| EulerOS | Euler operating system, which is developed by Huawei based on the standard Linux kernel. |
| FC Layer | Fully connected layer, which acts as a classifier in the entire convolutional neural network. |
| FE | Fusion Engine, which connects to GE and TBE operators and has the capabilities of loading and managing the operator information library and managing convergence rules. |
| Fine-tuning | A process to take a network model that has already been trained for a given task, and make it perform a second similar task. |
| FP16 | 16-bit floating point, which is a half-precision floating point arithmetic format, consuming less memory. |
| FP32 | 32-bit floating point, which is a single-precision floating point arithmetic format. |
| GE | Graph Engine, MindSpore computational graph execution engine, which is responsible for optimizing hardware (such as operator fusion and memory overcommitment) based on the front-end computational graph and starting tasks on the device side. |