提交 25d78e84 编写于 作者: 羽飞's avatar 羽飞

fix bugs

上级 771a8fc4
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. */
#include "event/storage_event.h"
#include "event/sql_event.h"
#include "event/session_event.h"
#include "sql/executor/tuple.h"
#include "sql/expr/tuple.h"
#include "sql/operator/table_scan_operator.h"
#include "sql/operator/predicate_operator.h"
#include "sql/operator/delete_operator.h"
......@@ -210,18 +210,18 @@ void end_trx_if_need(Session *session, Trx *trx, bool all_right)
void print_tuple_header(std::ostream &os, const Operator &oper)
void print_tuple_header(std::ostream &os, const ProjectOperator &oper)
const int cell_num = oper.tuple_cell_num();
TupleCellSpec cell_spec;
const TupleCellSpec *cell_spec = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < cell_num; i++) {
oper.tuple_cell_spec_at(i, cell_spec);
if (i != 0) {
os << " | ";
if (cell_spec.alias()) {
os << cell_spec.alias();
if (cell_spec->alias()) {
os << cell_spec->alias();
#include "sql/expr/tuple.h"
RC FieldExpr::get_value(const Tuple &tuple, TupleCell &cell) const
return tuple.find_cell(field_, cell);
RC ValueExpr::get_value(const Tuple &tuple, TupleCell & cell) const
cell = tuple_cell;
#pragma once
#include "storage/common/field.h"
#include "sql/expr/tuple_cell.h"
class Tuple;
class Expression
Expression() = default;
virtual ~Expression() = default;
virtual RC get_value(const Tuple &tuple, TupleCell &cell) const = 0;
class FieldExpr : public Expression
FieldExpr() = default;
FieldExpr(const Table *table, const FieldMeta *field) : field_(table, field)
virtual ~FieldExpr() = default;
Field &field()
return field_;
const Field &field() const
return field_;
const char *table_name() const
return field_.table_name();
const char *field_name() const
return field_.field_name();
RC get_value(const Tuple &tuple, TupleCell &cell) const override;
Field field_;
class ValueExpr : public Expression
ValueExpr() = default;
ValueExpr(const Value &value) : tuple_cell(value.type, (char *)value.data)
virtual ~ValueExpr() = default;
RC get_value(const Tuple &tuple, TupleCell & cell) const override;
TupleCell tuple_cell;
......@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. */
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "sql/parser/parse.h"
#include "storage/common/field.h"
#include "sql/expr/tuple_cell.h"
#include "sql/expr/expression.h"
#include "storage/common/record.h"
class Table;
......@@ -28,48 +29,35 @@ class TupleCellSpec
TupleCellSpec() = default;
TupleCellSpec(const char *table_name, const char *field_name, const char *alias)
: table_name_(table_name), field_name_(field_name), alias_(alias)
TupleCellSpec(Expression *expr) : expression_(expr)
void set_table_name(const char *table_name)
this->table_name_ = table_name;
void set_field_name(const char *field_name)
this->field_name_ = field_name;
if (expression_) {
delete expression_;
expression_ = nullptr;
void set_alias(const char *alias)
this->alias_ = alias;
const char *table_name() const
return table_name_;
const char *field_name() const
return field_name_;
const char *alias() const
return alias_;
bool is_same_cell(const TupleCellSpec &other) const
Expression *expression() const
return 0 == strcmp(this->table_name_, other.table_name_) &&
0 == strcmp(this->field_name_, other.field_name_);
return expression_;
// TODO table and field cannot describe all scenerio, should be expression
const char *table_name_ = nullptr;
const char *field_name_ = nullptr;
const char *alias_ = nullptr;
Expression *expression_ = nullptr;
class Tuple
......@@ -80,78 +68,82 @@ public:
virtual int cell_num() const = 0;
virtual RC cell_at(int index, TupleCell &cell) const = 0;
virtual RC find_cell(const TupleCellSpec &spec, TupleCell &cell) const = 0;
