- 16 8月, 2023 2 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Problem: close #229 当前的词法分析语法分析非常简单,那当遇到比较复杂的词法分析语法分析题目,比如表达式,有些同学就难以入手 ### What is changed and how it works? 增加一个支持四则运算的功能,关键字是calc,虽然与标准的SQL不同,但是可以作为学习表达式入门使用。 使用示例: ``` (base) build_debug $ ./bin/observer -f ../etc/observer.ini -P cli Successfully load ../etc/observer.ini miniob > calc 2*(2*(2+3)); 2*(2*(2+3)) 20 miniob > calc (1+2) * (2 * (20+ -(5*1))) (1+2) * (2 * (20+ -(5*1))) 90 miniob > calc 1, 2, 3; 1 | 2 | 3 1 | 2 | 3 miniob > calc 1 + 2 - 3+4; 1 + 2 - 3+4 4 miniob > calc 2* 4; 2* 4 8 miniob > calc 1, 2, 3; 1 | 2 | 3 1 | 2 | 3 miniob > calc 1 + 2 - 3+4; 1 + 2 - 3+4 4 miniob > calc 2* 4; 2* 4 8 ```
由 Yachen 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Update Dockerfile Issue Number: #205 Problem: ### What is changed and how it works? 1. Use Ubuntu latest image 2. Use dpes on ubuntu 3. Do not prepare deps when docker compose, because now we have `build.sh init` ### Other information
- 11 8月, 2023 1 次提交
由 JugendTraum 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #226 Problem: 记录管理部分中page_header_中record_capacity初始化有误,需要进行修正 由于record_capacity的计算并没有考虑8字节对齐,计算的是不对齐时页面下容纳的最大记录量。 但第一条记录偏移量first_record_offset需要8字节对齐,使得最后一条记录的数据可能会溢出页面。 ### What is changed and how it works? 如果溢出页面,则减少record_capacity数值 同时去掉了部分冗余或含义不清的函数,修改了上取整的计算表达式 完善了记录管理模块成员函数的注释
- 09 8月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #222 Problem: gcc使用动态链接库,在复制observer到其它机器后,无法启动。 ### What is changed and how it works? 使用gcc静态链接库
- 08 8月, 2023 2 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Problem: parse_defs中的一些变量命名不是很清晰 ### What is changed and how it works? 重命名,增加SqlNode后缀,希望看起来更清晰,知道这些变量的意图 另外,增加了一个visual studio code的生成parser的任务
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Problem: 新增的几个文档没有增加链接,导致没有展示在文档中 ### What is changed and how it works? 在SUMMARY.md和introduction中增加链接 ### Other information
- 07 8月, 2023 3 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What is changed and how it works? 同步一些学习中心的文档
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: ref #205 Problem: build failed on docker container ### What is changed and how it works? fix compile error ### Other information
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Problem: 运行时参数介绍不够详细 ### What is changed and how it works? 增加当前支持的运行时参数介绍 ### Other information
- 02 8月, 2023 1 次提交
由 arcsin2 提交于
### 修改文档 lecture 部分错别字 “在本节种” --> "在本节中"
- 01 8月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #217 Problem: compile error on gcc 12 ### What is changed and how it works? ### Other information
- 27 7月, 2023 2 次提交
由 longdafeng 提交于
由 Longda Feng 提交于
- 26 7月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
- 18 7月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Problem: There is no mysql protocol document ### What is changed and how it works? add a mysql protocol document. ### Other information
- 17 7月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? ref #138 Problem: SEDA的线程池模式是每个处理环节分开,可能会放到不同的线程上,也可以调整不同stage对应的处理线程个数。但是会增加复杂性,比如session会切换线程、代码逻辑复杂。 ### What is changed and how it works? 去掉了parse、resolve等stage,仅保留了session stage。代码中的名字依然叫stage,后续再调整。 在session stage的处理逻辑中,直接调用其它流程处理,这样也使SQL处理流程变得更清晰。后续还可以考虑移除observer.ini,所有参数均通过命令行传递。 ### Other information
- 11 7月, 2023 2 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Problem: readme文档内容较多 ### What is changed and how it works? 删掉几个链接 ### Other information
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #178 Problem: sysbench is a powerful concurrency test tool and we should use it to test our program. ### What is changed and how it works? I create two sysbench lua scripts and a github workflow. ### Other information
- 30 6月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Problem: 与训练营配合,可以在SQL命令请求过程中,添加调试信息 ### What is changed and how it works? 可以参考 debug-output.md 文档。 增加 sql_debug 变量,使用set sql_debug=1; 可以设置。 在SQL命令执行过程中,调用sql_debug函数,增加调试信息。在普通文本通讯协议中,调试信息会以 '#' 开头的形式打印出来。但是注意调试信息中不要带换行符。 ### Other information
- 28 6月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #142 Problem: value和tuple_cell的语义是重合的,所以代码时冗余的 ### What is changed and how it works? 删除tuple_cell,都使用value来替换,并将tuple_cell中的接口都在value中实现 ### Other information
