frame.hpp 19.7 KB
Newer Older
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 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 20 21
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.
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22 23 24

25 26 27 28

#include "asm/assembler.hpp"
#include "oops/method.hpp"
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
#include "runtime/basicLock.hpp"
#include "runtime/monitorChunk.hpp"
#include "runtime/registerMap.hpp"
#include "utilities/top.hpp"
#ifdef COMPILER2
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_x86_32
# include "adfiles/adGlobals_x86_32.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_x86_64
# include "adfiles/adGlobals_x86_64.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_sparc
# include "adfiles/adGlobals_sparc.hpp"
# include "adfiles/adGlobals_zero.hpp"
47 48 49 50 51 52
# include "adfiles/adGlobals_arm.hpp"
# include "adfiles/adGlobals_ppc.hpp"
53 54 55 56 57 58 59
#ifdef ZERO
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_zero
# include "stack_zero.hpp"

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60 61 62
typedef class BytecodeInterpreter* interpreterState;

class CodeBlob;
class FrameValues;
class vframeArray;
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65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137

// A frame represents a physical stack frame (an activation).  Frames
// can be C or Java frames, and the Java frames can be interpreted or
// compiled.  In contrast, vframes represent source-level activations,
// so that one physical frame can correspond to multiple source level
// frames because of inlining.

class frame VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
  // Instance variables:
  intptr_t* _sp; // stack pointer (from Thread::last_Java_sp)
  address   _pc; // program counter (the next instruction after the call)

  CodeBlob* _cb; // CodeBlob that "owns" pc
  enum deopt_state {

  deopt_state _deopt_state;

  // Constructors

  // Accessors

  // pc: Returns the pc at which this frame will continue normally.
  // It must point at the beginning of the next instruction to execute.
  address pc() const             { return _pc; }

  // This returns the pc that if you were in the debugger you'd see. Not
  // the idealized value in the frame object. This undoes the magic conversion
  // that happens for deoptimized frames. In addition it makes the value the
  // hardware would want to see in the native frame. The only user (at this point)
  // is deoptimization. It likely no one else should ever use it.
  address raw_pc() const;

  void set_pc( address   newpc );

  intptr_t* sp() const           { return _sp; }
  void set_sp( intptr_t* newsp ) { _sp = newsp; }

  CodeBlob* cb() const           { return _cb; }

  // patching operations
  void   patch_pc(Thread* thread, address pc);

  // Every frame needs to return a unique id which distinguishes it from all other frames.
  // For sparc and ia32 use sp. ia64 can have memory frames that are empty so multiple frames
  // will have identical sp values. For ia64 the bsp (fp) value will serve. No real frame
  // should have an id() of NULL so it is a distinguishing value for an unmatchable frame.
  // We also have relationals which allow comparing a frame to anoth frame's id() allow
  // us to distinguish younger (more recent activation) from older (less recent activations)
  // A NULL id is only valid when comparing for equality.

  intptr_t* id(void) const;
  bool is_younger(intptr_t* id) const;
  bool is_older(intptr_t* id) const;

  // testers

  // Compares for strict equality. Rarely used or needed.
  // It can return a different result than ==
  bool equal(frame other) const;

  // type testers
  bool is_interpreted_frame()    const;
  bool is_java_frame()           const;
  bool is_entry_frame()          const;             // Java frame called from C?
  bool is_ignored_frame()        const;
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139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148
  bool is_native_frame()         const;
  bool is_runtime_frame()        const;
  bool is_compiled_frame()       const;
  bool is_safepoint_blob_frame() const;
  bool is_deoptimized_frame()    const;

  // testers
  bool is_first_frame() const; // oldest frame? (has no sender)
  bool is_first_java_frame() const;              // same for Java frame

  bool is_interpreted_frame_valid(JavaThread* thread) const;       // performs sanity checks on interpreted frames.
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  // tells whether this frame is marked for deoptimization
  bool should_be_deoptimized() const;

  // tells whether this frame can be deoptimized
  bool can_be_deoptimized() const;

  // returns the frame size in stack slots
  int frame_size(RegisterMap* map) const;
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  // returns the sending frame
  frame sender(RegisterMap* map) const;

  // for Profiling - acting on another frame. walks sender frames
  // if valid.
  frame profile_find_Java_sender_frame(JavaThread *thread);
  bool safe_for_sender(JavaThread *thread);

  // returns the sender, but skips conversion frames
  frame real_sender(RegisterMap* map) const;

  // returns the the sending Java frame, skipping any intermediate C frames
  // NB: receiver must not be first frame
  frame java_sender() const;

