提交 9850c3bc 编写于 作者: Y ym0 提交者: LINGuanRen

Change _schema_history_recycle_interval to a formal parameter

上级 b82a7f5e
......@@ -9790,9 +9790,9 @@ int ObRootService::set_config_post_hook(const obrpc::ObAdminSetConfigArg& arg)
LOG_WARN("fail to submit update rs list task", KR(ret), K(tmp_ret));
LOG_INFO("obconfig_url parameters updated, force submit update rslist task", KR(tmp_ret), KPC(item));
} else if (0 == STRCMP(item->name_.ptr(), _SCHEMA_HISTORY_RECYCLE_INTERVAL)) {
} else if (0 == STRCMP(item->name_.ptr(), SCHEMA_HISTORY_RECYCLE_INTERVAL)) {
LOG_INFO("_schema_history_recycle_interval parameters updated, wakeup schema_history_recycler", KPC(item));
LOG_INFO("schema_history_recycle_interval parameters updated, wakeup schema_history_recycler", KPC(item));
return ret;
......@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ bool ObRecycleSchemaValue::is_valid() const
int64_t ObSchemaHistoryRecyclerIdling::get_idle_interval_us()
if (0 != GCONF._schema_history_recycle_interval && !GCONF.in_upgrade_mode()) {
idle_time = GCONF._schema_history_recycle_interval;
if (0 != GCONF.schema_history_recycle_interval && !GCONF.in_upgrade_mode()) {
idle_time = GCONF.schema_history_recycle_interval;
return idle_time;
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ int ObSchemaHistoryRecycler::check_inner_stat()
} else if (stop_) {
LOG_WARN("schema history recycler stopped", KR(ret));
} else if (0 == GCONF._schema_history_recycle_interval || GCONF.in_upgrade_mode() || !GCTX.is_schema_splited()) {
} else if (0 == GCONF.schema_history_recycle_interval || GCONF.in_upgrade_mode() || !GCTX.is_schema_splited()) {
LOG_WARN("schema history recycler should stopped", KR(ret));
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const char* const ENABLE_SQL_AUDIT = "enable_sql_audit";
const char* const CONFIG_TRUE_VALUE = "1";
const char* const CONFIG_FALSE_VALUE = "0";
const char* const OBCONFIG_URL = "obconfig_url";
const char* const _SCHEMA_HISTORY_RECYCLE_INTERVAL = "_schema_history_recycle_interval";
const char* const SCHEMA_HISTORY_RECYCLE_INTERVAL = "schema_history_recycle_interval";
const char* const _RECYCLEBIN_OBJECT_PURGE_FREQUENCY = "_recyclebin_object_purge_frequency";
const char* const TDE_MODE = "tde_mode";
const char* const EXTERNAL_KMS_INFO = "external_kms_info";
......@@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@ DEF_BOOL(_enable_plan_cache_mem_diagnosis, OB_CLUSTER_PARAMETER, "False",
DEF_INT(_clog_aggregation_buffer_amount, OB_TENANT_PARAMETER, "0", "[0, 128]", "the amount of clog aggregation buffer",
ObParameterAttr(Section::OBSERVER, Source::DEFAULT, EditLevel::DYNAMIC_EFFECTIVE));
DEF_TIME(_schema_history_recycle_interval, OB_CLUSTER_PARAMETER, "0s", "[0s,]",
DEF_TIME(schema_history_recycle_interval, OB_CLUSTER_PARAMETER, "10m", "[0s,]",
"the time interval between the schedules of schema history recyle task. "
"Range: [0s, +∞)",
ObParameterAttr(Section::LOAD_BALANCE, Source::DEFAULT, EditLevel::DYNAMIC_EFFECTIVE));
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