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      <trans-unit id="Compilation_is_required_to_accomplish_the_task_but_is_not_supported_by_project_0">
        <source>Compilation is required to accomplish the task but is not supported by project {0}.</source>
        <target state="new">Compilation is required to accomplish the task but is not supported by project {0}.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Fix_all_0">
        <source>Fix all '{0}'</source>
        <target state="new">Fix all '{0}'</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Fix_all_0_in_1">
        <source>Fix all '{0}' in '{1}'</source>
        <target state="new">Fix all '{0}' in '{1}'</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Fix_all_0_in_Solution">
        <source>Fix all '{0}' in Solution</source>
        <target state="new">Fix all '{0}' in Solution</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Project_of_ID_0_is_required_to_accomplish_the_task_but_is_not_available_from_the_solution">
        <source>Project of ID {0} is required to accomplish the task but is not available from the solution</source>
        <target state="new">Project of ID {0} is required to accomplish the task but is not available from the solution</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Supplied_diagnostic_cannot_be_null">
        <source>Supplied diagnostic cannot be null.</source>
        <target state="new">Supplied diagnostic cannot be null.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="SyntaxTree_is_required_to_accomplish_the_task_but_is_not_supported_by_document_0">
        <source>Syntax tree is required to accomplish the task but is not supported by document {0}.</source>
        <target state="new">Syntax tree is required to accomplish the task but is not supported by document {0}.</target>
        <note />
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        <source>The solution does not contain the specified document.</source>
        <target state="new">The solution does not contain the specified document.</target>
        <note />