How to Customize Model Wrapper

Function of Model Wrapper

Usually the output of a reinforcement learning model is value, Q or action logits. DI-engine also requires customized model to output part or all of them. To improve the usability of model and support more functions, DI-engine provides model wrapper to sample action by specific strategy, adapt to RNN and other functions.

DI-engine provides the following model wrapper:

  • BaseModelWrapper. Add reset method for model. In DI-engine’s policy implementations, many policy will call model’s reset method in case of some method may use it (e.g. HiddenStateWrapper). Wrap each model inherited from nn.Module using model_wrap function will be wrapped by BaseModelWrapper automatically.

  • HiddenStateWrapper. Add support for models which need to maintain hidden state like LSTM.

  • SampleWrapper, including ArgmaxSampleWrapper, MultinomialSampleWrapper, EpsGreedySampleWrapper. Allow users to sample action by argmax, multinomial or epsilon greedy strategy.

  • ActionNoiseWrapper. To add noise on output action, mostly used in continuous action space environment.

  • TargetNetworkWrapper. Add a target network for base model, used in DQN and many other RL algorithms.


Users should follow the following steps to customize a model wrapper:

  1. Define your model wrapper class like other wrappers in ding/model/wrappers/;

  2. Add your wrapper’s name into ding/model/wrappers/ wrapper_name_map or use wrapper register to make sure your wrapper can be retrieved by ding. In the former way you can directly use your model wrapper by name without extra registration or you may need to regist it. Usually the format is like this:

class YourWrapper('IModelWrapper'):

  1. Wrap your model with model_wrap function.

wrapped_model = model_wrap(origin_model, wrapper_name='your_wrapper_name', **kwargs)


All model wrappers must inherit from IModelWrapper.

We show the implementation of HiddenStateWrapper in DI-engine to explain how to customize a model wrapper.

If we want to use RNN in our model, we’ll have to maintian hidden states during the training process. With HiddenStateWrapper we can achieve this goal without changing code of policy.

The structure of HiddenStateWrapper are as follows:

class HiddenStateWrapper(IModelWrapper):

    def __init__(
       self, model: Any, state_num: int, save_prev_state: bool = False, init_fn: Callable = lambda: None
       ) -> None:



      Maintain the hidden state for RNN-base model. Each sample in a batch has its own state.
      Init the maintain state and state function; Then wrap the ``model.forward`` method with auto
      saved data ['prev_state'] input, and create the ``model.reset`` method.


      - model(:obj:`Any`): Wrapped model class, should contain forward method.
      - state_num (:obj:`int`): Number of states to process.
      - save_prev_state (:obj:`bool`): Whether to output the prev state in output['prev_state'].
      - init_fn (:obj:`Callable`): The function which is used to init every hidden state when init and reset.
        Default return None for hidden states.



  def forward(self, data, **kwargs):
      return output

  def reset(self, *args, **kwargs):

  def reset_state(self, state: Optional[list] = None, state_id: Optional[list] = None) -> None:

  def before_forward(self, data: dict, state_id: Optional[list]) -> Tuple[dict, dict]:

  def after_forward(self, h: Any, state_info: dict, valid_id: Optional[list] = None) -> None:
  • __init__: Initialize hidden state as arguments, save it as model property self._state

  • before_forward: Put self._state into model input data, the key is ‘prev_state’

  • after_forward: Save model’s output next_state into self._state

  • reset: Reset wrapper related state, e.g. hidden state in RNN

  • forward: Call before_forward, forward function of model, after_forward in turn

The dataflow of this process is as follows:


Other examples of model wrapper can be found in ding/model/wrappers/, you can find more details there.