提交 97eefd4e 编写于 作者: H hf0 提交者: LINGuanRen

fix rpc try connect fake addr for physical restoring.

上级 03aa7972
......@@ -7163,6 +7163,8 @@ int ObPartitionLogService::broadcast_info()
if (IS_NOT_INIT) {
ret = OB_NOT_INIT;
CLOG_LOG(WARN, "is not inited", K(ret), K(partition_key_));
} else if (restore_mgr_.is_archive_restoring()) {
// archive restoring replica no need exec
} else if (GET_MIN_CLUSTER_VERSION() >= CLUSTER_VERSION_2260 || GCTX.is_primary_cluster()) {
// Before the 226 version, the standby cluster did not have its own member_list,
// and the logonly replica of the standby cluster can directly reclaim the logs according to the dump location,
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