  // Helper methods for better factored code in frame::sender
  frame sender_for_compiled_frame(RegisterMap* map) const;
  frame sender_for_entry_frame(RegisterMap* map) const;
  frame sender_for_interpreter_frame(RegisterMap* map) const;
  frame sender_for_native_frame(RegisterMap* map) const;

  // All frames:

  // A low-level interface for vframes:


  intptr_t* addr_at(int index) const             { return &fp()[index];    }
  intptr_t  at(int index) const                  { return *addr_at(index); }

  // accessors for locals
  oop obj_at(int offset) const                   { return *obj_at_addr(offset);  }
  void obj_at_put(int offset, oop value)         { *obj_at_addr(offset) = value; }

  jint int_at(int offset) const                  { return *int_at_addr(offset);  }
  void int_at_put(int offset, jint value)        { *int_at_addr(offset) = value; }

  oop*      obj_at_addr(int offset) const        { return (oop*)     addr_at(offset); }

  oop*      adjusted_obj_at_addr(Method* method, int index) { return obj_at_addr(adjust_offset(method, index)); }
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201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213

  jint*    int_at_addr(int offset) const         { return (jint*)    addr_at(offset); }

  // Link (i.e., the pointer to the previous frame)
  intptr_t* link() const;
  void set_link(intptr_t* addr);

  // Return address
  address  sender_pc() const;

  // Support for deoptimization
  void deoptimize(JavaThread* thread);
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  // The frame's original SP, before any extension by an interpreted callee;
  // used for packing debug info into vframeArray objects and vframeArray lookup.
  intptr_t* unextended_sp() const;

  // returns the stack pointer of the calling frame
  intptr_t* sender_sp() const;

223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231
  // Returns the real 'frame pointer' for the current frame.
  // This is the value expected by the platform ABI when it defines a
  // frame pointer register. It may differ from the effective value of
  // the FP register when that register is used in the JVM for other
  // purposes (like compiled frames on some platforms).
  // On other platforms, it is defined so that the stack area used by
  // this frame goes from real_fp() to sp().
  intptr_t* real_fp() const;

232 233 234 235
  // Deoptimization info, if needed (platform dependent).
  // Stored in the initial_info field of the unroll info, to be used by
  // the platform dependent deoptimization blobs.
  intptr_t *initial_deoptimization_info();
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236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277

  // Interpreter frames:

  intptr_t** interpreter_frame_locals_addr() const;
  intptr_t*  interpreter_frame_bcx_addr() const;
  intptr_t*  interpreter_frame_mdx_addr() const;

  // Locals

  // The _at version returns a pointer because the address is used for GC.
  intptr_t* interpreter_frame_local_at(int index) const;

  void interpreter_frame_set_locals(intptr_t* locs);

  // byte code index/pointer (use these functions for unchecked frame access only!)
  intptr_t interpreter_frame_bcx() const                  { return *interpreter_frame_bcx_addr(); }
  void interpreter_frame_set_bcx(intptr_t bcx);

  // byte code index
  jint interpreter_frame_bci() const;
  void interpreter_frame_set_bci(jint bci);

  // byte code pointer
  address interpreter_frame_bcp() const;
  void    interpreter_frame_set_bcp(address bcp);

  // Unchecked access to the method data index/pointer.
  // Only use this if you know what you are doing.
  intptr_t interpreter_frame_mdx() const                  { return *interpreter_frame_mdx_addr(); }
  void interpreter_frame_set_mdx(intptr_t mdx);

  // method data pointer
  address interpreter_frame_mdp() const;
  void    interpreter_frame_set_mdp(address dp);

  // Find receiver out of caller's (compiled) argument list
  oop retrieve_receiver(RegisterMap *reg_map);

  // Return the monitor owner and BasicLock for compiled synchronized
  // native methods so that biased locking can revoke the receiver's
278 279 280 281
  // bias if necessary.  This is also used by JVMTI's GetLocalInstance method
  // (via VM_GetReceiver) to retrieve the receiver from a native wrapper frame.
  BasicLock* get_native_monitor();
  oop        get_native_receiver();
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  // Find receiver for an invoke when arguments are just pushed on stack (i.e., callee stack-frame is
  // not setup)
  oop interpreter_callee_receiver(Symbol* signature)     { return *interpreter_callee_receiver_addr(signature); }
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286 287

  oop* interpreter_callee_receiver_addr(Symbol* signature);
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289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345

  // expression stack (may go up or down, direction == 1 or -1)
  intptr_t* interpreter_frame_expression_stack() const;
  static  jint  interpreter_frame_expression_stack_direction();

  // The _at version returns a pointer because the address is used for GC.
  intptr_t* interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(jint offset) const;

