提交 c94df2b1 编写于 作者: D Davies Liu

update progress for deleted or failed objects

上级 75276885
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ const (
var (
found int64
missing int64
todo int64
copied int64
copiedBytes int64
failed int64
......@@ -372,7 +372,14 @@ func worker(todo chan *object.Object, src, dst object.ObjectStorage, config *con
func producer(todo chan *object.Object, src, dst object.ObjectStorage, config *config.Config) {
func deleteFromDst(tasks chan *object.Object, dstobj *object.Object) {
dstobj.Size = markDelete
tasks <- dstobj
atomic.AddInt64(&found, 1)
atomic.AddInt64(&todo, 1)
func producer(tasks chan *object.Object, src, dst object.ObjectStorage, config *config.Config) {
start, end := config.Start, config.End
logger.Infof("Syncing from %s to %s", src, dst)
if start != "" {
......@@ -419,8 +426,7 @@ OUT:
// ignore
logger.Debug("Ignore deleting dst directory ", dstobj.Key)
} else {
dstobj.Size = markDelete
todo <- dstobj
deleteFromDst(tasks, dstobj)
dstobj, ok = <-dstkeys
......@@ -437,17 +443,19 @@ OUT:
if !hasMore || obj.Key < dstobj.Key ||
obj.Key == dstobj.Key && (config.ForceUpdate || obj.Size != dstobj.Size ||
config.Update && obj.Mtime.Unix() > dstobj.Mtime.Unix()) {
todo <- obj
atomic.AddInt64(&missing, 1)
tasks <- obj
atomic.AddInt64(&todo, 1)
} else if config.DeleteSrc && dstobj != nil && obj.Key == dstobj.Key && obj.Size == dstobj.Size {
obj.Size = markDelete
todo <- obj
tasks <- obj
atomic.AddInt64(&todo, 1)
} else if config.Perms {
f1 := (*object.File)(unsafe.Pointer(obj))
f2 := (*object.File)(unsafe.Pointer(dstobj))
if f2.Mode != f1.Mode || f2.Owner != f1.Owner || f2.Group != f1.Group {
obj.Size = markCopyPerms
todo <- obj
tasks <- obj
atomic.AddInt64(&todo, 1)
if dstobj != nil && dstobj.Key == obj.Key {
......@@ -456,31 +464,29 @@ OUT:
if config.DeleteDst && hasMore {
if dstobj != nil {
dstobj.Size = markDelete
todo <- dstobj
deleteFromDst(tasks, dstobj)
for obj := range dstkeys {
if obj != nil {
obj.Size = markDelete
todo <- obj
deleteFromDst(tasks, obj)
func showProgress() {
var lastCopied, lastBytes []int64
var lastDone, lastBytes []int64
var lastTime []time.Time
for {
if found == 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
same := atomic.LoadInt64(&found) - atomic.LoadInt64(&missing)
same := atomic.LoadInt64(&found) - atomic.LoadInt64(&todo)
var width int64 = 45
a := width * same / found
b := width * copied / found
b := width * (copied + deleted + failed) / found
var bar [80]byte
var i int64
for i = 0; i < width; i++ {
......@@ -493,20 +499,20 @@ func showProgress() {
now := time.Now()
lastCopied = append(lastCopied, copied)
lastDone = append(lastDone, copied+deleted+failed)
lastBytes = append(lastBytes, copiedBytes)
lastTime = append(lastTime, now)
for len(lastTime) > 18 { // 5 seconds
lastCopied = lastCopied[1:]
lastDone = lastDone[1:]
lastBytes = lastBytes[1:]
lastTime = lastTime[1:]
if len(lastTime) > 1 {
n := len(lastTime) - 1
d := lastTime[n].Sub(lastTime[0]).Seconds()
fps := float64(lastCopied[n]-lastCopied[0]) / d
fps := float64(lastDone[n]-lastDone[0]) / d
bw := float64(lastBytes[n]-lastBytes[0]) / d / 1024 / 1024
fmt.Printf("[%s] % 8d % 2d%% % 4.1f/s % 4.1f MB/s \r", string(bar[:]), found, (found-missing+copied)*100/found, fps, bw)
fmt.Printf("[%s] % 8d % 2d%% % 4.1f/s % 4.1f MB/s \r", string(bar[:]), found, (found-todo+copied+deleted+failed)*100/found, fps, bw)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 300)
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