提交 f65ae2a1 编写于 作者: R renju96 提交者: ob-robot

Under concurrent conditions, requests from multiple tenants may hit the same sender

上级 d30a2a77
......@@ -1370,6 +1370,7 @@ int ObMClockQueue::pop_phyqueue(ObIORequest *&req, int64_t &deadline_ts)
} else if (r_heap_.empty()){
} else {
ObTimeGuard time_guard("pop_phyqueue", 100000); //100ms
ObPhyQueue *tmp_phy_queue = r_heap_.top();
if (OB_ISNULL(tmp_phy_queue)) {
......@@ -1380,6 +1381,7 @@ int ObMClockQueue::pop_phyqueue(ObIORequest *&req, int64_t &deadline_ts)
//R schedule
if(OB_FAIL(remove_from_heap(tmp_phy_queue))) {
LOG_WARN("remove phy queue from heap failed(R schedule)", K(ret));
} else if (FALSE_IT(time_guard.click("R_leave_heap"))) {
} else {
req = tmp_phy_queue->req_list_.remove_first();
if (OB_ISNULL(req)) {
......@@ -1397,10 +1399,12 @@ int ObMClockQueue::pop_phyqueue(ObIORequest *&req, int64_t &deadline_ts)
LOG_WARN("get null next_req", KP(next_req));
} else if (OB_FAIL(io_clock->calc_phyqueue_clock(tmp_phy_queue, *next_req))) {
LOG_WARN("calc phyqueue clock failed", K(ret), KPC(next_req));
} else if (FALSE_IT(time_guard.click("R_calc_clock"))) {
int tmp_ret = push_phyqueue(tmp_phy_queue);
if (OB_UNLIKELY(OB_SUCCESS != tmp_ret)) {
LOG_WARN("re_into heap failed(R schedule)", K(tmp_ret));
......@@ -1412,8 +1416,10 @@ int ObMClockQueue::pop_phyqueue(ObIORequest *&req, int64_t &deadline_ts)
if (OB_EAGAIN != ret) {
LOG_WARN("pop with ready queue failed", K(ret));
} else {
return ret;
......@@ -985,6 +985,7 @@ int ObIOSender::enqueue_request(ObIORequest &req)
if (OB_FAIL(cond_guard.get_ret())) {
LOG_ERROR("guard queue condition failed", K(ret));
} else {
req.sender_index_ = sender_index_;
ObIOGroupQueues *io_group_queues = nullptr;
if (OB_FAIL(tenant_groups_map_.get_refactored(tmp_req->io_info_.tenant_id_, io_group_queues))) {
LOG_WARN("get_refactored tenant_map failed", K(ret), K(req));
......@@ -1253,7 +1254,7 @@ int ObIOSender::notify()
int64_t ObIOSender::get_queue_count() const
return OB_ISNULL(io_queue_) ? 0 : sender_req_count_;
return OB_ISNULL(io_queue_) ? 0 : ATOMIC_LOAD(&sender_req_count_);
int ObIOSender::get_sender_info(int64_t &reservation_ts,
......@@ -1381,11 +1382,13 @@ int ObIOSender::submit(ObIORequest &req)
int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
ObDeviceChannel *device_channel = nullptr;
ObTimeGuard time_guard("submit_req", 100000); //100ms
if (OB_UNLIKELY(stop_submit_)) {
LOG_WARN("sender stop submit", K(ret), K(stop_submit_));
} else if (OB_FAIL(req.prepare())) {
LOG_WARN("prepare io request failed", K(ret), K(req));
} else if (FALSE_IT(time_guard.click("prepare_req"))) {
} else if (OB_FAIL(OB_IO_MANAGER.get_device_channel(req.io_info_.fd_.device_handle_, device_channel))) {
LOG_WARN("get device channel failed", K(ret), K(req));
} else {
......@@ -1399,6 +1402,8 @@ int ObIOSender::submit(ObIORequest &req)
if (OB_EAGAIN != ret) {
LOG_WARN("submit io request failed", K(ret), K(req), KPC(device_channel));
} else {
return ret;
......@@ -1518,7 +1523,9 @@ int ObIOScheduler::schedule_request(ObTenantIOClock &io_clock, ObIORequest &req)
// push the requeust into sender queue, balance channel queue count by random twice
const int64_t idx1 = ObRandom::rand(0, senders_.count() - 1);
const int64_t idx2 = ObRandom::rand(0, senders_.count() - 1);
const int64_t sender_idx = senders_.at(idx1)->sender_req_count_ < senders_.at(idx2)->sender_req_count_ ? idx1 : idx2;
const int64_t count1 = senders_.at(idx1)->get_queue_count();
const int64_t count2 = senders_.at(idx2)->get_queue_count();
const int64_t sender_idx = count1 < count2 ? idx1 : idx2;
ObIOSender *sender = senders_.at(sender_idx);
if (req.io_info_.fd_.device_handle_->media_id_ != schedule_media_id_) {
// direct submit
......@@ -1813,7 +1820,7 @@ int ObAsyncIOChannel::submit(ObIORequest &req)
} else if (device_channel_->used_io_depth_ > device_channel_->max_io_depth_) {
ret = OB_EAGAIN;
LOG_DEBUG("reach max io depth", K(ret), K(device_channel_->used_io_depth_), K(device_channel_->max_io_depth_));
LOG_INFO("reach max io depth", K(ret), K(device_channel_->used_io_depth_), K(device_channel_->max_io_depth_));
} else {
ATOMIC_FAA(&device_channel_->used_io_depth_, get_io_depth(req.io_size_));
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