  // top of expression stack
  intptr_t* interpreter_frame_tos_at(jint offset) const;
  intptr_t* interpreter_frame_tos_address() const;

  jint  interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size() const;

  intptr_t* interpreter_frame_sender_sp() const;

#ifndef CC_INTERP
  // template based interpreter deoptimization support
  void  set_interpreter_frame_sender_sp(intptr_t* sender_sp);
  void interpreter_frame_set_monitor_end(BasicObjectLock* value);
#endif // CC_INTERP

  // BasicObjectLocks:
  // interpreter_frame_monitor_begin is higher in memory than interpreter_frame_monitor_end
  // Interpreter_frame_monitor_begin points to one element beyond the oldest one,
  // interpreter_frame_monitor_end   points to the youngest one, or if there are none,
  //                                 it points to one beyond where the first element will be.
  // interpreter_frame_monitor_size  reports the allocation size of a monitor in the interpreter stack.
  //                                 this value is >= BasicObjectLock::size(), and may be rounded up

  BasicObjectLock* interpreter_frame_monitor_begin() const;
  BasicObjectLock* interpreter_frame_monitor_end()   const;
  BasicObjectLock* next_monitor_in_interpreter_frame(BasicObjectLock* current) const;
  BasicObjectLock* previous_monitor_in_interpreter_frame(BasicObjectLock* current) const;
  static int interpreter_frame_monitor_size();

  void interpreter_frame_verify_monitor(BasicObjectLock* value) const;

  // Tells whether the current interpreter_frame frame pointer
  // corresponds to the old compiled/deoptimized fp
  // The receiver used to be a top level frame
  bool interpreter_frame_equals_unpacked_fp(intptr_t* fp);

  // Return/result value from this interpreter frame
  // If the method return type is T_OBJECT or T_ARRAY populates oop_result
  // For other (non-T_VOID) the appropriate field in the jvalue is populated
  // with the result value.
  // Should only be called when at method exit when the method is not
  // exiting due to an exception.
  BasicType interpreter_frame_result(oop* oop_result, jvalue* value_result);

  // Method & constant pool cache
346 347 348 349
  Method* interpreter_frame_method() const;
  void interpreter_frame_set_method(Method* method);
  Method** interpreter_frame_method_addr() const;
  ConstantPoolCache** interpreter_frame_cache_addr() const;
350 351 352
#ifdef PPC
  oop* interpreter_frame_mirror_addr() const;
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  // Entry frames
  JavaCallWrapper* entry_frame_call_wrapper() const;
  intptr_t* entry_frame_argument_at(int offset) const;

  // tells whether there is another chunk of Delta stack above
  bool entry_frame_is_first() const;

  // Compiled frames:

  // Given the index of a local, and the number of argument words
  // in this stack frame, tell which word of the stack frame to find
  // the local in.  Arguments are stored above the ofp/rpc pair,
  // while other locals are stored below it.
  // Since monitors (BasicLock blocks) are also assigned indexes,
  // but may have different storage requirements, their presence
  // can also affect the calculation of offsets.
  static int local_offset_for_compiler(int local_index, int nof_args, int max_nof_locals, int max_nof_monitors);

  // Given the index of a monitor, etc., tell which word of the
  // stack frame contains the start of the BasicLock block.
  // Note that the local index by convention is the __higher__
  // of the two indexes allocated to the block.
  static int monitor_offset_for_compiler(int local_index, int nof_args, int max_nof_locals, int max_nof_monitors);

  // Tell the smallest value that local_offset_for_compiler will attain.
  // This is used to help determine how much stack frame to allocate.
  static int min_local_offset_for_compiler(int nof_args, int max_nof_locals, int max_nof_monitors);

  // Tells if this register must be spilled during a call.
  // On Intel, all registers are smashed by calls.
  static bool volatile_across_calls(Register reg);

  // Safepoints

  oop saved_oop_result(RegisterMap* map) const;
  void set_saved_oop_result(RegisterMap* map, oop obj);

  // For debugging
  const char* print_name() const;

399 400
  void describe_pd(FrameValues& values, int frame_no);

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  void print_value() const { print_value_on(tty,NULL); }
  void print_value_on(outputStream* st, JavaThread *thread) const;
  void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
  void interpreter_frame_print_on(outputStream* st) const;
  void print_on_error(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen, bool verbose = false) const;

408 409 410
  // Add annotated descriptions of memory locations belonging to this frame to values
  void describe(FrameValues& values, int frame_no);

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  // Conversion from an VMReg to physical stack location
  oop* oopmapreg_to_location(VMReg reg, const RegisterMap* regmap) const;

