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# Legal Statement
## Rules and Conditions for Accessing the Website of MindSpore Open Source Project
[MindSpore open source project website] is operated by MindSpore open source project. Its domain name is <https://www.mindspore.cn>. The following rules apply to all visitors or users accessing this website. MindSpore open source project may, without notice to you, at any time revise these terms according to laws, regulations, and market changes. The right to access this website is authorized by MindSpore open source project according to the following terms. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use this website. Your use of services provided by <https://www.mindspore.cn> will be deemed as your acknowledgment of the whole Statement. MindSpore open source project has the right to take legal and fair remedies for violations of these conditions.
## Disclaimer
Although MindSpore open source project has attempted to provide accurate information on the website (<https://www.mindspore.cn>), including but not limited to the texts, pictures, data, opinions, suggestions, web pages, and links, the project does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, fullness or reliability of these materials and content, and explicitly states that it does not take responsibility for errors or omissions in these data and content, or make any express or implied warranty on these materials and information, including but not limited to guarantee concerning relevant ownerships, free from infringement upon third-party rights, quality or computer viruses.
MindSpore open source project may change the information on the website (<https://www.mindspore.cn>) at any time without notice. You shall periodically visit this website to obtain the latest version information. Mention of products or services that are not related to MindSpore open source project is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. MindSpore open source project does not provide any statement, guarantee or authorization for any of the products or services appearing on the website (<https://www.mindspore.cn>). All products and services are governed by the sales agreement of MindSpore open source project.
Whereas some of the services provided on the website (<https://www.mindspore.cn>) are bulletin board system (BBS) service, the relevant information about or posted by its members on the website (including but not limited to usernames, company names, contact persons and details, related images and videos) is all provided by the members, who shall be full responsible for any information they provide.
Any entity or individual who considers the content on the website (<https://www.mindspore.cn>) (including but not limited to the commodity information posted by the members of the website) suspected of infringing their legal interest shall make an infringement statement in writing to MindSpore open source project, together with their identification, ownership certification, particular URL and detailed proof of infringement. MindSpore open source project will remove the content alleged to be infringing by law upon receiving the foregoing legal document.
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All materials and content on the website (<https://www.mindspore.cn>) are protected by law. Other than quotes from other sources, all copyrights belong to MindSpore open source project. Without a prior written permission of MindSpore open source project or other parties concerned, no person or organization shall reproduce, distribute, reprint, or play any content of this website (<https://www.mindspore.cn>) in any form; link to or transmit the content through hyperlinks; upload the content to other servers using the method of images; store the content in information retrieval systems; or use the content for any other commercial purposes. For non-commercial and personal use, the content of the website may be downloaded or printed on condition that the content is not modified and all rights statements are reserved.
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# Privacy Policy
Please carefully read and understand the Privacy Policy before using MindSpore and other services on this website.
To ensure the proper running of MindSpore and provide better services for you, we will collect the following personal data:
1. You can subscribe to the latest MindSpore news on this website. To fulfill the business function, you need to agree us to collect and use your personal and sensitive personal information, including your email address.
2. To participate in community development, you need to sign the Contribution License Agreement (CLA), which contains the following personal information:
- Your name or account
- Your address
- Your email address
- Your phone number
- Your fax number
- Your ID on Gitee
3. The community provides a mailing list for developers to communicate and collaborate with each other. When you join a mailing list, we will collect your email address.
4. To learn about the running status of the MindSpore community, we will collect your information when you access the website, including but not limited to your IP address, browser type, used language, access date and time, software and hardware features, web page you accessed, device model, device identity code, operating system, resolution, telecom carrier, and download clicks.
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MindSpore does not share, transfer, or disclose your information without your prior consent unless otherwise required by laws and regulations.
According to applicable laws and regulations, you may have rights to access, modify, delete, deny, limit, or transfer the above information. To exercise your rights, contact us through the contact information provided in this document.
The above information is stored in the People's Republic of China.
