diff --git a/cibuild.cmd b/cibuild.cmd index ec274b7bb1ac63c07158f3b02367c9b65073fdc9..75969278899f71bc0f76c34e699ba79b6254f431 100644 --- a/cibuild.cmd +++ b/cibuild.cmd @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ if "%BuildRestore%" == "true" ( ) REM Set the build version only so the assembly version is set to the semantic version, -REM which allows analyzers to laod because the compiler has binding redirects to the +REM which allows analyzers to load because the compiler has binding redirects to the REM semantic version msbuild %MSBuildAdditionalCommandLineArgs% /p:BuildVersion= %RoslynRoot%build/Toolset.sln /p:NuGetRestorePackages=false /p:Configuration=%BuildConfiguration% /fileloggerparameters:LogFile=%RoslynRoot%Binaries\Bootstrap.log || goto :BuildFailed @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ copy "build\scripts\*" "%RoslynRoot%Binaries\Bootstrap" || goto :BuildFailed REM Clean the previous build msbuild %MSBuildAdditionalCommandLineArgs% /t:Clean build/Toolset.sln /p:Configuration=%BuildConfiguration% /fileloggerparameters:LogFile=%RoslynRoot%Binaries\BootstrapClean.log || goto :BuildFailed -call :TerminateCompilerServer +call :TerminateBuildProcesses if defined Perf ( set Target=Build @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ if defined Perf ( msbuild %MSBuildAdditionalCommandLineArgs% /p:BootstrapBuildPath=%RoslynRoot%Binaries\Bootstrap BuildAndTest.proj /t:%Target% /p:Configuration=%BuildConfiguration% /p:Test64=%Test64% /fileloggerparameters:LogFile=%RoslynRoot%Binaries\Build.log;verbosity=diagnostic || goto :BuildFailed -call :TerminateCompilerServer +call :TerminateBuildProcesses REM Verify that our project.lock.json files didn't change as a result of REM restore. If they do then the commit changed the dependencies without @@ -106,11 +106,14 @@ exit /b 0 :BuildFailed echo Build failed with ERRORLEVEL %ERRORLEVEL% -call :TerminateCompilerServer +call :TerminateBuildProcesses exit /b 1 -:TerminateCompilerServer +:TerminateBuildProcesses @REM Kill any instances VBCSCompiler.exe to release locked files, ignoring stderr if process is not open @REM This prevents future CI runs from failing while trying to delete those files. +@REM Kill any instances of msbuild.exe to ensure that we never reuse nodes (e.g. if a non-roslyn CI run +@REM left some floating around). taskkill /F /IM vbcscompiler.exe 2> nul +taskkill /F /IM msbuild.exe 2> nul