提交 4b4ed766 编写于 作者: A Andrew Casey

Merge pull request #7810 from amcasey/KillMsbuild

Kill msbuild before each CI run
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ if "%BuildRestore%" == "true" (
REM Set the build version only so the assembly version is set to the semantic version,
REM which allows analyzers to laod because the compiler has binding redirects to the
REM which allows analyzers to load because the compiler has binding redirects to the
REM semantic version
msbuild %MSBuildAdditionalCommandLineArgs% /p:BuildVersion= %RoslynRoot%build/Toolset.sln /p:NuGetRestorePackages=false /p:Configuration=%BuildConfiguration% /fileloggerparameters:LogFile=%RoslynRoot%Binaries\Bootstrap.log || goto :BuildFailed
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ copy "build\scripts\*" "%RoslynRoot%Binaries\Bootstrap" || goto :BuildFailed
REM Clean the previous build
msbuild %MSBuildAdditionalCommandLineArgs% /t:Clean build/Toolset.sln /p:Configuration=%BuildConfiguration% /fileloggerparameters:LogFile=%RoslynRoot%Binaries\BootstrapClean.log || goto :BuildFailed
call :TerminateCompilerServer
call :TerminateBuildProcesses
if defined Perf (
set Target=Build
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ if defined Perf (
msbuild %MSBuildAdditionalCommandLineArgs% /p:BootstrapBuildPath=%RoslynRoot%Binaries\Bootstrap BuildAndTest.proj /t:%Target% /p:Configuration=%BuildConfiguration% /p:Test64=%Test64% /fileloggerparameters:LogFile=%RoslynRoot%Binaries\Build.log;verbosity=diagnostic || goto :BuildFailed
call :TerminateCompilerServer
call :TerminateBuildProcesses
REM Verify that our project.lock.json files didn't change as a result of
REM restore. If they do then the commit changed the dependencies without
......@@ -106,11 +106,14 @@ exit /b 0
echo Build failed with ERRORLEVEL %ERRORLEVEL%
call :TerminateCompilerServer
call :TerminateBuildProcesses
exit /b 1
@REM Kill any instances VBCSCompiler.exe to release locked files, ignoring stderr if process is not open
@REM This prevents future CI runs from failing while trying to delete those files.
@REM Kill any instances of msbuild.exe to ensure that we never reuse nodes (e.g. if a non-roslyn CI run
@REM left some floating around).
taskkill /F /IM vbcscompiler.exe 2> nul
taskkill /F /IM msbuild.exe 2> nul
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