提交 c2a2a60e 编写于 作者: W wangshuide2020

add some missing infomation about tensor visualization.

上级 0722e781
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## Overview
Training dashboard is an important part of mindinsight's visualization component, and its tags include scalar visualization, parameter distribution visualization, computational visualization, data visualization and image visualization.
Training dashboard is an important part of mindinsight's visualization component, and its tags include scalar visualization, parameter distribution visualization, computational visualization, data visualization, image visualization and tensor visualization.
Access the Training Dashboard by selecting a specific training from the training list.
......@@ -195,6 +195,6 @@ Figure 13 shows tensors recorded by a user in a form of a histogram. Click the u
Remarks: The method of estimating the space usage of `TensorSummary` is as follows:
The size of a `TensorSummary` data = the number of values in the tensor * 4 bytes. Assuming that the size of the tensor recorded by `TensorSummary` is 32 * 1 * 256 * 256, then a `TensorSummary` data needs about 32 * 1 * 256 * 256 * 4 bytes = 8,388,608 bytes = 8MiB. Also suppose that the collect_freq of `SummaryCollector` is set to 1, and 50 iterations are trained. Then the required space when recording these 50 sets of data is about 50 * 8 MiB = 400MiB. It should be noted that due to the overhead of data structure and other factors, the actual storage space used will be slightly larger than 400MiB.
The size of a `TensorSummary` data = the number of values in the tensor * 4 bytes. Assuming that the size of the tensor recorded by `TensorSummary` is 32 * 1 * 256 * 256, then a `TensorSummary` data needs about 32 * 1 * 256 * 256 * 4 bytes = 8,388,608 bytes = 8MiB. `TensorSummary` will record data of 20 steps by default. Then the required space when recording these 20 sets of data is about 20 * 8 MiB = 160MiB. It should be noted that due to the overhead of data structure and other factors, the actual storage space used will be slightly larger than 160MiB.
6. The training log file is large when using `TensorSummary` because the complete tensor data is recorded. MindInsight needs more time to parse the training log file, please be patient.
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## 概述
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一个`TensorSummary`数据的大小 = Tensor中的数值个数 * 4 bytes。假设使用`TensorSummary`记录的Tensor大小为32 * 1 * 256 * 256,则一个`TensorSummary`数据大约需要32 * 1 * 256 * 256 * 4 bytes = 8,388,608 bytes = 8MiB。又假设`SummaryCollector`的collect_freq设置为1,且训练了50个迭代。则记录这50组数据需要的空间约为50 * 8 MiB = 400MiB。需要注意的是,由于数据结构等因素的开销,实际使用的存储空间会略大于400MiB。
一个`TensorSummary`数据的大小 = Tensor中的数值个数 * 4 bytes。假设使用`TensorSummary`记录的Tensor大小为32 * 1 * 256 * 256,则一个`TensorSummary`数据大约需要32 * 1 * 256 * 256 * 4 bytes = 8,388,608 bytes = 8MiB。`TensorSummary`默认会记录20个步骤的数据,则记录这20组数据需要的空间约为20 * 8 MiB = 160MiB。需要注意的是,由于数据结构等因素的开销,实际使用的存储空间会略大于160MiB。
6. 当使用`TensorSummary`时,由于记录完整Tensor数据,训练日志文件较大,MindInsight需要更多时间解析训练日志文件,请耐心等待。
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