1. 12 1月, 2018 1 次提交
  2. 09 12月, 2017 1 次提交
  3. 30 11月, 2017 5 次提交
  4. 29 11月, 2017 2 次提交
    • J
      Fix QuickInfo for F# · f430030d
      Jason Malinowski 提交于
      The QuickInfoDisplayDeferredContent type was somewhat evil: it had a
      set of properties that were intended as test-only accessors, that would
      give you access to fields of type IDeferredQuickInfoContent but would
      cast to the expected concrete type. In a previous refactoring I
      started using those properties in the product which breaks F# because it may
      create different implementations from IDeferredQuickInfoContent.
      My fix here is just to delete the properties and clean up the test
      helpers to do explicit casting. By refactoring the helpers a bit the
      test complexity doesn't change and eliminates the trap in the first
    • S
      Use the old metadata as source feature if ILSpy fails · f3900eb9
      Sam Harwell 提交于
  5. 28 11月, 2017 2 次提交
  6. 18 11月, 2017 1 次提交
    • J
      Remove more dependencies from EditorFeatures · e2e885d9
      Jason Malinowski 提交于
      This takes care of Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging and
      Microsoft.VisualStudio.ImageCatalog, which for now aren't available
      outside Visual Studio. ImageCatalog is a pretty simple data API so
      one day it might be useful, but for now isn't.
      Fixes dotnet/roslyn#23189.
  7. 16 11月, 2017 1 次提交
  8. 11 11月, 2017 4 次提交
  9. 27 10月, 2017 1 次提交
    • H
      added completion set and fix all telemetry to track performance (#22811) · 33b8070b
      Heejae Chang 提交于
      * added time tracking to completion set.
      from the point we start completion set to first time we are called from VS for best match (which indicate that completion set is actually shown to users first time for this particular completion session)
      the event is vs/ide/vbcs/intellisense/completion
      if completion is done without showing UI to users (etc or tab), then event will be marked as cancelled.
      * added perf tracking to LB fix all.
      there were already existing events so I just made those to include perf info (duration) as well.
      among all those events, these 2 are ones we were planning to add
      this shows time from the point user invoked fix all to where we shows preview window to users.
      this shows time from user clicked Apply from preview window to where we actually applied the changes to VS
      there are more events between them in case we want to dig in details later such as how long it took to calculate diagnostics, how many files are affected and etc.
      also all related events have correlation id to group related code fix events. also for fix all case, it contains scope to show whether fix all is for document, project, solution.
      * PR feedback. removed unnecessary parameter
      * removed repeated correction id set
      * updated comments.
  10. 26 10月, 2017 1 次提交
  11. 20 10月, 2017 3 次提交
  12. 19 10月, 2017 2 次提交
    • J
    • J
      Ensure we always complete the call hierarchy search · 38aae1a5
      Jason Malinowski 提交于
      If a symbol couldn't be resolved, we would bail the search and never
      notify the UI that we stopped searching. We also wouldn't complete
      the IAsyncToken either.
      While I was here I also noticed that we were starting the async
      operation asynchronously which could have resulted in flakiness in
      integration tests. Our pattern is anything starting async work should
      start the operation right away, so we can confidently wait until the
      operation is complete.
      # Conflicts:
      #	src/EditorFeatures/Core/Implementation/CallHierarchy/Finders/AbstractCallFinder.cs
  13. 11 10月, 2017 1 次提交
  14. 05 10月, 2017 15 次提交