  // Oops-do's
  void oops_compiled_arguments_do(Symbol* signature, bool has_receiver, const RegisterMap* reg_map, OopClosure* f);
  void oops_interpreted_do(OopClosure* f, CLDToOopClosure* cld_f, const RegisterMap* map, bool query_oop_map_cache = true);
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417 418

  void oops_interpreted_arguments_do(Symbol* signature, bool has_receiver, OopClosure* f);
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  // Iteration of oops
  void oops_do_internal(OopClosure* f, CLDToOopClosure* cld_f, CodeBlobClosure* cf, RegisterMap* map, bool use_interpreter_oop_map_cache);
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  void oops_entry_do(OopClosure* f, const RegisterMap* map);
  void oops_code_blob_do(OopClosure* f, CodeBlobClosure* cf, const RegisterMap* map);
  int adjust_offset(Method* method, int index); // helper for above fn
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426 427
  // Memory management
  void oops_do(OopClosure* f, CLDToOopClosure* cld_f, CodeBlobClosure* cf, RegisterMap* map) { oops_do_internal(f, cld_f, cf, map, true); }
  void nmethods_do(CodeBlobClosure* cf);
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431 432 433
  // RedefineClasses support for finding live interpreted methods on the stack
  void metadata_do(void f(Metadata*));

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434 435 436 437 438 439 440
  void gc_prologue();
  void gc_epilogue();
  void pd_gc_epilog();

  class CheckValueClosure: public OopClosure {
441 442 443
    void do_oop(oop* p);
    void do_oop(narrowOop* p) { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
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444 445 446 447
  static CheckValueClosure _check_value;

  class CheckOopClosure: public OopClosure {
448 449 450
    void do_oop(oop* p);
    void do_oop(narrowOop* p) { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
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451 452 453 454 455 456
  static CheckOopClosure _check_oop;

  static void check_derived_oop(oop* base, oop* derived);

  class ZapDeadClosure: public OopClosure {
457 458 459
    void do_oop(oop* p);
    void do_oop(narrowOop* p) { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
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460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479
  static ZapDeadClosure _zap_dead;

  // Zapping
  void zap_dead_locals            (JavaThread* thread, const RegisterMap* map);
  void zap_dead_interpreted_locals(JavaThread* thread, const RegisterMap* map);
  void zap_dead_compiled_locals   (JavaThread* thread, const RegisterMap* map);
  void zap_dead_entry_locals      (JavaThread* thread, const RegisterMap* map);
  void zap_dead_deoptimized_locals(JavaThread* thread, const RegisterMap* map);
# endif
  // Verification
  void verify(const RegisterMap* map);
  static bool verify_return_pc(address x);
  static bool is_bci(intptr_t bcx);
  // Usage:
  // assert(frame::verify_return_pc(return_address), "must be a return pc");

  int pd_oop_map_offset_adjustment() const;

480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_x86
# include "frame_x86.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_sparc
# include "frame_sparc.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_zero
# include "frame_zero.hpp"
489 490 491 492 493 494
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_arm
# include "frame_arm.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_ppc
# include "frame_ppc.hpp"

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496 497

#ifndef PRODUCT
499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527
// A simple class to describe a location on the stack
class FrameValue VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
  intptr_t* location;
  char* description;
  int owner;
  int priority;

// A collection of described stack values that can print a symbolic
// description of the stack memory.  Interpreter frame values can be
// in the caller frames so all the values are collected first and then
// sorted before being printed.
class FrameValues {
  GrowableArray<FrameValue> _values;

  static int compare(FrameValue* a, FrameValue* b) {
    if (a->location == b->location) {
      return a->priority - b->priority;
    return a->location - b->location;

  // Used by frame functions to describe locations.
  void describe(int owner, intptr_t* location, const char* description, int priority = 0);

#ifdef ASSERT
  void validate();
  void print(JavaThread* thread);
532 533 534

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// StackFrameStream iterates through the frames of a thread starting from
// top most frame. It automatically takes care of updating the location of
// all (callee-saved) registers. Notice: If a thread is stopped at
// a safepoint, all registers are saved, not only the callee-saved ones.
// Use:
//   for(StackFrameStream fst(thread); !fst.is_done(); {
//     ...
//   }
class StackFrameStream : public StackObj {
  frame       _fr;
  RegisterMap _reg_map;
  bool        _is_done;
   StackFrameStream(JavaThread *thread, bool update = true);

  // Iteration
  bool is_done()                  { return (_is_done) ? true : (_is_done = _fr.is_first_frame(), false); }
  void next()                     { if (!_is_done) _fr = _fr.sender(&_reg_map); }

  // Query
  frame *current()                { return &_fr; }
  RegisterMap* register_map()     { return &_reg_map; }
564 565