- 27 6月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #191 Problem: doxy文档的首页没有描述 ### What is changed and how it works? 增加首页描述信息,写在了main.cpp中 ### Other information
- 26 6月, 2023 2 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: ref #165 ref #174 Problem: 一些文档需要优化
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #162 Problem: 当前的observer启动流程和调试方法比较繁琐,必须使用客户端服务端的方式,先启动服务端程序,再使用客户端启动调试 ### What is changed and how it works? observer可以直接启动,不监听tcp或unix socket,直接通过终端/控制台输入命令并执行,极大的方便了调试 ### Other information 新的启动方法: ./bin/observer -P cli -f ../etc/observer.ini
- 25 6月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #151 Problem: 当前在发送消息到客户端时,每个数据都会刷新socket buffer,效率很低 ### What is changed and how it works? 实现BufferedWriter,通过buffered writer将消息缓存在内存中,结果写完时或者buffer满时,才将结果真正的发送到客户端。 ### Other information
- 15 6月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Problem: 当前生成的github pages不太整洁方便,可以优化一下 ### What is changed and how it works? 改用mdbook生成文档,并整理文档目录,调整链接
- 14 6月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #173 close #136 ref #174 ref #165 Problem: 这个PR修改了多个问题,可以参考各个issue。包括observer编译两次、代码目录规划不合理、command executor未全部实现等 ### What is changed and how it works? 做一些重构优化,包括CMakelist、一些代码目录、command executor
- 13 6月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? close issue: #186 Problem: 实现MVCC代码后没有将持久化代码合并进来 ### What is changed and how it works? 支持并发模式下落日志,并在异常停机后回复。 持久化是事务模块中最复杂的功能(没有之一),当前miniob实现的持久化简化了非常多,因此不能依赖持久化能力,仅仅作为一个学习测试的工具,在实际测试时也有一些限制。 ### Other information
- 31 5月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #192 Problem: clang 14编译失败 ### What is changed and how it works? 修复编译错误 ### Other information
- 30 5月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #188 Problem: 利用doxygen将代码注释生成文档 ### What is changed and how it works? 修改github action,增加doxygen生成文档,并gihtub pages部署发布 ### Other information
- 29 5月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? 使用doxygen生成代码文档 Problem: doxygen可以很方便的把代码注释转换成文档,但是当前没有利用这个功能 ### What is changed and how it works? 增加了doxyfile,并在github action的workflow中增加了这个功能 ### Other information
- 25 5月, 2023 3 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: ref #165 Problem: record_manager 没有比较详细的注释 ### What is changed and how it works? 加一些注释 ### Other information
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #149 Problem: RC return code ,定义的东西太多,不太简洁,并且有很多错误码当前没有使用 ### What is changed and how it works? 仅使用enum RC 定义错误码,删掉其它枚举定义。 删除当前没有使用的错误码。 ### Other information
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #61 Problem: cmake 3.10 版本不支持 cmake_link_directories 命令,而且miniob也不需要 ### What is changed and how it works? 将 cmake_link_directories 相关代码删除,可以正常编译
- 24 5月, 2023 3 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: ref #164 Problem: ### What is changed and how it works? 使用clang-format格式化benchmark模块代码 ### Other information
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #91 close #1 Problem: 编译时编译器抛出的一些告警信息可以帮我们避免很多问题,但是现在并没有利用这个特性 ### What is changed and how it works? CMake中增加-Werror编译选项 ### Other information
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #175 Problem: github page 构建失败 看到报错信息: ``` googletest/docs/assets/css/style.scss File to import not found or unreadable ``` 本来miniob的pages与子模块是无关的,看github page action的逻辑是checkout了子模块,而这个子模块在这里有点问题。 ### What is changed and how it works? 把github pages改成github action模式构建,并修改checkout的submodules参数为false,即不拉子模块。 这里只是修改一些文档链接,gitub page相关的commit: https://github.com/oceanbase/miniob/commit/8a33f5219d7ed27797d49dc2a9bfd945dcd0d327 ### Other information
- 23 5月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
- 15 5月, 2023 2 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #169 Problem: python测试脚本启动过于复杂; 没有利用python的case测试功能 ### What is changed and how it works? 删减掉大部分python测试脚本的参数; 把basic测试用例增加到github action中 ### Other information
由 羽飞 提交于
fix unittest; add unittest to github action ### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #176 close #163 Problem: 单元测试执行失败; github action 没有单元测试检查
- 12 5月, 2023 1 次提交
由 羽飞 提交于
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Issue Number: close #152 Problem: 增加gitpod 开发说明 ### What is changed and how it works? ### Other information