提交 18d86ddc 编写于 作者: M mindspore-ci-bot 提交者: Gitee

!616 update distributed training docs r0.6

Merge pull request !616 from lichen/update_distributed_training_doc_r0.6
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class SoftmaxCrossEntropyExpand(nn.Cell):
self.onehot = P.OneHot()
self.on_value = Tensor(1.0, mstype.float32)
self.off_value = Tensor(0.0, mstype.float32)
self.div = P.Div()
self.div = P.RealDiv()
self.log = P.Log()
self.sum_cross_entropy = P.ReduceSum(keep_dims=False)
self.mul = P.Mul()
......@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
> 你可以在这里找到样例的运行脚本:
> <https://gitee.com/mindspore/docs/blob/r0.6/tutorials/tutorial_code/distributed_training/run_gpu.sh>。
> 如果通过root用户执行脚本,`mpirun`需要加上`--allow-run-as-root`参数。
......@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ echo "start training"
mpirun -n 8 pytest -s -v ./resnet50_distributed_training.py > train.log 2>&1 &
脚本需要传入变量`DATA_PATH`,表示数据集的路径。此外,我们需要修改下`resnet50_distributed_training.py`文件,`device_target`设置为`GPU`,并调用`init("nccl")`来使能NCCL。日志文件保存`device`目录下,关于Loss部分结果保存在`train.log`中。将loss值 `grep`出来后,示例如下:
epoch: 1 step: 1, loss is 2.3025854
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class SoftmaxCrossEntropyExpand(nn.Cell):
self.onehot = P.OneHot()
self.on_value = Tensor(1.0, mstype.float32)
self.off_value = Tensor(0.0, mstype.float32)
self.div = P.Div()
self.div = P.RealDiv()
self.log = P.Log()
self.sum_cross_entropy = P.ReduceSum(keep_dims=False)
self.mul = P.Mul()
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