virtual RC find_cell(const Field &field, TupleCell &cell) const = 0;
virtual RC cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const = 0;
virtual RC cell_spec_at(int index, const TupleCellSpec *&spec) const = 0;
class RowTuple : public Tuple
RowTuple() = default;
virtual ~RowTuple() = default;
virtual ~RowTuple()
for (TupleCellSpec *spec : speces_) {
delete spec;
void set_record(Record *record)
this->record_ = record;
void set_table(Table *table)
void set_schema(Table *table, const std::vector<FieldMeta> *fields)
this->table_ = table;
void set_schema(const std::vector<FieldMeta> *fields)
this->fields_ = fields;
table_ = table;
for (const FieldMeta &field : *fields) {
speces_.push_back(new TupleCellSpec(new FieldExpr(table, &field)));
int cell_num() const override
return fields_->size();
return speces_.size();
RC cell_at(int index, TupleCell &cell) const override
if (index < 0 || index >= fields_->size()) {
if (index < 0 || index >= speces_.size()) {
LOG_WARN("invalid argument. index=%d", index);
const FieldMeta &field_meta = (*fields_)[index];
cell.set_data(this->record_->data() + field_meta.offset());
const TupleCellSpec *spec = speces_[index];
FieldExpr *field_expr = (FieldExpr *)spec->expression();
const FieldMeta *field_meta = field_expr->field().meta();
cell.set_data(this->record_->data() + field_meta->offset());
return RC::SUCCESS;
RC find_cell(const TupleCellSpec &spec, TupleCell &cell) const override
RC find_cell(const Field &field, TupleCell &cell) const override
const char *table_name = spec.table_name();
const char *table_name = field.table_name();
if (0 != strcmp(table_name, table_->name())) {
return RC::NOTFOUND;
const char *field_name = spec.field_name();
for (int i = 0; i < fields_->size(); ++i) {
const FieldMeta &field_meta = (*fields_)[i];
if (0 == strcmp(field_name, field_meta.name())) {
const char *field_name = field.field_name();
for (int i = 0; i < speces_.size(); ++i) {
const FieldExpr * field_expr = (const FieldExpr *)speces_[i]->expression();
const Field &field = field_expr->field();
if (0 == strcmp(field_name, field.field_name())) {
return cell_at(i, cell);
return RC::NOTFOUND;
RC cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const override
RC cell_spec_at(int index, const TupleCellSpec *&spec) const override
if (index < 0 || index >= fields_->size()) {
if (index < 0 || index >= speces_.size()) {
LOG_WARN("invalid argument. index=%d", index);
const FieldMeta &field_meta = (*fields_)[index];
spec = speces_[index];
return RC::SUCCESS;
......@@ -167,7 +159,7 @@ public:
Record *record_ = nullptr;
Table *table_ = nullptr;
const std::vector<FieldMeta> *fields_ = nullptr;
std::vector<TupleCellSpec *> speces_;
......@@ -186,13 +178,20 @@ class ProjectTuple : public Tuple
ProjectTuple() = default;
virtual ~ProjectTuple()
for (TupleCellSpec *spec : speces_) {
delete spec;
void set_tuple(Tuple *tuple)
this->tuple_ = tuple;
void add_cell_spec(const TupleCellSpec &spec)
void add_cell_spec(TupleCellSpec *spec)
......@@ -210,15 +209,15 @@ public:
const TupleCellSpec &spec = speces_[index]; // TODO better: add mapping between projection and raw tuple
return tuple_->find_cell(spec, cell);
const TupleCellSpec *spec = speces_[index];
return spec->expression()->get_value(*tuple_, cell);
RC find_cell(const TupleCellSpec &spec, TupleCell &cell) const override
RC find_cell(const Field &field, TupleCell &cell) const override
return tuple_->find_cell(spec, cell);
return tuple_->find_cell(field, cell);
RC cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const override
RC cell_spec_at(int index, const TupleCellSpec *&spec) const override
if (index < 0 || index >= speces_.size()) {
return RC::NOTFOUND;
......@@ -227,6 +226,6 @@ public:
return RC::SUCCESS;
std::vector<TupleCellSpec> speces_;
std::vector<TupleCellSpec *> speces_;
Tuple *tuple_ = nullptr;
#include "sql/expr/tuple_cell.h"
#include "storage/common/field.h"
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "util/comparator.h"
void TupleCell::to_string(std::ostream &os) const
switch (attr_type_) {
case INTS: {
os << *(int *)data_;
} break;
case FLOATS: {
os << *(float *)data_;
} break;
case CHARS: {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // the max length of CHARS is 4
if (data_[i] == '\0') {
os << data_[i];
} break;
default: {
LOG_WARN("unsupported attr type: %d", attr_type_);
} break;
int TupleCell::compare(const TupleCell &other) const
if (this->attr_type_ == other.attr_type_) {
switch (this->attr_type_) {
case INTS: return compare_int(this->data_, other.data_);
case FLOATS: return compare_float(this->data_, other.data_);
case CHARS: return compare_string(this->data_, other.data_, 4);
default: {
LOG_WARN("unsupported type: %d", this->attr_type_);
} else if (this->attr_type_ == INTS && other.attr_type_ == FLOATS) {
float this_data = *(int *)data_;
return compare_float(&this_data, other.data_);
} else if (this->attr_type_ == FLOATS && other.attr_type_ == INTS) {
float other_data = *(int *)other.data_;
return compare_float(data_, &other_data);
LOG_WARN("not supported");
return -1; // TODO return rc?
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include "storage/common/table.h"
#include "storage/common/field_meta.h"
class TupleCell
TupleCell() = default;
TupleCell(FieldMeta *meta, char *data)
: TupleCell(meta->type(), data)
TupleCell(AttrType attr_type, char *data)
: attr_type_(attr_type), data_(data)
void set_type(AttrType type) { this->attr_type_ = type; }
void set_data(char *data) { this->data_ = data; }
void set_data(const char *data) { this->set_data(const_cast<char *>(data)); }
void to_string(std::ostream &os) const;
int compare(const TupleCell &other) const;
AttrType attr_type_ = UNDEFINED;
char *data_ = nullptr; // real data. no need to move to field_meta.offset
......@@ -35,15 +35,8 @@ public:
Tuple * current_tuple() override {
return nullptr;
int tuple_cell_num() const override
return 0;
RC tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const override
return RC::NOTFOUND;
//int tuple_cell_num() const override
//RC tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const override
DeleteStmt *delete_stmt_ = nullptr;
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. */
#include <vector>
#include "rc.h"
#include "sql/executor/tuple.h"
#include "sql/expr/tuple.h"
class Record;
class TupleCellSpec;
......@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ public:
virtual RC close() = 0;
virtual Tuple * current_tuple() = 0;
virtual int tuple_cell_num() const = 0;
virtual RC tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const = 0;
//virtual int tuple_cell_num() const = 0;
//virtual RC tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec *&spec) const = 0;
void add_child(Operator *oper) {
......@@ -59,31 +59,20 @@ Tuple * PredicateOperator::current_tuple()
return children_[0]->current_tuple();
void get_cell(const RowTuple &tuple, const FilterItem &filter_item, TupleCell &cell)
if (filter_item.is_attr()) {
cell.set_data(tuple.record().data() + filter_item.field().field()->offset());
} else {
cell.set_data((char *)filter_item.value().data);
bool PredicateOperator::do_predicate(RowTuple &tuple)
if (filter_stmt_ == nullptr || filter_stmt_->filter_units().empty()) {
return true;
for (const FilterUnit &filter_unit : filter_stmt_->filter_units()) {
const FilterItem & left = filter_unit.left();
const FilterItem & right = filter_unit.right();
CompOp comp = filter_unit.comp();
