hw_timer.h 41.3 KB
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// hw_timer.h - Defines and macros used when accessing the timer.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
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// Software License Agreement
// Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and
// exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by
// TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright
// laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source
// software in order to form a larger program.
// This is part of revision 8264 of the Stellaris Firmware Development Package.
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#ifndef __HW_TIMER_H__
#define __HW_TIMER_H__

// The following are defines for the Timer register offsets.
#define TIMER_O_CFG             0x00000000  // GPTM Configuration
#define TIMER_O_TAMR            0x00000004  // GPTM Timer A Mode
#define TIMER_O_TBMR            0x00000008  // GPTM Timer B Mode
#define TIMER_O_CTL             0x0000000C  // GPTM Control
#define TIMER_O_SYNC            0x00000010  // GPTM Synchronize
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#define TIMER_O_IMR             0x00000018  // GPTM Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_O_RIS             0x0000001C  // GPTM Raw Interrupt Status
#define TIMER_O_MIS             0x00000020  // GPTM Masked Interrupt Status
#define TIMER_O_ICR             0x00000024  // GPTM Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_O_TAILR           0x00000028  // GPTM Timer A Interval Load
#define TIMER_O_TBILR           0x0000002C  // GPTM Timer B Interval Load
#define TIMER_O_TAMATCHR        0x00000030  // GPTM Timer A Match
#define TIMER_O_TBMATCHR        0x00000034  // GPTM Timer B Match
#define TIMER_O_TAPR            0x00000038  // GPTM Timer A Prescale
#define TIMER_O_TBPR            0x0000003C  // GPTM Timer B Prescale
#define TIMER_O_TAPMR           0x00000040  // GPTM TimerA Prescale Match
#define TIMER_O_TBPMR           0x00000044  // GPTM TimerB Prescale Match
#define TIMER_O_TAR             0x00000048  // GPTM Timer A
#define TIMER_O_TBR             0x0000004C  // GPTM Timer B
#define TIMER_O_TAV             0x00000050  // GPTM Timer A Value
#define TIMER_O_TBV             0x00000054  // GPTM Timer B Value
54 55 56 57 58 59
#define TIMER_O_RTCPD           0x00000058  // GPTM RTC Predivide
#define TIMER_O_TAPS            0x0000005C  // GPTM Timer A Prescale Snapshot
#define TIMER_O_TBPS            0x00000060  // GPTM Timer B Prescale Snapshot
#define TIMER_O_TAPV            0x00000064  // GPTM Timer A Prescale Value
#define TIMER_O_TBPV            0x00000068  // GPTM Timer B Prescale Value
#define TIMER_O_PP              0x00000FC0  // GPTM Peripheral Properties
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// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_CFG register.
#define TIMER_CFG_M             0x00000007  // GPTM Configuration
#define TIMER_CFG_32_BIT_TIMER  0x00000000  // 32-bit timer configuration
#define TIMER_CFG_32_BIT_RTC    0x00000001  // 32-bit real-time clock (RTC)
                                            // counter configuration
#define TIMER_CFG_16_BIT        0x00000004  // 16-bit timer configuration. The
                                            // function is controlled by bits
                                            // 1:0 of GPTMTAMR and GPTMTBMR

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAMR register.
79 80 81 82 83 84 85
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAPLO        0x00000800  // GPTM Timer A PWM Legacy
                                            // Operation
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMRSU       0x00000400  // GPTM Timer A Match Register
                                            // Update
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAPWMIE      0x00000200  // GPTM Timer A PWM Interrupt
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAILD        0x00000100  // GPTM Timer A Interval Load Write
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#define TIMER_TAMR_TASNAPS      0x00000080  // GPTM Timer A Snap-Shot Mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAWOT        0x00000040  // GPTM Timer A Wait-on-Trigger
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMIE        0x00000020  // GPTM Timer A Match Interrupt
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_TAMR_TACDIR       0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Count Direction
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAAMS        0x00000008  // GPTM Timer A Alternate Mode
                                            // Select
#define TIMER_TAMR_TACMR        0x00000004  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMR_M       0x00000003  // GPTM Timer A Mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMR_1_SHOT  0x00000001  // One-Shot Timer mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMR_PERIOD  0x00000002  // Periodic Timer mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMR_CAP     0x00000003  // Capture mode

