mv_94xx.h 8.5 KB
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1 2 3 4 5
 * Marvell 88SE94xx hardware specific head file
 * Copyright 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
 * Copyright 2008 Marvell. <>
 * Copyright 2009-2011 Marvell. <>
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
 * This file is licensed under GPLv2.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the
 * License.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
 * USA

#ifndef _MVS94XX_REG_H_
#define _MVS94XX_REG_H_

#include <linux/types.h>


33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
	VANIR_A0_REV		= 0xA0,
	VANIR_B0_REV		= 0x01,
	VANIR_C0_REV		= 0x02,
	VANIR_C1_REV		= 0x03,
	VANIR_C2_REV		= 0xC2,

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
enum hw_registers {
	MVS_GBL_CTL		= 0x04,  /* global control */
	MVS_GBL_INT_STAT	= 0x00,  /* global irq status */
	MVS_GBL_PI		= 0x0C,  /* ports implemented bitmask */

	MVS_PHY_CTL		= 0x40,  /* SOC PHY Control */
	MVS_PORTS_IMP		= 0x9C,  /* SOC Port Implemented */

	MVS_GBL_PORT_TYPE	= 0xa0,  /* port type */

	MVS_CTL			= 0x100, /* SAS/SATA port configuration */
	MVS_PCS			= 0x104, /* SAS/SATA port control/status */
	MVS_CMD_LIST_LO		= 0x108, /* cmd list addr */
	MVS_CMD_LIST_HI		= 0x10C,
	MVS_RX_FIS_LO		= 0x110, /* RX FIS list addr */
	MVS_RX_FIS_HI		= 0x114,
	MVS_STP_REG_SET_0	= 0x118, /* STP/SATA Register Set Enable */
	MVS_STP_REG_SET_1	= 0x11C,
	MVS_TX_CFG		= 0x120, /* TX configuration */
	MVS_TX_LO		= 0x124, /* TX (delivery) ring addr */
	MVS_TX_HI		= 0x128,

	MVS_TX_PROD_IDX		= 0x12C, /* TX producer pointer */
	MVS_TX_CONS_IDX		= 0x130, /* TX consumer pointer (RO) */
	MVS_RX_CFG		= 0x134, /* RX configuration */
	MVS_RX_LO		= 0x138, /* RX (completion) ring addr */
	MVS_RX_HI		= 0x13C,
	MVS_RX_CONS_IDX		= 0x140, /* RX consumer pointer (RO) */

	MVS_INT_COAL		= 0x148, /* Int coalescing config */
	MVS_INT_COAL_TMOUT	= 0x14C, /* Int coalescing timeout */
	MVS_INT_STAT		= 0x150, /* Central int status */
	MVS_INT_MASK		= 0x154, /* Central int enable */
	MVS_INT_STAT_SRS_0	= 0x158, /* SATA register set status */
	MVS_INT_MASK_SRS_0	= 0x15C,
	MVS_INT_STAT_SRS_1	= 0x160,
	MVS_INT_MASK_SRS_1	= 0x164,
	MVS_NON_NCQ_ERR_0	= 0x168, /* SRS Non-specific NCQ Error */
	MVS_NON_NCQ_ERR_1	= 0x16C,
	MVS_CMD_ADDR		= 0x170, /* Command register port (addr) */
	MVS_CMD_DATA		= 0x174, /* Command register port (data) */
	MVS_MEM_PARITY_ERR	= 0x178, /* Memory parity error */

					 /* ports 1-3 follow after this */
	MVS_P0_INT_STAT		= 0x180, /* port0 interrupt status */
	MVS_P0_INT_MASK		= 0x184, /* port0 interrupt mask */
					 /* ports 5-7 follow after this */
	MVS_P4_INT_STAT		= 0x1A0, /* Port4 interrupt status */
	MVS_P4_INT_MASK		= 0x1A4, /* Port4 interrupt enable mask */