for (const FilterUnit *filter_unit : filter_stmt_->filter_units()) {
Expression *left_expr = filter_unit->left();
Expression *right_expr = filter_unit->right();
CompOp comp = filter_unit->comp();
TupleCell left_cell;
TupleCell right_cell;
get_cell(tuple, left, left_cell);
get_cell(tuple, right, right_cell);
left_expr->get_value(tuple, left_cell);
right_expr->get_value(tuple, right_cell);
const int compare = left_cell.compare(right_cell);
bool filter_result = false;
......@@ -117,11 +106,11 @@ bool PredicateOperator::do_predicate(RowTuple &tuple)
return true;
int PredicateOperator::tuple_cell_num() const
return children_[0]->tuple_cell_num();
RC PredicateOperator::tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const
return children_[0]->tuple_cell_spec_at(index, spec);
// int PredicateOperator::tuple_cell_num() const
// {
// return children_[0]->tuple_cell_num();
// }
// RC PredicateOperator::tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const
// {
// return children_[0]->tuple_cell_spec_at(index, spec);
// }
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. */
#include "sql/operator/operator.h"
class FilterStmt;
* PredicateOperator 用于单个表中的记录过滤
* 如果是多个表数据过滤,比如join条件的过滤,需要设计新的predicate或者扩展:w
class PredicateOperator : public Operator
......@@ -31,8 +36,8 @@ public:
RC close() override;
Tuple * current_tuple() override;
int tuple_cell_num() const override;
RC tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const override;
//int tuple_cell_num() const override;
//RC tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const override;
bool do_predicate(RowTuple &tuple);
......@@ -52,11 +52,14 @@ Tuple *ProjectOperator::current_tuple()
void ProjectOperator::add_projection(const Table *table, const FieldMeta *field_meta)
TupleCellSpec spec(table->name(), field_meta->name(), field_meta->name());
// 对单表来说,展示的(alias) 字段总是字段名称,
// 对多表查询来说,展示的alias 需要带表名字
TupleCellSpec *spec = new TupleCellSpec(new FieldExpr(table, field_meta));
RC ProjectOperator::tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const
RC ProjectOperator::tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, const TupleCellSpec *&spec) const
return tuple_.cell_spec_at(index, spec);
......@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ public:
RC next() override;
RC close() override;
int tuple_cell_num() const override
int tuple_cell_num() const
return tuple_.cell_num();
RC tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const override;
RC tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, const TupleCellSpec *&spec) const;
Tuple * current_tuple() override;
......@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ RC TableScanOperator::open()
RC rc = table_->get_record_scanner(record_scanner_);
if (rc == RC::SUCCESS) {
tuple_.set_schema(table_, table_->table_meta().field_metas());
return rc;
......@@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ Tuple * TableScanOperator::current_tuple()
return &tuple_;
RC TableScanOperator::tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const
return tuple_.cell_spec_at(index, spec);
// RC TableScanOperator::tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const
// {
// return tuple_.cell_spec_at(index, spec);
// }
......@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ public:
Tuple * current_tuple() override;
int tuple_cell_num() const override
return tuple_.cell_num();
// int tuple_cell_num() const override
// {
// return tuple_.cell_num();
// }
RC tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const override;
// RC tuple_cell_spec_at(int index, TupleCellSpec &spec) const override;
Table *table_ = nullptr;
RecordFileScanner record_scanner_;
