matcher.hpp 17.8 KB
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19 20 21
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#include "libadt/vectset.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "opto/node.hpp"
#include "opto/phaseX.hpp"
#include "opto/regmask.hpp"

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class Compile;
class Node;
class MachNode;
class MachTypeNode;
class MachOper;

class Matcher : public PhaseTransform {
  friend class VMStructs;
  // Private arena of State objects
  ResourceArea _states_arena;

  VectorSet   _visited;         // Visit bits

  // Used to control the Label pass
  VectorSet   _shared;          // Shared Ideal Node
  VectorSet   _dontcare;        // Nothing the matcher cares about

  // Private methods which perform the actual matching and reduction
  // Walks the label tree, generating machine nodes
  MachNode *ReduceInst( State *s, int rule, Node *&mem);
  void ReduceInst_Chain_Rule( State *s, int rule, Node *&mem, MachNode *mach);
  uint ReduceInst_Interior(State *s, int rule, Node *&mem, MachNode *mach, uint num_opnds);
  void ReduceOper( State *s, int newrule, Node *&mem, MachNode *mach );

  // If this node already matched using "rule", return the MachNode for it.
  MachNode* find_shared_node(Node* n, uint rule);
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  // Convert a dense opcode number to an expanded rule number
  const int *_reduceOp;
  const int *_leftOp;
  const int *_rightOp;

  // Map dense opcode number to info on when rule is swallowed constant.
  const bool *_swallowed;

  // Map dense rule number to determine if this is an instruction chain rule
  const uint _begin_inst_chain_rule;
  const uint _end_inst_chain_rule;

  // We want to clone constants and possible CmpI-variants.
  // If we do not clone CmpI, then we can have many instances of
  // condition codes alive at once.  This is OK on some chips and
  // bad on others.  Hence the machine-dependent table lookup.
  const char *_must_clone;

  // Find shared Nodes, or Nodes that otherwise are Matcher roots
  void find_shared( Node *n );

  // Debug and profile information for nodes in old space:
  GrowableArray<Node_Notes*>* _old_node_note_array;

  // Node labeling iterator for instruction selection
  Node *Label_Root( const Node *n, State *svec, Node *control, const Node *mem );

  Node *transform( Node *dummy );

  Node_List &_proj_list;        // For Machine nodes killing many values

  Node_Array _shared_nodes;
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  debug_only(Node_Array _old2new_map;)   // Map roots of ideal-trees to machine-roots
  debug_only(Node_Array _new2old_map;)   // Maps machine nodes back to ideal
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  // Accessors for the inherited field PhaseTransform::_nodes:
  void   grow_new_node_array(uint idx_limit) {, NULL);
  bool    has_new_node(const Node* n) const {
    return>_idx) != NULL;
  Node*       new_node(const Node* n) const {
    assert(has_new_node(n), "set before get");
  void    set_new_node(const Node* n, Node *nn) {
    assert(!has_new_node(n), "set only once");>_idx, nn);

#ifdef ASSERT
  // Make sure only new nodes are reachable from this node
  void verify_new_nodes_only(Node* root);
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  Node* _mem_node;   // Ideal memory node consumed by mach node
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  // Mach node for ConP #NULL
  MachNode* _mach_null;

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  int LabelRootDepth;
  static const int base2reg[];        // Map Types to machine register types
  // Convert ideal machine register to a register mask for spill-loads
  static const RegMask *idealreg2regmask[];
129 130 131
  RegMask *idealreg2spillmask  [_last_machine_leaf];
  RegMask *idealreg2debugmask  [_last_machine_leaf];
  RegMask *idealreg2mhdebugmask[_last_machine_leaf];
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  void init_spill_mask( Node *ret );
  // Convert machine register number to register mask
  static uint mreg2regmask_max;
  static RegMask mreg2regmask[];
  static RegMask STACK_ONLY_mask;

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  MachNode* mach_null() const { return _mach_null; }

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  bool    is_shared( Node *n ) { return _shared.test(n->_idx) != 0; }
  void   set_shared( Node *n ) {  _shared.set(n->_idx); }
  bool   is_visited( Node *n ) { return _visited.test(n->_idx) != 0; }
  void  set_visited( Node *n ) { _visited.set(n->_idx); }
  bool  is_dontcare( Node *n ) { return _dontcare.test(n->_idx) != 0; }
  void set_dontcare( Node *n ) {  _dontcare.set(n->_idx); }

