提交 43bca414 编写于 作者: O obdev 提交者: ob-robot

Fix weak read hang which contain inner table scenario

上级 8f52acad
......@@ -1319,7 +1319,8 @@ int ObTableLocation::get_is_weak_read(const ObDMLStmt &dml_stmt,
LOG_ERROR("unexpected null", K(ret), K(session), K(sql_ctx));
} else if (dml_stmt.get_query_ctx()->has_dml_write_stmt_ ||
dml_stmt.get_query_ctx()->is_contain_select_for_update_) {
dml_stmt.get_query_ctx()->is_contain_select_for_update_ ||
dml_stmt.get_query_ctx()->is_contain_inner_table_) {
is_weak_read = false;
} else {
ObConsistencyLevel consistency_level = INVALID_CONSISTENCY;
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