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBMR register.
104 105 106 107 108 109 110
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBPLO        0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B PWM Legacy
                                            // Operation
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMRSU       0x00000400  // GPTM Timer B Match Register
                                            // Update
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBPWMIE      0x00000200  // GPTM Timer B PWM Interrupt
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBILD        0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Interval Load Write
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#define TIMER_TBMR_TBSNAPS      0x00000080  // GPTM Timer B Snap-Shot Mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBWOT        0x00000040  // GPTM Timer B Wait-on-Trigger
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMIE        0x00000020  // GPTM Timer B Match Interrupt
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBCDIR       0x00000010  // GPTM Timer B Count Direction
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBAMS        0x00000008  // GPTM Timer B Alternate Mode
                                            // Select
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBCMR        0x00000004  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMR_M       0x00000003  // GPTM Timer B Mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMR_1_SHOT  0x00000001  // One-Shot Timer mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMR_PERIOD  0x00000002  // Periodic Timer mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMR_CAP     0x00000003  // Capture mode

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_CTL register.
#define TIMER_CTL_TBPWML        0x00004000  // GPTM Timer B PWM Output Level
#define TIMER_CTL_TBOTE         0x00002000  // GPTM Timer B Output Trigger
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_M     0x00000C00  // GPTM Timer B Event Mode
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_POS   0x00000000  // Positive edge
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_NEG   0x00000400  // Negative edge
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_BOTH  0x00000C00  // Both edges
#define TIMER_CTL_TBSTALL       0x00000200  // GPTM Timer B Stall Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEN          0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TAPWML        0x00000040  // GPTM Timer A PWM Output Level
#define TIMER_CTL_TAOTE         0x00000020  // GPTM Timer A Output Trigger
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_RTCEN         0x00000010  // GPTM RTC Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_M     0x0000000C  // GPTM Timer A Event Mode
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_POS   0x00000000  // Positive edge
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_NEG   0x00000004  // Negative edge
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_BOTH  0x0000000C  // Both edges
#define TIMER_CTL_TASTALL       0x00000002  // GPTM Timer A Stall Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEN          0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Enable

149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_SYNC register.
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_M    0x00C00000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 5
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 5 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_TA   0x00400000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 5 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_TB   0x00800000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 5 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_TATB 0x00C00000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 5 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_M    0x00300000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 4
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 4 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_TA   0x00100000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 4 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_TB   0x00200000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 4 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_TATB 0x00300000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 4 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_M    0x000C0000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 3
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 3 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_TA   0x00040000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 3 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_TB   0x00080000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 3 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_TATB 0x000C0000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 3 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_M    0x00030000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 2
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 2 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_TA   0x00010000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 2 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_TB   0x00020000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 2 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_TATB 0x00030000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 2 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_M    0x0000C000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 1
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 1 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_TA   0x00004000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 1 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_TB   0x00008000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 1 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_TATB 0x0000C000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 1 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_M    0x00003000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 0
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 0 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_TA   0x00001000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 0 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_TB   0x00002000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 0 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_TATB 0x00003000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 0 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_M     0x00000C00  // Synchronize GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer
                                            // 5
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 5 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_TA    0x00000400  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 5 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_TB    0x00000800  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 5 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_TATB  0x00000C00  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 16/32-Bit
                                            // Timer 5 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_M     0x00000300  // Synchronize GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer
                                            // 4
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 4 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_TA    0x00000100  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 4 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_TB    0x00000200  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 4 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_TATB  0x00000300  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 16/32-Bit
                                            // Timer 4 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_M     0x000000C0  // Synchronize GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer
                                            // 3
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 3 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_TA    0x00000040  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 3 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_TB    0x00000080  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 3 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_TATB  0x000000C0  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 16/32-Bit
                                            // Timer 3 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_M     0x00000030  // Synchronize GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer
                                            // 2
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 2 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_TA    0x00000010  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 2 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_TB    0x00000020  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 2 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_TATB  0x00000030  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 16/32-Bit
                                            // Timer 2 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_M     0x0000000C  // Synchronize GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer
                                            // 1
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 1 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_TA    0x00000004  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 1 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_TB    0x00000008  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 1 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_TATB  0x0000000C  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 16/32-Bit
                                            // Timer 1 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_M     0x00000003  // Synchronize GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer
                                            // 0
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 0 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_TA    0x00000001  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 0 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_TB    0x00000002  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 0 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_TATB  0x00000003  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 16/32-Bit
                                            // Timer 0 is triggered