  // Mode bit to tell DFA and expand rules whether we are running after
  // (or during) register selection.  Usually, the matcher runs before,
  // but it will also get called to generate post-allocation spill code.
  // In this situation, it is a deadly error to attempt to allocate more
  // temporary registers.
  bool _allocation_started;

  // Machine register names
  static const char *regName[];
  // Machine register encodings
  static const unsigned char _regEncode[];
  // Machine Node names
  const char **_ruleName;
  // Rules that are cheaper to rematerialize than to spill
  static const uint _begin_rematerialize;
  static const uint _end_rematerialize;

  // An array of chars, from 0 to _last_Mach_Reg.
  // No Save       = 'N' (for register windows)
  // Save on Entry = 'E'
  // Save on Call  = 'C'
  // Always Save   = 'A' (same as SOE + SOC)
  const char *_register_save_policy;
  const char *_c_reg_save_policy;
  // Convert a machine register to a machine register type, so-as to
  // properly match spill code.
  const int *_register_save_type;
  // Maps from machine register to boolean; true if machine register can
  // be holding a call argument in some signature.
  static bool can_be_java_arg( int reg );
  // Maps from machine register to boolean; true if machine register holds
  // a spillable argument.
  static bool is_spillable_arg( int reg );

  // List of IfFalse or IfTrue Nodes that indicate a taken null test.
  // List is valid in the post-matching space.
  Node_List _null_check_tests;
  void collect_null_checks( Node *proj, Node *orig_proj );
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  void validate_null_checks( );

  Matcher( Node_List &proj_list );

  // Select instructions for entire method
  void  match( );
  // Helper for match
  OptoReg::Name warp_incoming_stk_arg( VMReg reg );

  // Transform, then walk.  Does implicit DCE while walking.
  // Name changed from "transform" to avoid it being virtual.
  Node *xform( Node *old_space_node, int Nodes );

  // Match a single Ideal Node - turn it into a 1-Node tree; Label & Reduce.
  MachNode *match_tree( const Node *n );
  MachNode *match_sfpt( SafePointNode *sfpt );
  // Helper for match_sfpt
  OptoReg::Name warp_outgoing_stk_arg( VMReg reg, OptoReg::Name begin_out_arg_area, OptoReg::Name &out_arg_limit_per_call );

  // Initialize first stack mask and related masks.
  void init_first_stack_mask();

  // If we should save-on-entry this register
  bool is_save_on_entry( int reg );

  // Fixup the save-on-entry registers
  void Fixup_Save_On_Entry( );

  // --- Frame handling ---

  // Register number of the stack slot corresponding to the incoming SP.
  // Per the Big Picture in the AD file, it is:
  //   SharedInfo::stack0 + locks + in_preserve_stack_slots + pad2.
  OptoReg::Name _old_SP;

  // Register number of the stack slot corresponding to the highest incoming
  // argument on the stack.  Per the Big Picture in the AD file, it is:
  //   _old_SP + out_preserve_stack_slots + incoming argument size.
  OptoReg::Name _in_arg_limit;

  // Register number of the stack slot corresponding to the new SP.
  // Per the Big Picture in the AD file, it is:
  //   _in_arg_limit + pad0
  OptoReg::Name _new_SP;

  // Register number of the stack slot corresponding to the highest outgoing
  // argument on the stack.  Per the Big Picture in the AD file, it is:
  //   _new_SP + max outgoing arguments of all calls
  OptoReg::Name _out_arg_limit;

  OptoRegPair *_parm_regs;        // Array of machine registers per argument
  RegMask *_calling_convention_mask; // Array of RegMasks per argument

  // Does matcher have a match rule for this ideal node?
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  static const bool has_match_rule(int opcode);
  static const bool _hasMatchRule[_last_opcode];

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  // Does matcher have a match rule for this ideal node and is the
  // predicate (if there is one) true?
  // NOTE: If this function is used more commonly in the future, ADLC
  // should generate this one.
  static const bool match_rule_supported(int opcode);