......@@ -46,8 +46,12 @@ RC DeleteStmt::create(Db *db, const Deletes &delete_sql, Stmt *&stmt)
std::unordered_map<std::string_view, Table *> table_map;
table_map.insert(std::pair<std::string_view, Table *>(std::string_view(table_name), table));
FilterStmt *filter_stmt = nullptr;
RC rc = FilterStmt::create(db, table, delete_sql.conditions, delete_sql.condition_num, filter_stmt);
RC rc = FilterStmt::create(db, table, &table_map,
delete_sql.conditions, delete_sql.condition_num, filter_stmt);
if (rc != RC::SUCCESS) {
LOG_WARN("failed to create filter statement. rc=%d:%s", rc, strrc(rc));
return rc;
......@@ -19,7 +19,15 @@ See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. */
#include "storage/common/db.h"
#include "storage/common/table.h"
RC FilterStmt::create(Db *db, Table *default_table,
for (FilterUnit *unit : filter_units_) {
delete unit;
RC FilterStmt::create(Db *db, Table *default_table, std::unordered_map<std::string_view, Table *> *tables,
const Condition *conditions, int condition_num,
FilterStmt *&stmt)
......@@ -28,8 +36,8 @@ RC FilterStmt::create(Db *db, Table *default_table,
FilterStmt *tmp_stmt = new FilterStmt();
for (int i = 0; i < condition_num; i++) {
FilterUnit filter_unit;
rc = create_filter_unit(db, default_table, conditions[i], filter_unit);
FilterUnit *filter_unit = nullptr;
rc = create_filter_unit(db, default_table, tables, conditions[i], filter_unit);
if (rc != RC::SUCCESS) {
delete tmp_stmt;
LOG_WARN("failed to create filter unit. condition index=%d", i);
......@@ -42,10 +50,16 @@ RC FilterStmt::create(Db *db, Table *default_table,
return rc;
RC get_table_and_field(Db *db, Table *default_table, const RelAttr &attr, Table *&table, const FieldMeta *&field)
RC get_table_and_field(Db *db, Table *default_table, std::unordered_map<std::string_view, Table *> *tables,
const RelAttr &attr, Table *&table, const FieldMeta *&field)
if (common::is_blank(attr.relation_name)) {
table = default_table;
} else if (nullptr != tables) {
auto iter = tables->find(std::string_view(attr.relation_name));
if (iter != tables->end()) {
table = iter->second;
} else {
table = db->find_table(attr.relation_name);
......@@ -64,8 +78,8 @@ RC get_table_and_field(Db *db, Table *default_table, const RelAttr &attr, Table
return RC::SUCCESS;
RC FilterStmt::create_filter_unit(Db *db, Table *default_table,
const Condition &condition, FilterUnit &filter_unit)
RC FilterStmt::create_filter_unit(Db *db, Table *default_table, std::unordered_map<std::string_view, Table *> *tables,
const Condition &condition, FilterUnit *&filter_unit)
......@@ -75,38 +89,40 @@ RC FilterStmt::create_filter_unit(Db *db, Table *default_table,
FilterItem &left_item = filter_unit.left();
FilterItem &right_item = filter_unit.right();
Expression *left = nullptr;
Expression *right = nullptr;
if (condition.left_is_attr) {
Table *table = nullptr;
const FieldMeta *field = nullptr;
rc = get_table_and_field(db, default_table, condition.left_attr, table, field);
rc = get_table_and_field(db, default_table, tables, condition.left_attr, table, field);
if (rc != RC::SUCCESS) {
LOG_WARN("cannot find attr");
return rc;
left_item.set_field(table, field);
left = new FieldExpr(table, field);
} else {
left = new ValueExpr(condition.left_value);
if (condition.right_is_attr) {
Table *table = nullptr;
const FieldMeta *field = nullptr;
rc = get_table_and_field(db, default_table, condition.right_attr, table, field);
rc = get_table_and_field(db, default_table, tables, condition.right_attr, table, field);
if (rc != RC::SUCCESS) {
LOG_WARN("cannot find attr");
delete left;
return rc;
right_item.set_field(table, field);
right = new FieldExpr(table, field);
} else {
right = new ValueExpr(condition.right_value);
filter_unit = new FilterUnit;
// 检查两个类型是否能够比较