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// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_IMR register.
316 317
#define TIMER_IMR_WUEIM         0x00010000  // 32/64-Bit GPTM Write Update
                                            // Error Interrupt Mask
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#define TIMER_IMR_TBMIM         0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B Mode Match
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_CBEIM         0x00000400  // GPTM Capture B Event Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_CBMIM         0x00000200  // GPTM Capture B Match Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_TBTOIM        0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Time-Out Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_TAMIM         0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Mode Match
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_RTCIM         0x00000008  // GPTM RTC Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_CAEIM         0x00000004  // GPTM Capture A Event Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_CAMIM         0x00000002  // GPTM Capture A Match Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_TATOIM        0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Time-Out Interrupt
                                            // Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_RIS register.
341 342
#define TIMER_RIS_WUERIS        0x00010000  // 32/64-Bit GPTM Write Update
                                            // Error Raw Interrupt Status
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#define TIMER_RIS_TBMRIS        0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B Mode Match Raw
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_CBERIS        0x00000400  // GPTM Capture B Event Raw
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_CBMRIS        0x00000200  // GPTM Capture B Match Raw
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_TBTORIS       0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Time-Out Raw
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_TAMRIS        0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Mode Match Raw
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_RTCRIS        0x00000008  // GPTM RTC Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_CAERIS        0x00000004  // GPTM Capture A Event Raw
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_CAMRIS        0x00000002  // GPTM Capture A Match Raw
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_TATORIS       0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Time-Out Raw
                                            // Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_MIS register.
366 367
#define TIMER_MIS_WUEMIS        0x00010000  // 32/64-Bit GPTM Write Update
                                            // Error Masked Interrupt Status
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#define TIMER_MIS_TBMMIS        0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B Mode Match Masked
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_CBEMIS        0x00000400  // GPTM Capture B Event Masked
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_CBMMIS        0x00000200  // GPTM Capture B Match Masked
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_TBTOMIS       0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Time-Out Masked
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_TAMMIS        0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Mode Match Masked
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_RTCMIS        0x00000008  // GPTM RTC Masked Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_CAEMIS        0x00000004  // GPTM Capture A Event Masked
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_CAMMIS        0x00000002  // GPTM Capture A Match Masked
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_TATOMIS       0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Time-Out Masked
                                            // Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_ICR register.
391 392
#define TIMER_ICR_WUECINT       0x00010000  // 32/64-Bit GPTM Write Update
                                            // Error Interrupt Clear
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#define TIMER_ICR_TBMCINT       0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B Mode Match
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_CBECINT       0x00000400  // GPTM Capture B Event Interrupt
                                            // Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_CBMCINT       0x00000200  // GPTM Capture B Match Interrupt
                                            // Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_TBTOCINT      0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Time-Out Interrupt
                                            // Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_TAMCINT       0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Mode Match
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_RTCCINT       0x00000008  // GPTM RTC Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_CAECINT       0x00000004  // GPTM Capture A Event Interrupt
                                            // Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_CAMCINT       0x00000002  // GPTM Capture A Match Interrupt
                                            // Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_TATOCINT      0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Time-Out Raw
                                            // Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAILR register.
416 417
#define TIMER_TAILR_M           0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer A Interval Load
                                            // Register
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#define TIMER_TAILR_TAILRH_M    0xFFFF0000  // GPTM Timer A Interval Load
                                            // Register High
#define TIMER_TAILR_TAILRL_M    0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Interval Load
                                            // Register Low
#define TIMER_TAILR_TAILRH_S    16
#define TIMER_TAILR_S           0
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// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBILR register.
431 432
#define TIMER_TBILR_M           0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer B Interval Load
                                            // Register
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#define TIMER_TBILR_TBILRL_M    0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer B Interval Load
                                            // Register
#define TIMER_TBILR_S           0
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// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAMATCHR
// register.
#define TIMER_TAMATCHR_TAMR_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer A Match Register
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#define TIMER_TAMATCHR_TAMRH_M  0xFFFF0000  // GPTM Timer A Match Register High
#define TIMER_TAMATCHR_TAMRL_M  0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Match Register Low
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450 451 452 453 454 455 456