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  // Used to determine if we have fast l2f conversion
  // USII has it, USIII doesn't
  static const bool convL2FSupported(void);

  // Vector width in bytes
  static const uint vector_width_in_bytes(void);

  // Vector ideal reg
  static const uint vector_ideal_reg(void);

  // Used to determine a "low complexity" 64-bit constant.  (Zero is simple.)
  // The standard of comparison is one (StoreL ConL) vs. two (StoreI ConI).
  // Depends on the details of 64-bit constant generation on the CPU.
  static const bool isSimpleConstant64(jlong con);

  // These calls are all generated by the ADLC

  // TRUE - grows up, FALSE - grows down (Intel)
  virtual bool stack_direction() const;

  // Java-Java calling convention
  // (what you use when Java calls Java)

  // Alignment of stack in bytes, standard Intel word alignment is 4.
  // Sparc probably wants at least double-word (8).
  static uint stack_alignment_in_bytes();
  // Alignment of stack, measured in stack slots.
  // The size of stack slots is defined by VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size.
  static uint stack_alignment_in_slots() {
    return stack_alignment_in_bytes() / (VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size);

  // Array mapping arguments to registers.  Argument 0 is usually the 'this'
  // pointer.  Registers can include stack-slots and regular registers.
  static void calling_convention( BasicType *, VMRegPair *, uint len, bool is_outgoing );

  // Convert a sig into a calling convention register layout
  // and find interesting things about it.
  static OptoReg::Name  find_receiver( bool is_outgoing );
  // Return address register.  On Intel it is a stack-slot.  On PowerPC
  // it is the Link register.  On Sparc it is r31?
  virtual OptoReg::Name return_addr() const;
  RegMask              _return_addr_mask;
  // Return value register.  On Intel it is EAX.  On Sparc i0/o0.
  static OptoRegPair   return_value(int ideal_reg, bool is_outgoing);
  static OptoRegPair c_return_value(int ideal_reg, bool is_outgoing);
  RegMask                     _return_value_mask;
  // Inline Cache Register
  static OptoReg::Name  inline_cache_reg();
  static const RegMask &inline_cache_reg_mask();
  static int            inline_cache_reg_encode();

  // Register for DIVI projection of divmodI
  static RegMask divI_proj_mask();
  // Register for MODI projection of divmodI
  static RegMask modI_proj_mask();

  // Register for DIVL projection of divmodL
  static RegMask divL_proj_mask();
  // Register for MODL projection of divmodL
  static RegMask modL_proj_mask();

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  // Use hardware DIV instruction when it is faster than
  // a code which use multiply for division by constant.
  static bool use_asm_for_ldiv_by_con( jlong divisor );

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  static const RegMask method_handle_invoke_SP_save_mask();

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  // Java-Interpreter calling convention
  // (what you use when calling between compiled-Java and Interpreted-Java

  // Number of callee-save + always-save registers
  // Ignores frame pointer and "special" registers
  static int  number_of_saved_registers();

  // The Method-klass-holder may be passed in the inline_cache_reg
  // and then expanded into the inline_cache_reg and a method_oop register

  static OptoReg::Name  interpreter_method_oop_reg();
  static const RegMask &interpreter_method_oop_reg_mask();
  static int            interpreter_method_oop_reg_encode();

  static OptoReg::Name  compiler_method_oop_reg();
  static const RegMask &compiler_method_oop_reg_mask();
  static int            compiler_method_oop_reg_encode();

  // Interpreter's Frame Pointer Register
  static OptoReg::Name  interpreter_frame_pointer_reg();
  static const RegMask &interpreter_frame_pointer_reg_mask();

  // Java-Native calling convention
  // (what you use when intercalling between Java and C++ code)

  // Array mapping arguments to registers.  Argument 0 is usually the 'this'
  // pointer.  Registers can include stack-slots and regular registers.
  static void c_calling_convention( BasicType*, VMRegPair *, uint );
  // Frame pointer. The frame pointer is kept at the base of the stack
  // and so is probably the stack pointer for most machines.  On Intel
  // it is ESP.  On the PowerPC it is R1.  On Sparc it is SP.
  OptoReg::Name  c_frame_pointer() const;
  static RegMask c_frame_ptr_mask;