return rc;
......@@ -15,79 +15,31 @@ See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. */
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "rc.h"
#include "sql/parser/parse_defs.h"
#include "sql/stmt/stmt.h"
#include "sql/expr/expression.h"
class Db;
class Table;
class FieldMeta;
class FilterField
FilterField() = default;
FilterField(Table *table, FieldMeta *field) : table_(table), field_(field)
Table *table() const {
return table_;
const FieldMeta *field() const {
return field_;
void set_table(Table *table) {
table_ = table;
void set_field(const FieldMeta *field) {
field_ = field;
Table *table_ = nullptr;
const FieldMeta *field_ = nullptr;
class FilterItem
FilterItem() = default;
void set_field(Table *table, const FieldMeta *field) {
is_attr_ = true;
void set_value(const Value &value) {
is_attr_ = false;
value_ = value;
bool is_attr() const {
return is_attr_;
const FilterField &field() const {
return field_;
const Value &value() const {
return value_;
bool is_attr_ = false; // is an attribute or a value, or maybe an expression in future
FilterField field_;
Value value_;
class FilterUnit
FilterUnit() = default;
if (left_) {
delete left_;
left_ = nullptr;
if (right_) {
delete right_;
right_ = nullptr;
void set_comp(CompOp comp) {
comp_ = comp;
......@@ -96,22 +48,28 @@ public:
CompOp comp() const {
return comp_;
FilterItem &left() {
return left_;
void set_left(Expression *expr)
left_ = expr;
FilterItem &right() {
return right_;
void set_right(Expression *expr)
right_ = expr;
const FilterItem &left() const {
Expression *left() const
return left_;
const FilterItem &right() const {
Expression *right() const
return right_;
CompOp comp_ = NO_OP;
FilterItem left_;
FilterItem right_;
Expression *left_ = nullptr;
Expression *right_ = nullptr;
class FilterStmt
......@@ -119,20 +77,22 @@ class FilterStmt
FilterStmt() = default;
virtual ~FilterStmt();
const std::vector<FilterUnit> &filter_units() const
const std::vector<FilterUnit *> &filter_units() const
return filter_units_;
static RC create(Db *db, Table *default_table,
static RC create(Db *db, Table *default_table, std::unordered_map<std::string_view, Table *> *tables,
const Condition *conditions, int condition_num,
FilterStmt *&stmt);
static RC create_filter_unit(Db *db, Table *default_table, const Condition &condition, FilterUnit &filter_unit);
static RC create_filter_unit(Db *db, Table *default_table, std::unordered_map<std::string_view, Table *> *tables,
const Condition &condition, FilterUnit *&filter_unit);
std::vector<FilterUnit> filter_units_; // 默认当前都是AND关系
std::vector<FilterUnit *> filter_units_; // 默认当前都是AND关系
......@@ -43,8 +43,9 @@ RC SelectStmt::create(Db *db, const Selects &select_sql, Stmt *&stmt)
// collect tables in `from` statement
std::vector<Table *> tables;
std::map<std::string, Table *> table_map;
std::unordered_map<std::string_view, Table *> table_map;
for (int i = 0; i < select_sql.relation_num; i++) {
const char *table_name = select_sql.relations[i];
if (nullptr == table_name) {
......@@ -62,8 +63,9 @@ RC SelectStmt::create(Db *db, const Selects &select_sql, Stmt *&stmt)
table_map.insert(std::pair<std::string, Table*>(table_name, table));
// collect query fields in `select` statement
std::vector<FieldDesc> query_fields;
for (int i = 0; i < select_sql.attr_num; i++) {
for (int i = select_sql.attr_num - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const RelAttr &relation_attr = select_sql.attributes[i];
if (common::is_blank(relation_attr.relation_name) && 0 == strcmp(relation_attr.attribute_name, "*")) {
......@@ -127,34 +129,15 @@ RC SelectStmt::create(Db *db, const Selects &select_sql, Stmt *&stmt)
default_table = tables[0];
// create filter statement in `where` statement
