提交 118ed4a7 编写于 作者: C cjh9368

add aware quant tutorials

上级 8ab19ea1
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ The following describes the parameters in detail.
| `--accuracyThreshold=<ACCURACYTHRESHOLD>` | Optional | Specifies the accuracy threshold. | Float | 0.5 | - |
| `--calibDataPath=<CALIBDATAPATH>` | Optional | Specifies the file path of the benchmark data. The benchmark data, as the comparison output of the tested model, is output from the forward inference of the tested model under other deep learning frameworks using the same input. | String | Null | - |
| `--cpuBindMode=<CPUBINDMODE>` | Optional | Specifies the type of the CPU core bound to the model inference program. | Integer | 1 | −1: medium core<br/>1: large core<br/>0: not bound |
| `--device=<DEVICE>` | Optional | Specifies the type of the device on which the model inference program runs. | String | CPU | CPU, NPU, or GPU |
| `--device=<DEVICE>` | Optional | Specifies the type of the device on which the model inference program runs. | String | CPU | CPU or GPU |
| `--help` | Optional | Displays the help information about the `benchmark` command. | - | - | - |
| `--inDataPath=<INDATAPATH>` | Optional | Specifies the file path of the input data of the tested model. If this parameter is not set, a random value will be used. | String | Null | - |
| `--inDataType=<INDATATYPE>` | Optional | Specifies the file type of the input data of the tested model. | String | Bin | Img: The input data is an image. Bin: The input data is a binary file.|
......@@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ Model = face_age.ms, numThreads = 2, MinRunTime = 72.228996 ms, MaxRuntime = 73.
The accuracy test performed by the Benchmark tool is to verify the accuracy of the MinSpore model output by setting benchmark data. In an accuracy test, in addition to the `modelPath` parameter, the `calibDataPath` parameter must be set. For example:
./benchmark --modelPath=./models/face_age.ms --inDataPath=./input/face_age.bin --device=NPU --accuracyThreshold=3 --calibDataPath=./output/face_age.out
./benchmark --modelPath=./models/face_age.ms --inDataPath=./input/face_age.bin --device=CPU --accuracyThreshold=3 --calibDataPath=./output/face_age.out
This command specifies the input data and benchmark data of the tested model, specifies that the model inference program runs on the NPU, and sets the accuracy threshold to 3%. After this command is executed, the following statistics are displayed, including the single input data of the tested model, output result and average deviation rate of the output node, and average deviation rate of all nodes.
This command specifies the input data and benchmark data of the tested model, specifies that the model inference program runs on the CPU, and sets the accuracy threshold to 3%. After this command is executed, the following statistics are displayed, including the single input data of the tested model, output result and average deviation rate of the output node, and average deviation rate of all nodes.
InData0: 139.947 182.373 153.705 138.945 108.032 164.703 111.585 227.402 245.734 97.7776 201.89 134.868 144.851 236.027 18.1142 22.218 5.15569 212.318 198.43 221.853
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ You can enter `./converter_lite --help` to obtain help information in real time.
The following describes the parameters in detail.
| Parameter | Mandatory or Not | Parameter Description | Value Range | Default Value |
| -------- | ------- | ----- | --- | ---- |
| `--help` | No | Prints all help information. | - | - |
......@@ -41,7 +41,11 @@ The following describes the parameters in detail.
| `--modelFile=<MODELFILE>` | Yes | Path of the input model. | - | - |
| `--outputFile=<OUTPUTFILE>` | Yes | Path of the output model. (If the path does not exist, a directory will be automatically created.) The suffix `.ms` can be automatically generated. | - | - |
| `--weightFile=<WEIGHTFILE>` | Yes (for Caffe models only) | Path of the weight file of the input model. | - | - |
| `--quantType=<QUANTTYPE>` | No | Sets the training type of the model. | PostTraining: quantization after training <br>AwareTraining: perceptual quantization | - |
| `--quantType=<QUANTTYPE>` | No | Sets the quant type of the model. | PostTraining: quantization after training <br>AwareTraining: perceptual quantization | - |
|`--inputInferenceType=<INPUTRINFERENCETYPE>` | No(supported by aware quant models only) | Sets the input data type of the converted model. If the type is different from the origin model, the convert tool will insert data type convert op before the model to make sure the input data type is same as the input of origin model. | FLOAT or INT8 | FLOAT |
|`--inferenceType=<INFERENCETYPE> `| No(supported by aware quant models only) | Sets the output data type of the converted model. If the type is different from the origin model, the convert tool will insert data type convert op before the model to make sure the output data type is same as the input of origin model. | FLOAT or INT8 | FLOAT |
|`--stdDev=<STDDEV>`| No(supported by aware quant models only) | Sets the standard deviation of the input data. | (0,+∞) | 128 |
|`--mean=<MEAN>`| No(supported by aware quant models only) | Sets the mean value of the input data. | [-128, 127] | -0.5 |
> - The parameter name and parameter value are separated by an equal sign (=) and no space is allowed between them.
> - The Caffe model is divided into two files: model structure `*.prototxt`, corresponding to the `--modelFile` parameter; model weight `*.caffemodel`, corresponding to the `--weightFile` parameter
......@@ -88,13 +92,17 @@ The following describes how to use the conversion command by using several commo
./converter_lite --fmk=ONNX --modelFile=model.onnx --outputFile=model
- TensorFlow Lite perceptual quantization model `model_quant.tflite`
- TensorFlow Lite aware quantization model `model_quant.tflite`
./converter_lite --fmk=TFLITE --modelFile=model.tflite --outputFile=model --quantType=AwareTraining
- TensorFlow Lite aware quantization model `model_quant.tflite` set the input and output data type to be int8
./converter_lite --fmk=TFLITE --modelFile=model.tflite --outputFile=model --quantType=AwareTraining --inputInferenceType=INT8 --inferenceType=INT8
In the preceding scenarios, the following information is displayed, indicating that the conversion is successful. In addition, the target file `model.ms` is obtained.
