotplugging devices, iteration %d" % iteration)
new_devices, params = insert_into_qdev(qdev, param_matrix,
stg_image_num, params)
hotplug_serial(new_devices, monitor)
time.sleep(float(params.get('wait_after_hotplug', 0)))
info_qtree = vm.monitor.info('qtree', False)
info_block = vm.monitor.info_block(False)
proc_scsi = session.cmd_output('cat /proc/scsi/scsi')
verify_qtree(params, info_qtree, info_block, proc_scsi, qdev)
sub_type = params.get("sub_type_after_plug")
if sub_type:
error.context(context_msg % (sub_type, "after hotplug"),
utils_test.run_virt_sub_test(test, params, env, sub_type)
sub_type = params.get("sub_type_before_unplug")
if sub_type:
error.context(context_msg % (sub_type, "before hotunplug"),
utils_test.run_virt_sub_test(test, params, env, sub_type)
unplug_serial(new_devices, qdev, monitor)
time.sleep(float(params.get('wait_after_unplug', 0)))
info_qtree = vm.monitor.info('qtree', False)
info_block = vm.monitor.info_block(False)
proc_scsi = session.cmd_output('cat /proc/scsi/scsi')
verify_qtree(params, info_qtree, info_block, proc_scsi, qdev)
# we verified the unplugs, set the state to 0
for _ in xrange(qdev.get_state()):
sub_type = params.get("sub_type_after_unplug")
if sub_type:
error.context(context_msg % (sub_type, "after hotunplug"),
utils_test.run_virt_sub_test(test, params, env, sub_type)
# Check for various KVM failures
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