FilterStmt *filter_stmt = nullptr;
RC rc = FilterStmt::create(db, default_table, select_sql.conditions, select_sql.condition_num, filter_stmt);
RC rc = FilterStmt::create(db, default_table, &table_map,
select_sql.conditions, select_sql.condition_num, filter_stmt);
if (rc != RC::SUCCESS) {
LOG_WARN("cannot construct filter stmt");
return rc;
// make sure all tables in predicate are exists in from stmt
const std::vector<FilterUnit> &filter_units = filter_stmt->filter_units();
for (const FilterUnit &filter_unit : filter_units) {
const FilterItem &left = filter_unit.left();
const FilterItem &right = filter_unit.right();
if (left.is_attr()) {
Table *table = left.field().table();
if (table_map.find(table->name()) == table_map.end()) {
LOG_WARN("the table in predicate is not in from stmt: %s", table->name());
if (right.is_attr()) {
Table *table = right.field().table();
if (table_map.find(table->name()) == table_map.end()) {
LOG_WARN("the table in predicate is not in from stmt: %s", table->name());
// everything alright
SelectStmt *select_stmt = new SelectStmt();
#include "storage/common/field.h"
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "util/comparator.h"
void TupleCell::to_string(std::ostream &os) const
switch (attr_type_) {
case INTS: {
os << *(int *)data_;
} break;
case FLOATS: {
os << *(float *)data_;
} break;
case CHARS: {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // the max length of CHARS is 4
if (data_[i] == '\0') {
os << data_[i];
} break;
default: {
LOG_WARN("unsupported attr type: %d", attr_type_);
} break;
int TupleCell::compare(const TupleCell &other) const
if (this->attr_type_ == other.attr_type_) {
switch (this->attr_type_) {
case INTS: return compare_int(this->data_, other.data_);
case FLOATS: return compare_float(this->data_, other.data_);
case CHARS: return compare_string(this->data_, other.data_, 4);
default: {
LOG_WARN("unsupported type: %d", this->attr_type_);
} else if (this->attr_type_ == INTS && other.attr_type_ == FLOATS) {
float this_data = *(int *)data_;
return compare_float(&this_data, other.data_);
} else if (this->attr_type_ == FLOATS && other.attr_type_ == INTS) {
float other_data = *(int *)other.data_;
return compare_float(data_, &other_data);
LOG_WARN("not supported");
return -1; // TODO return rc?
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include "storage/common/table.h"
#include "storage/common/field_meta.h"
class TupleCell // TODO rename to Cell
class Field
TupleCell() = default;
TupleCell(FieldMeta *meta, char *data) : TupleCell(nullptr, meta, data)
TupleCell(Table *table, FieldMeta *meta, char *data)
: table_(table), attr_type_(meta->type()), data_(data)
Field() = default;
Field(const Table *table, const FieldMeta *field) : table_(table), field_(field)
void set_table(Table *table) { this->table_ = table; }
void set_type(AttrType type) { this->attr_type_ = type; }
void set_data(char *data) { this->data_ = data; }
void set_data(const char *data) { this->set_data(const_cast<char *>(data)); }
const Table *table() const { return table_; }
const FieldMeta *meta() const { return field_; }
void to_string(std::ostream &os) const;
AttrType attr_type() const
return field_->type();
int compare(const TupleCell &other) const;
const char *table_name() const { return table_->name(); }
const char *field_name() const { return field_->name(); }
void set_table(const Table *table)
this->table_ = table;
void set_field(const FieldMeta *field)
this->field_ = field;
Table *table_ = nullptr;
AttrType attr_type_ = UNDEFINED;
char *data_ = nullptr; // real data. no need to move to field_meta.offset
const Table *table_ = nullptr;
const FieldMeta *field_ = nullptr;
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