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBMATCHR
// register.
#define TIMER_TBMATCHR_TBMR_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer B Match Register
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#define TIMER_TBMATCHR_TBMRL_M  0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer B Match Register Low
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// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAPR register.
#define TIMER_TAPR_TAPSRH_M     0x0000FF00  // GPTM Timer A Prescale High Byte
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#define TIMER_TAPR_TAPSR_M      0x000000FF  // GPTM Timer A Prescale
#define TIMER_TAPR_TAPSRH_S     8
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470 471 472 473 474 475 476
#define TIMER_TAPR_TAPSR_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBPR register.
#define TIMER_TBPR_TBPSRH_M     0x0000FF00  // GPTM Timer B Prescale High Byte
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#define TIMER_TBPR_TBPSR_M      0x000000FF  // GPTM Timer B Prescale
#define TIMER_TBPR_TBPSRH_S     8
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480 481 482 483 484 485 486
#define TIMER_TBPR_TBPSR_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAPMR register.
487 488
#define TIMER_TAPMR_TAPSMRH_M   0x0000FF00  // GPTM Timer A Prescale Match High
                                            // Byte
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#define TIMER_TAPMR_TAPSMR_M    0x000000FF  // GPTM TimerA Prescale Match
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491 492 493 494 495 496 497

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBPMR register.
498 499
#define TIMER_TBPMR_TBPSMRH_M   0x0000FF00  // GPTM Timer B Prescale Match High
                                            // Byte
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#define TIMER_TBPMR_TBPSMR_M    0x000000FF  // GPTM TimerB Prescale Match
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502 503 504 505 506 507 508

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAR register.
#define TIMER_TAR_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer A Register
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510 511 512 513
#define TIMER_TAR_TARH_M        0xFFFF0000  // GPTM Timer A Register High
#define TIMER_TAR_TARL_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Register Low
#define TIMER_TAR_TARH_S        16
#define TIMER_TAR_TARL_S        0
#define TIMER_TAR_S             0
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515 516 517 518 519 520

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBR register.
#define TIMER_TBR_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer B Register
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522 523
#define TIMER_TBR_TBRL_M        0x00FFFFFF  // GPTM Timer B
#define TIMER_TBR_TBRL_S        0
#define TIMER_TBR_S             0
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525 526 527 528 529 530

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAV register.
#define TIMER_TAV_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer A Value
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532 533 534 535
#define TIMER_TAV_TAVH_M        0xFFFF0000  // GPTM Timer A Value High
#define TIMER_TAV_TAVL_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Register Low
#define TIMER_TAV_TAVH_S        16
#define TIMER_TAV_TAVL_S        0
#define TIMER_TAV_S             0
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537 538 539 540 541 542

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBV register.
#define TIMER_TBV_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer B Value
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544 545
#define TIMER_TBV_TBVL_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer B Register
#define TIMER_TBV_TBVL_S        0
546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599
#define TIMER_TBV_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_RTCPD register.
#define TIMER_RTCPD_RTCPD_M     0x0000FFFF  // RTC Predivide Counter Value
#define TIMER_RTCPD_RTCPD_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAPS register.
#define TIMER_TAPS_PSS_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Prescaler Snapshot
#define TIMER_TAPS_PSS_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBPS register.
#define TIMER_TBPS_PSS_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Prescaler Value
#define TIMER_TBPS_PSS_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAPV register.
#define TIMER_TAPV_PSV_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Prescaler Value
#define TIMER_TAPV_PSV_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBPV register.
#define TIMER_TBPV_PSV_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer B Prescaler Value
#define TIMER_TBPV_PSV_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_PP register.
#define TIMER_PP_SIZE_M         0x0000000F  // Count Size
#define TIMER_PP_SIZE_16        0x00000000  // Timer A and Timer B counters are
                                            // 16 bits each with an 8-bit
                                            // prescale counter
#define TIMER_PP_SIZE_32        0x00000001  // Timer A and Timer B counters are
                                            // 32 bits each with a 16-bit
                                            // prescale counter
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600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746

// The following definitions are deprecated.