					 /* ports 1-3 follow after this */
	MVS_P0_SER_CTLSTAT	= 0x1D0, /* port0 serial control/status */
					 /* ports 5-7 follow after this */
	MVS_P4_SER_CTLSTAT	= 0x1E0, /* port4 serial control/status */

					 /* ports 1-3 follow after this */
	MVS_P0_CFG_ADDR		= 0x200, /* port0 phy register address */
	MVS_P0_CFG_DATA		= 0x204, /* port0 phy register data */
					 /* ports 5-7 follow after this */
	MVS_P4_CFG_ADDR		= 0x220, /* Port4 config address */
	MVS_P4_CFG_DATA		= 0x224, /* Port4 config data */

					 /* phys 1-3 follow after this */
	MVS_P0_VSR_ADDR		= 0x250, /* phy0 VSR address */
	MVS_P0_VSR_DATA		= 0x254, /* phy0 VSR data */
					 /* phys 1-3 follow after this */
					 /* multiplexing */
	MVS_P4_VSR_ADDR 	= 0x250, /* phy4 VSR address */
	MVS_P4_VSR_DATA 	= 0x254, /* phy4 VSR data */
	MVS_PA_VSR_ADDR		= 0x290, /* All port VSR addr */
	MVS_PA_VSR_PORT		= 0x294, /* All port VSR data */
113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123

enum pci_cfg_registers {
	PCR_PHY_CTL		= 0x40,
	PCR_PHY_CTL2		= 0x90,
	PCR_DEV_CTRL		= 0x78,
	PCR_LINK_STAT		= 0x82,

/*  SAS/SATA Vendor Specific Port Registers */
enum sas_sata_vsp_regs {
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
	VSR_PHY_STAT		= 0x00 * 4, /* Phy Interrupt Status */
	VSR_PHY_MODE1		= 0x01 * 4, /* phy Interrupt Enable */
	VSR_PHY_MODE2		= 0x02 * 4, /* Phy Configuration */
	VSR_PHY_MODE3		= 0x03 * 4, /* Phy Status */
	VSR_PHY_MODE4		= 0x04 * 4, /* Phy Counter 0 */
	VSR_PHY_MODE5		= 0x05 * 4, /* Phy Counter 1 */
	VSR_PHY_MODE6		= 0x06 * 4, /* Event Counter Control */
	VSR_PHY_MODE7		= 0x07 * 4, /* Event Counter Select */
	VSR_PHY_MODE8		= 0x08 * 4, /* Event Counter 0 */
	VSR_PHY_MODE9		= 0x09 * 4, /* Event Counter 1 */
	VSR_PHY_MODE10		= 0x0A * 4, /* Event Counter 2 */
	VSR_PHY_MODE11		= 0x0B * 4, /* Event Counter 3 */
	VSR_PHY_ACT_LED		= 0x0C * 4, /* Activity LED control */
137 138 139 140

141 142 143 144

enum chip_register_bits {
145 146
147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183

enum pci_interrupt_cause {
	/*  MAIN_IRQ_CAUSE (R10200) Bits*/
	IRQ_COM_IN_I2O_IOP0            = (1 << 0),
	IRQ_COM_IN_I2O_IOP1            = (1 << 1),
	IRQ_COM_IN_I2O_IOP2            = (1 << 2),
	IRQ_COM_IN_I2O_IOP3            = (1 << 3),
	IRQ_COM_OUT_I2O_HOS0           = (1 << 4),
	IRQ_COM_OUT_I2O_HOS1           = (1 << 5),
	IRQ_COM_OUT_I2O_HOS2           = (1 << 6),
	IRQ_COM_OUT_I2O_HOS3           = (1 << 7),
	IRQ_PCIF_TO_CPU_DRBL0          = (1 << 8),
	IRQ_PCIF_TO_CPU_DRBL1          = (1 << 9),
	IRQ_PCIF_TO_CPU_DRBL2          = (1 << 10),
	IRQ_PCIF_TO_CPU_DRBL3          = (1 << 11),
	IRQ_PCIF_DRBL0                 = (1 << 12),
	IRQ_PCIF_DRBL1                 = (1 << 13),
	IRQ_PCIF_DRBL2                 = (1 << 14),
	IRQ_PCIF_DRBL3                 = (1 << 15),
	IRQ_XOR_A                      = (1 << 16),
	IRQ_XOR_B                      = (1 << 17),
	IRQ_SAS_A                      = (1 << 18),
	IRQ_SAS_B                      = (1 << 19),
	IRQ_CPU_CNTRL                  = (1 << 20),
	IRQ_GPIO                       = (1 << 21),
	IRQ_UART                       = (1 << 22),
	IRQ_SPI                        = (1 << 23),
	IRQ_I2C                        = (1 << 24),
	IRQ_SGPIO                      = (1 << 25),
	IRQ_COM_ERR                    = (1 << 29),
	IRQ_I2O_ERR                    = (1 << 30),
	IRQ_PCIE_ERR                   = (1 << 31),