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To ensure the normal operation of our website, sometimes we may store small data files named cookies on computers or portable devices. A cookie is a text-only file stored on computers or mobile devices by network servers. The content of a cookie can only be retrieved or read by the server that created it. Each cookie is unique to your web browser or mobile application. Cookies usually contain identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. Websites can store data about user preferences and other information using cookies.
MindSpore enables cookies for the same purposes of most website or Internet service providers, that is, to improve user experience. Specifically, the purposes are as follows:
1. Saving settings With cookies, the website can save settings, such as search result records, to acquire returned search results and optimize browser services.
2. Authentication When you visit this website, a unique ID is generated to identify you. If the website does not use cookies with the authentication function, it will consider its users as new visitors each time they visit the website. For example, if you log in to the website and switch to another web page, the website will no longer recognize you and you will be regarded as a new visitor.
Other third parties, such as Google and Baidu, will set cookies on our websites. They use these cookies to receive IP addresses, information about your browser configurations, and access information, but do not collect your personal identity information. In this way, they can learn how you interact with the website. You can visit the websites of the third parties to learn how they use cookies.
You can manage or delete cookies based on your preferences. For details, see [AboutCookies](https://www.aboutcookies.org/). You can clear all cookies stored on your computer, and most web browsers can be configured to block cookies. However, if you do so, you may have to manually change your user settings every time you visit our website.
If you have any questions, contact us at contact@mindspore.cn.
Last update: March, 2020
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# 法律声明
## 规则及MindSpore开源项目网址访问条件
## 不承诺责任声明
鉴于<https://www.mindspore.cn>提供的部分服务属于电子公告牌(BBS)服务,<https://www.mindspore.cn>上关于其会员或其会员发布的相关信息(包括但不限于用户名称、公司名称、 联系人及联络信息,相关图片、视讯等)的信息均是由会员自行提供,会员依法应对其提供的任何信息承担全部责任。
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# 个人信息保护政策
1. 您可以在本网站订阅MindSpore最新资讯。为了完成该业务功能所需,您同意授权我们收集和使用您的个人信息或个人敏感信息,包括电子邮箱地址。
2. 如果您参与社区开发,我们需要您签署贡献者协议(CLA), 协议会包含以下个人信息:
- 您的姓名或账户
- 您的地址
- 您的电子邮件地址
- 您的电话号码
- 您的传真号码
- 您在码云(Gitee)的ID
3. 社区也提供邮件列表,方便开发者相互交流和协作,当您注册邮件列表时,我们会收集您的邮件地址信息。
4. 为持续了解MindSpore社区的运行状况,我们将收集您浏览本网站期间包括但不限于您的IP地址、浏览器的类型、使用的语言、访问日期和时间、软硬件特征信息及您需求的网页记录、设备型号、设备识别码、操作系统、分辨率、电信运营商,下载点击等数据。
为确保网站正常运转,我们有时会在计算机或移动设备上存储 Cookie 的小数据文件。Cookie 是一种网络服务器存储在计算机或移动设备上的纯文本文件。Cookie 的内容只能由创建它的服务器检索或读取。每个 Cookie 对您的网络浏览器或移动应用程序都是唯一的。Cookie 通常包含标识符、站点名称以及一些号码和字符。借助于 Cookie,网站能够存储用户偏好等数据。
我们启用Cookie的目的与大多数网站或互联网服务提供商启用 Cookie 的目的一样,即改善用户体验。具体而言,有以下目的:
(1)保存设置。借助于 Cookie,网站能够保存设置,例如搜索结果记录,便于返回搜索结果,从而优化浏览器服务。
(2)认证。当您访问本网站时,我们会为您生成一个单独的ID,以标识您的身份。如果网站不使用具有该功能的 Cookie,那么在用户每一次打开网页时,该网站都会将其视为新访客。例如,如果您登录本网站后转到另一个网页,本网站就不会识别出您,而您会被视为新访客。
您可根据自己的偏好管理或删除 Cookie。有关详情,请参见[AboutCookies](https://www.aboutcookies.org/)。您可以清除计算机上保存的所有 Cookie,大部分网络浏览器都设有阻止 Cookie 的功能。但如果您这么做,则需要在每一次访问我们的网站时亲自更改用户设置。
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