INFO [converter/converter.cc:190] Runconverter] CONVERTER RESULT: SUCCESS!
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Benchmark工具是一款可以对MindSpore Lite模型进行基准测试的工具
| `--accuracyThreshold=<ACCURACYTHRESHOLD>` | 可选 | 指定准确度阈值。 | Float | 0.5 | - |
| `--calibDataPath=<CALIBDATAPATH>` | 可选 | 指定标杆数据的文件路径。标杆数据作为该测试模型的对比输出,是该测试模型使用相同输入并由其它深度学习框架前向推理而来。 | String | null | - |
| `--cpuBindMode=<CPUBINDMODE>` | 可选 | 指定模型推理程序运行时绑定的CPU核类型。 | Integer | 1 | -1:表示中核<br/>1:表示大核<br/>0:表示不绑定 |
| `--device=<DEVICE>` | 可选 | 指定模型推理程序运行的设备类型。 | String | CPU | CPU、NPU、GPU |
| `--device=<DEVICE>` | 可选 | 指定模型推理程序运行的设备类型。 | String | CPU | CPU、GPU |
| `--help` | 可选 | 显示`benchmark`命令的帮助信息。 | - | - | - |
| `--inDataPath=<INDATAPATH>` | 可选 | 指定测试模型输入数据的文件路径。如果未设置,则使用随机输入。 | String | null | - |
| `--inDataType=<INDATATYPE>` | 可选 | 指定测试模型输入数据的文件类型。 | String | bin | img:表示输入数据的文件类型为图片<br>bin:表示输入数据的类型为二进制文件 |
......@@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ Model = face_age.ms, numThreads = 2, MinRunTime = 72.228996 ms, MaxRuntime = 73.
Benchmark工具进行的精度测试主要是通过设置标杆数据来对比验证MindSpore Lite模型输出的精确性。在精确度测试任务中,除了需要设置`modelPath`参数以外,还必须设置`calibDataPath`参数。例如:
./benchmark --modelPath=./models/face_age.ms --inDataPath=./input/face_age.bin --device=NPU --accuracyThreshold=3 --calibDataPath=./output/face_age.out
./benchmark --modelPath=./models/face_age.ms --inDataPath=./input/face_age.bin --device=CPU --accuracyThreshold=3 --calibDataPath=./output/face_age.out
InData0: 139.947 182.373 153.705 138.945 108.032 164.703 111.585 227.402 245.734 97.7776 201.89 134.868 144.851 236.027 18.1142 22.218 5.15569 212.318 198.43 221.853
......@@ -47,7 +47,11 @@ MindSpore Lite提供离线转换模型功能的工具,支持多种类型的模
| `--modelFile=<MODELFILE>` | 是 | 输入模型的路径。 | - | - |
| `--outputFile=<OUTPUTFILE>` | 是 | 输出模型的路径(不存在时将自动创建目录),不需加后缀,可自动生成`.ms`后缀。 | - | - |
| `--weightFile=<WEIGHTFILE>` | 转换Caffe模型时必选 | 输入模型weight文件的路径。 | - | - |
| `--quantType=<QUANTTYPE>` | 否 | 设置模型的训练类型 | PostTraining:训练后量化<br>AwareTraining:感知量化。 | - |
| `--quantType=<QUANTTYPE>` | 否 | 设置模型的量化类型。 | PostTraining:训练后量化<br>AwareTraining:感知量化。 | - |
|` --inputInferenceType=<INPUTINFERENCETYPE>` | 否 | 设置感知量化模型输入数据类型,如果和原模型不一致则转换工具会在模型前插转换算子,使得转换后的模型输入类型和inputInferenceType保持一致。 | FLOAT、INT8 | FLOAT |
| `--inferenceType=<INFERENCETYPE>` | 否 | 设置感知量化模型输出数据类型,如果和原模型不一致则转换工具会在模型前插转换算子,使得转换后的模型输出类型和inferenceType保持一致。 | FLOAT、INT8 | FLOAT |
| `--stdDev=<STDDEV> `| 否 | 感知量化模型转换时用于设置输入数据的标准差。 | (0,+∞) | 128 |
| `--mean=<MEAN>` | 否 | 感知量化模型转换时用于设置输入数据的均值。 | [-128, 127] | -0.5 |
> - 参数名和参数值之间用等号连接,中间不能有空格。
> - Caffe模型一般分为两个文件:`*.prototxt`模型结构,对应`--modelFile`参数;`*.caffemodel`模型权值,对应`--weightFile`参数。
......@@ -99,11 +103,17 @@ bash build.sh -I x86_64
./converter_lite --fmk=TFLITE --modelFile=model_quant.tflite --outputFile=model --quantType=AwareTraining
- 感知量化模型输入设置为int8,输出设置为int8
./converter_lite --fmk=TFLITE --modelFile=model_quant.tflite --outputFile=model --quantType=AwareTraining --inputInferenceType=INT8 --inferenceType=INT8
INFO [converter/converter.cc:190] Runconverter] CONVERTER RESULT: SUCCESS!
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