Imitation Learning


In some environments where the rewards are sparse (e.g. a game where we only receive a reward when the game is won or lost), the normal RL approach can be very struggle. A feasible solution to this problem is imitation learning (IL). In IL instead of trying to learn from the sparse rewards or manually specifying a reward function, an expert (typically a human) provides us with a set of demonstrations. The agent then tries to learn the optimal policy by following, imitating the expert’s decisions.

The simplest idea of imitation learning is behavioral cloning(BC). BC can be described as the following steps:

  • Collect demonstrations (\(\tau^{*}\) trajectories) from expert

  • Treat the demonstrations as i.i.d state-action pairs: \((s_0^*,a_0^*),(s_1^*,a_1^*),...\)

  • Learn \(\pi_{\theta}\) policy using supervised learning by minimizing the loss function \(L(a^*,\pi_{\theta}(s))\)

Behavioral cloning can be quite problematic. The main reason for this is the i.i.d. assumption: while supervised learning assumes that the state-action pairs are distributed i.i.d., in MDP an action in a given state induces the next state, which breaks the previous assumption. This also means, that errors made in different states add up, therefore a mistake made by the agent can easily put it into a state that the expert has never visited and the agent has never trained on. In such states, the behavior is undefined and this can lead to catastrophic failures.

For the majority of the cases, behavioral cloning can be quite problematic. But due to the clarity of behavioral cloning, our demo of imitation learning will be given in BC.


You can use either expert model or demonstrations to perform imitation learning. Usually you need to define an imitation learning policy. For policy registration, you can refer to policy Overview

Use Demonstrations to IL

DI-engine provides serial entry for IL implementation. By specify the prepared expert data expert_data_path, you can deploy IL by the following codes:

_, converge_stop_flag = serial_pipeline_il(il_config, seed=314, data_path=expert_data_path)

Use Expert Model to IL

DI-engine provides data collector functions in ding/entry/ You can give a policy configure to train an RL model from scratch(or load an existing model), then use the model to generate data for IL. This pipline can be describe as the following codes:

expert_policy = serial_pipeline(train_config, seed=0)

# collect expert demo data
collect_count = 10000
expert_data_path = 'expert_data.pkl'
state_dict = expert_policy.collect_mode.state_dict()
collect_config = [deepcopy(cartpole_ppo_config), deepcopy(cartpole_ppo_create_config)]
    collect_config, seed=0, state_dict=state_dict, expert_data_path=expert_data_path, collect_count=collect_count
# il training
_, converge_stop_flag = serial_pipeline_il(il_config, seed=314, data_path=expert_data_path)

Online IL through Seiral Pipline

DI-engine’s serial_entry_il provides a sub-implementation of serial pipline, in which there is no collectors (or use collectors only to collect data at the beginning of training). However, many IL algorithms (Dagger, SQIL, etc.) need to collect demonstration as well as training IL model. In this case, DI-engine can use serial_entry to perform this pipline. Users can define a new IL policy, the collect model of this policy is the expert policy, and the learn model can be any supervised learning model or other IL learn model. More details about the policy defination of DI-engine can be found in policy Overview DI-engine also provide a demo of this policy in ding/policy/ It provides a supervised learning pipline to imitate from an expert model online on Google Research football environments.

DI-engine provide a full demo of using PPO as both the expert policy to generate data and the IL policy to implement behavioral cloning. You can refer to ding/entry/tests/ for more details.