  // !!!!! Special stuff for building ScopeDescs
  virtual int      regnum_to_fpu_offset(int regnum);

  // Is this branch offset small enough to be addressed by a short branch?
  bool is_short_branch_offset(int rule, int br_size, int offset);
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  // Optional scaling for the parameter to the ClearArray/CopyArray node.
  static const bool init_array_count_is_in_bytes;

  // Threshold small size (in bytes) for a ClearArray/CopyArray node.
  // Anything this size or smaller may get converted to discrete scalar stores.
  static const int init_array_short_size;

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  // Some hardware needs 2 CMOV's for longs.
  static const int long_cmove_cost();

  // Some hardware have expensive CMOV for float and double.
  static const int float_cmove_cost();

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  // Should the Matcher clone shifts on addressing modes, expecting them to
  // be subsumed into complex addressing expressions or compute them into
  // registers?  True for Intel but false for most RISCs
  static const bool clone_shift_expressions;

374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405
  static bool narrow_oop_use_complex_address();

  // Generate implicit null check for narrow oops if it can fold
  // into address expression (x64).
  // [R12 + narrow_oop_reg<<3 + offset] // fold into address expression
  // NullCheck narrow_oop_reg
  // When narrow oops can't fold into address expression (Sparc) and
  // base is not null use decode_not_null and normal implicit null check.
  // Note, decode_not_null node can be used here since it is referenced
  // only on non null path but it requires special handling, see
  // collect_null_checks():
  // decode_not_null narrow_oop_reg, oop_reg // 'shift' and 'add base'
  // [oop_reg + offset]
  // NullCheck oop_reg
  // With Zero base and when narrow oops can not fold into address
  // expression use normal implicit null check since only shift
  // is needed to decode narrow oop.
  // decode narrow_oop_reg, oop_reg // only 'shift'
  // [oop_reg + offset]
  // NullCheck oop_reg
  inline static bool gen_narrow_oop_implicit_null_checks() {
    return Universe::narrow_oop_use_implicit_null_checks() &&
           (narrow_oop_use_complex_address() ||
            Universe::narrow_oop_base() != NULL);

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406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426
  // Is it better to copy float constants, or load them directly from memory?
  // Intel can load a float constant from a direct address, requiring no
  // extra registers.  Most RISCs will have to materialize an address into a
  // register first, so they may as well materialize the constant immediately.
  static const bool rematerialize_float_constants;

  // If CPU can load and store mis-aligned doubles directly then no fixup is
  // needed.  Else we split the double into 2 integer pieces and move it
  // piece-by-piece.  Only happens when passing doubles into C code or when
  // calling i2c adapters as the Java calling convention forces doubles to be
  // aligned.
  static const bool misaligned_doubles_ok;

  // Perform a platform dependent implicit null fixup.  This is needed
  // on windows95 to take care of some unusual register constraints.
  void pd_implicit_null_fixup(MachNode *load, uint idx);

  // Advertise here if the CPU requires explicit rounding operations
  // to implement the UseStrictFP mode.
  static const bool strict_fp_requires_explicit_rounding;

427 428
  // Are floats conerted to double when stored to stack during deoptimization?
  static bool float_in_double();
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  // Do ints take an entire long register or just half?
  static const bool int_in_long;

432 433 434 435 436
  // Do the processor's shift instructions only use the low 5/6 bits
  // of the count for 32/64 bit ints? If not we need to do the masking
  // ourselves.
  static const bool need_masked_shift_count;

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  // This routine is run whenever a graph fails to match.
  // If it returns, the compiler should bailout to interpreter without error.
  // In non-product mode, SoftMatchFailure is false to detect non-canonical
  // graphs.  Print a message and exit.
  static void soft_match_failure() {
    if( SoftMatchFailure ) return;
    else { fatal("SoftMatchFailure is not allowed except in product"); }

  // Check for a following volatile memory barrier without an
  // intervening load and thus we don't need a barrier here.  We
  // retain the Node to act as a compiler ordering barrier.
  static bool post_store_load_barrier(const Node* mb);

#ifdef ASSERT
  void dump_old2new_map();      // machine-independent to machine-dependent
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  Node* find_old_node(Node* new_node) {
    return _new2old_map[new_node->_idx];
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