184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218
union reg_phy_cfg {
	u32 v;
	struct {
		u32 phy_reset:1;
		u32 sas_support:1;
		u32 sata_support:1;
		u32 sata_host_mode:1;
		 * bit 2: 6Gbps support
		 * bit 1: 3Gbps support
		 * bit 0: 1.5Gbps support
		u32 speed_support:3;
		u32 snw_3_support:1;
		u32 tx_lnk_parity:1;
		 * bit 5: G1 (1.5Gbps) Without SSC
		 * bit 4: G1 (1.5Gbps) with SSC
		 * bit 3: G2 (3.0Gbps) Without SSC
		 * bit 2: G2 (3.0Gbps) with SSC
		 * bit 1: G3 (6.0Gbps) without SSC
		 * bit 0: G3 (6.0Gbps) with SSC
		u32 tx_spt_phs_lnk_rate:6;
		/* 8h: 1.5Gbps 9h: 3Gbps Ah: 6Gbps */
		u32 tx_lgcl_lnk_rate:4;
		u32 tx_ssc_type:1;
		u32 sata_spin_up_spt:1;
		u32 sata_spin_up_en:1;
		u32 bypass_oob:1;
		u32 disable_phy:1;
		u32 rsvd:8;
	} u;

219 220 221
#define MAX_SG_ENTRY		255

struct mvs_prd_imt {
#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN
223 224 225 226
	__le32			len:22;
	u8			_r_a:2;
	u8			misc_ctl:4;
	u8			inter_sel:4;
227 228 229 230 231 232
	u32			inter_sel:4;
	u32			misc_ctl:4;
	u32			_r_a:2;
	u32			len:22;
233 234 235 236 237 238

struct mvs_prd {
	/* 64-bit buffer address */
	__le64			addr;
	/* 22-bit length */
	__le32			im_len;
240 241
} __attribute__ ((packed));

242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252
 * these registers are accessed through port vendor
 * specific address/data registers
enum sas_sata_phy_regs {

253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263
#define SPI_CTRL_REG_94XX           	0xc800
#define SPI_ADDR_REG_94XX            	0xc804
#define SPI_WR_DATA_REG_94XX         0xc808
#define SPI_RD_DATA_REG_94XX         	0xc80c
#define SPI_CTRL_READ_94XX         	(1U << 2)
#define SPI_ADDR_VLD_94XX         	(1U << 1)
#define SPI_CTRL_SpiStart_94XX     	(1U << 0)

static inline int
mv_ffc64(u64 v)
264 265
	u64 x = ~v;
	return x ? __ffs64(x) : -1;
266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278

#define r_reg_set_enable(i) \
	(((i) > 31) ? mr32(MVS_STP_REG_SET_1) : \

#define w_reg_set_enable(i, tmp) \
	(((i) > 31) ? mw32(MVS_STP_REG_SET_1, tmp) : \
	mw32(MVS_STP_REG_SET_0, tmp))

extern const struct mvs_dispatch mvs_94xx_dispatch;