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_CFG
// register.
#define TIMER_CFG_CFG_MSK       0x00000007  // Configuration options mask

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_CTL
// register.
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_MSK   0x00000C00  // TimerB event mode mask
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_MSK   0x0000000C  // TimerA event mode mask

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_RIS
// register.
#define TIMER_RIS_CBEMIS        0x00000400  // CaptureB event masked int status
#define TIMER_RIS_CBMMIS        0x00000200  // CaptureB match masked int status
#define TIMER_RIS_TBTOMIS       0x00000100  // TimerB time out masked int stat
#define TIMER_RIS_RTCMIS        0x00000008  // RTC masked int status
#define TIMER_RIS_CAEMIS        0x00000004  // CaptureA event masked int status
#define TIMER_RIS_CAMMIS        0x00000002  // CaptureA match masked int status
#define TIMER_RIS_TATOMIS       0x00000001  // TimerA time out masked int stat

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAILR
// register.
#define TIMER_TAILR_TAILRH      0xFFFF0000  // TimerB load val in 32 bit mode
#define TIMER_TAILR_TAILRL      0x0000FFFF  // TimerA interval load value

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBILR
// register.
#define TIMER_TBILR_TBILRL      0x0000FFFF  // TimerB interval load value

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the
// TIMER_O_TAMATCHR register.
#define TIMER_TAMATCHR_TAMRH    0xFFFF0000  // TimerB match val in 32 bit mode
#define TIMER_TAMATCHR_TAMRL    0x0000FFFF  // TimerA match value

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the
// TIMER_O_TBMATCHR register.
#define TIMER_TBMATCHR_TBMRL    0x0000FFFF  // TimerB match load value

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAR
// register.
#define TIMER_TAR_TARH          0xFFFF0000  // TimerB val in 32 bit mode
#define TIMER_TAR_TARL          0x0000FFFF  // TimerA value

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBR
// register.
#define TIMER_TBR_TBRL          0x0000FFFF  // TimerB value

// The following are deprecated defines for the reset values of the timer
// registers.
#define TIMER_RV_TAILR          0xFFFFFFFF  // TimerA interval load reg RV
#define TIMER_RV_TAR            0xFFFFFFFF  // TimerA register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TAMATCHR       0xFFFFFFFF  // TimerA match register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TBILR          0x0000FFFF  // TimerB interval load reg RV
#define TIMER_RV_TBMATCHR       0x0000FFFF  // TimerB match register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TBR            0x0000FFFF  // TimerB register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TAPR           0x00000000  // TimerA prescale register RV
#define TIMER_RV_CFG            0x00000000  // Configuration register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TBPMR          0x00000000  // TimerB prescale match regi RV
#define TIMER_RV_TAPMR          0x00000000  // TimerA prescale match reg RV
#define TIMER_RV_CTL            0x00000000  // Control register RV
#define TIMER_RV_ICR            0x00000000  // Interrupt clear register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TBMR           0x00000000  // TimerB mode register RV
#define TIMER_RV_MIS            0x00000000  // Masked interrupt status reg RV
#define TIMER_RV_RIS            0x00000000  // Interrupt status register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TBPR           0x00000000  // TimerB prescale register RV
#define TIMER_RV_IMR            0x00000000  // Interrupt mask register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TAMR           0x00000000  // TimerA mode register RV

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_TnMR
// register.
#define TIMER_TNMR_TNAMS        0x00000008  // Alternate mode select
#define TIMER_TNMR_TNCMR        0x00000004  // Capture mode - count or time
#define TIMER_TNMR_TNTMR_MSK    0x00000003  // Timer mode mask
#define TIMER_TNMR_TNTMR_1_SHOT 0x00000001  // Mode - one shot
#define TIMER_TNMR_TNTMR_PERIOD 0x00000002  // Mode - periodic
#define TIMER_TNMR_TNTMR_CAP    0x00000003  // Mode - capture

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_TnPR
// register.
#define TIMER_TNPR_TNPSR        0x000000FF  // TimerN prescale value

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_TnPMR
// register.
#define TIMER_TNPMR_TNPSMR      0x000000FF  // TimerN prescale match value


#endif // __HW_TIMER_H__