How to Use Multi-GPUs to Train Your Model

DI-engine supports data-parallel training with multi-GPUs.

During data-parallel training, each device handles a portion of total input. Large training batch significantly accelerate the training process.

About data-parallel training in DI-engine, we support two types which are DataParallel(DP) and DataDistributedParallel(DDP).

The experimental environment referred to here is a single machine with multi-GPUs.

DataParallel(DP) Mode

DP is mainly used for single-machine multi-GPUs, single-process control multi-GPUs. There is 1 master node, the default is device[0]. The gradients are aggregated to the master, and the parameters are updated through backpropagation, and then the parameters are synchronized with other GPUs.

  1. In DI-engine, we define ding.torch_utils.DataParallel, which inherits Torch.nn.DataParallel. And at the same time, we rewrite the parameters() method. please refer to ding/torch_utils/

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

class DataParallel(nn.DataParallel):
    def __init__(self, module, device_ids=None, output_device=None, dim=0):
        super().__init__(module, device_ids=None, output_device=None, dim=0)
        self.module = module

    def parameters(self, recurse: bool = True):
        return self.module.parameters(recurse = True)
  1. Training

from ding.entry import serial_pipeline
from ding.model.template.q_learning import DQN
from ding.torch_utils import DataParallel

model = DataParallel(DQN(obs_shape=[4, 84, 84],action_shape=6))
serial_pipeline((main_config, create_config), seed=0, model=model)

We don’t need to change any other code, just simply encapsulate the policy. Please refer to dizoo/atari/config/serial/spaceinvaders/

For DP, the runnable script demo is demonstrated as follows.


or (on cluster managed by Slurm)

srun -p PARTITION_NAME --mpi=pmi2 --gres=gpu:2 -n1 --ntasks-per-node=1 python -u

DataDistributedParallel(DDP) Mode

DataDistributedParallel(DDP) is mainly used for single-machine multi-GPUs and multi-machine multi-GPUs. It adopts multi-process to control multi-GPUs and adopts ring allreduce to synchronize gradient.

In DataDistributedParallel(DDP) Mode, we should simply set config.policy.learn.multi_gpu as True in the config file under dizoo/atari/config/serial/spaceinvaders/


We re-implement the data-parallel training module with APIs in torch.distributed for high scalability. The detailed principle is shonw as follows:

  1. Parameters on Rank-0 GPU are broadcasted to all devices, so that models on different devices share the same initialization.

def _init_multi_gpu_setting(self, model: torch.nn.Module) -> None:
    for name, param in model.state_dict().items():
        assert isinstance(, torch.Tensor), type(
        broadcast(, 0)
    for name, param in model.named_parameters():
        setattr(param, 'grad', torch.zeros_like(param))
  1. Gradients on different devices should be synchronized after the backward procedure.

if self._cfg.learn.multi_gpu:
    self.sync_gradients(self._learn_model)  # sync gradients
def sync_gradients(self, model: torch.nn.Module) -> None:
    for name, param in model.named_parameters():
        if param.requires_grad:

3. Information including loss and reward should be aggregated among devices when applying data-parallel training. DI-engine achieves this with allreduce operator in learner and evaluator, and only saves log files on process with rank 0.

For more related functions, please refer to ding/utils/


To enable DDP training in DI-engine existing codes, you just need to add modifications by following steps:

  1. Set config.policy.learn.multi_gpu as True

  2. Add DDP training context liks this:

from ding.utils import DistContext
from ding.entry import serial_pipeline

# define main_config and create_config
main_config = (...)
create_config = (...)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # call serial_pipeline with DDP
    with DistContext():
        serial_pipeline(main_config, create_config)


The whole example is located in dizoo/atari/entry/

  1. Execute launch shell script

For DDP, the runnable script demo is demonstrated as follows.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nnodes=1 --node_rank=0 --nproc_per_node=2

Or on cluster managed by Slurm

srun -p PARTITION_NAME --mpi=pmi2 --gres=gpu:2 -n2 --ntasks-per-node=2 python -u