1. 22 11月, 2021 1 次提交
  2. 20 11月, 2021 1 次提交
  3. 19 11月, 2021 4 次提交
    • D
      polish(davide) add example of GAIL entry + config for Mujoco and Cartpole (#114) · d1bc1387
      Davide Liu 提交于
      * added gail entry
      * added lunarlander and cartpole config
      * added gail mujoco config
      * added mujoco exp
      * update22-10
      * added third exp
      * added metric to evaluate policies
      * added GAIL entry and config for Cartpole and Walker2d
      * checked style and unittest
      * restored lunarlander env
      * style problems
      * bug correction
      * Delete expert_data_train.pkl
      * changed loss of GAIL
      * Update walker2d_ddpg_gail_config.py
      * changed gail reward from -D(s, a) to -log(D(s, a))
      * added small constant to reward function
      * added comment to clarify config
      * Update walker2d_ddpg_gail_config.py
      * added lunarlander entry + config
      * Added Atari discriminator + Pong entry config
      * Update gail_irl_model.py
      * Update gail_irl_model.py
      * added gail serial pipeline and onehot actions for gail atari
      * related to previous commit
      * removed main files
      * removed old comment
    • K
      feature(lk): add PDQN algorithm for hybrid action spaces (#118) · 39a7cfe3
      Ke Li 提交于
      * add_pdqn_model
      * modify_model_structure
      * initial_version_PDQN
      * bug_free_PDQN_no_test_convergence
      * update_pdqn_config
      * add_noise_to_continuous_args
      * polish(nyz): polish code style and add noise in pdqn
      * seperate_dis_and_cont_model
      * fix_bug_for_separation
      * fix(pu): current q value use the data action, fix cont loss detach bug, 1 encoder, dist and cont learning rate
      * polish(pu): actor delay update
      * fix(pu): fix disc cont update frequency
      * polish(pu): polish pdqn config
      * polish(lk): add comments and typelint for pdqn and dqn
      * feature(lk): add test file for pdqn model and policy
      * polish(lk): code style
      * polish(lk): rm the modify of unrelated files
      * polish(lk): rm useless commentes code in pdqn
      Co-authored-by: Nniuyazhe <niuyazhe@sensetime.com>
      Co-authored-by: Npuyuan1996 <2402552459@qq.com>
    • N
    • Z
      test(zjow): verified the compatibility of PyTorch==1.10.0 · 3922ffb5
      zjowowen 提交于
  4. 18 11月, 2021 3 次提交
  5. 17 11月, 2021 1 次提交
  6. 16 11月, 2021 4 次提交
  7. 15 11月, 2021 2 次提交
  8. 07 11月, 2021 1 次提交
  9. 03 11月, 2021 3 次提交
  10. 01 11月, 2021 3 次提交
    • N
      fix(nyz): fix target model wrapper hard reset bug · fd11c88f
      niuyazhe 提交于
    • N
      fix(nyz): fix r2d2 and dqtd error unittest bug · 28930a86
      niuyazhe 提交于
    • feature(pu): add NGU algorithm (#40) · 286ea243
      蒲源 提交于
      * test rnd
      * fix mz config
      * fix config
      * feature(pu): fix r2d2, add beta to actor
      * feature(pu): add ngu-dev
      * fix(pu): fix r2d2
      * fix(puyuan): fix r2d2
      * feature(puyuan): add minigrid r2d2 config
      * polish minigrid config
      * dev-ngu
      * feature(pu): add action and reward as inputs of q network
      * feature(pu): add episodic reward model
      * feature(pu): add episodic reward model, modify r2d2 and collector for ngu
      * fix(pu): recover files that were changed by mistake
      * fix(pu): fix tblogger cnt bug
      * add_dqfd
      * Is_expert to is_expert
      * fix(pu): fix r2d2 bug
      * fix(pu): fix beta index to gamma bug
      * fix(pu): fix numerical stability problem
      * style(pu): flake8 format
      * fix(pu): fix rnd reward model train times
      * polish(pu): polish r2d2 reset problem
