提交 995edd31 编写于 作者: C chnliyong 提交者: Davies Liu

add support for s3 compatible storage using scheme s3:// (#85)

上级 c94df2b1
......@@ -261,28 +261,45 @@ func newS3(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey string) ObjectStorage {
logger.Fatalf("Invalid endpoint %s: %s", endpoint, err.Error())
hostParts := strings.SplitN(uri.Host, ".", 2)
bucketName := hostParts[0]
var region string
var (
bucketName string
region string
ep string
if len(hostParts) == 1 { // take endpoint as bucketname
bucketName = hostParts[0]
if region, err = autoS3Region(bucketName, accessKey, secretKey); err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Can't guess your region for bucket %s: %s", bucketName, err)
} else { // get region in endpoint
hostParts = strings.SplitN(uri.Host, ".s3", 2)
bucketName = hostParts[0]
endpoint = "s3" + hostParts[1]
if strings.HasPrefix(endpoint, "s3-") || strings.HasPrefix(endpoint, "s3.") {
endpoint = endpoint[3:]
if strings.HasPrefix(endpoint, "dualstack") {
endpoint = endpoint[len("dualstack."):]
if endpoint == "amazonaws.com" {
endpoint = "us-east-1." + endpoint
region = strings.Split(endpoint, ".")[0]
if region == "external-1" {
if strings.Contains(uri.Host, ".amazonaws.com") {
// standard s3
// [BUCKET].s3.[REGION].amazonaws.com[.cn]
hostParts = strings.SplitN(uri.Host, ".s3", 2)
bucketName = hostParts[0]
endpoint = "s3" + hostParts[1]
if strings.HasPrefix(endpoint, "s3-") || strings.HasPrefix(endpoint, "s3.") {
endpoint = endpoint[3:]
if strings.HasPrefix(endpoint, "dualstack") {
endpoint = endpoint[len("dualstack."):]
if endpoint == "amazonaws.com" {
endpoint = "us-east-1." + endpoint
region = strings.Split(endpoint, ".")[0]
if region == "external-1" {
region = "us-east-1"
} else {
// compatible s3
hostParts := strings.SplitN(uri.Host, ".", 2)
bucketName = hostParts[0]
ep = hostParts[1]
region = "us-east-1"
......@@ -296,6 +313,10 @@ func newS3(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey string) ObjectStorage {
if accessKey != "" {
awsConfig.Credentials = credentials.NewStaticCredentials(accessKey, secretKey, "")
if ep != "" {
awsConfig.Endpoint = aws.String(ep)
awsConfig.S3ForcePathStyle = aws.Bool(true)
ses, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) //.WithLogLevel(aws.LogDebugWithHTTPBody))
if err != nil {
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