      * fix(pu): fix episodic reward normalize bug
      * polish(pu): polish config params and episodic_reward init value
      * modify according to the last commnets
      * value_gamma;done;marginloss;sqil适配
      * feature(pu): add r2d3 algorithm and config of lunarlander and pong
      * fix(pu): fix demo path bug
      * fix(pu): fix cuda bug at function get_gae in adder.py
      * feature(pu): add pong r2d2 config
      * polish(pu): r2d2 uses the mixture priority, episodic_reward transforms to mean 0 std1
      * polish(pu): polish r2d2 config
      * test(pu): test cuda compatiality of dqfd_nstep_td_error in r2d3
      * polish(pu): polish config
      * polish(pu): polish config and annotation
      * fix(pu): fix r2d2 target net update bug and done bug
      * polish(pu): polish pong r2d2 config and add montezuma r2d2 config
      * polish(pu): add some logs for debugging in r2d2
      * polish(pu): recover config deleted by mistake
      * fix(pu): fix r2d3 config of lunarlander and pong
      * fix(pu): fix the r2d2 bug in r2d3
      * fix(pu): fix r2d3 cpu device bug in fun dqfd_nstep_td_error of td.py
      * fix(pu): fix n_sample bug in serial_entry_r2d3
      * polish(pu): polish minigrid r2d2 config
      * fix(pu): add info dict of fourrooms doorkey in minigrid_env
      * polish(pu): polish r2d2 config
      * fix(pu): fix expert policy collect traj bug, now we use the argmax_sample wrapper
      * fix(pu): fix r2d2 done and target update bug, polish config
      * fix(pu): fix null_padding transition obs to zeros
      * fix(pu): episodic_reward transform to [0,1]
      * fix(pu): fix the value_gamma bug
      * fix(pu): fix device bug in ngu_reward_model.py
      * fix(pu): fix null_padding problem in rnd and episodic reward model
      * polish(pu): polish config
      * fix(pu): use the deepcopy train_data to add bonus reward
      * polish(pu): add the operation of enlarging seq_length times to the last reward of the whole episode
      * fix(pu): fix the episode length 1 bug and weight intrinsic reward bug
      * feature(pu): add montezuma ngu config
      * fix(pu): fix lunarlander ngu unroll_len to 998 so that the sequence length is equal to the max step 1000
      * test(pu): episodic reward transforms to [0,1]
      * fix(pu): fix r2d3 one-step rnn init bug and add r2d2_collect_traj
      * fix(pu): fix r2d2_collect_traj.py
      * feature(pu): add pong_r2d3_r2d2expert_config
      * polish(pu): yapf format
      * polish(pu): fix td.py conflict
      * polish(pu): flake8 format
      * polish(pu): add lambda_one_step_td key in dqfd error
      * test(pu): set key lambda_one_step_td and lambda_supervised_loss as 0
      * style(pu): yapf format
      * style(pu): format
      * polish(nyz): fix ngu detailed compatibility error
      * fix(nyz): fix dqfd one_step td lambda bug
      * fix(pu): fix test_acer and test_rnd compatibility error
      Co-authored-by: NSwain <niuyazhe314@outlook.com>
      Co-authored-by: NWill_Nie <nieyunpengwill@hotmail.com>
  11. 31 10月, 2021 1 次提交
  12. 29 10月, 2021 4 次提交
  13. 28 10月, 2021 1 次提交
    • S
      feature(nyz): add gobigger baseline (#95) · a8fec8bb
      Swain 提交于
      * feature(nyz): add gobigger baseline
      * style(nyz): add gobigger env infor
      * feature(nyz): add ignore prefix in default collate
      * feautre(nyz): add vsbot training baseline
      * fix(nyz): fix to_tensor empty list bug and polish gobigger baseline
      * style(nyz): split gobigger baseline code
  14. 26 10月, 2021 2 次提交
  15. 25 10月, 2021 1 次提交
  16. 22 10月, 2021 4 次提交
  17. 21 10月, 2021 3 次提交
  18. 20 10月, 2021 1 次提交