未验证 提交 db78ac1d 编写于 作者: N Niels Lohmann

Merge branch 'release/3.9.1' into develop

......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ assignees: ''
<!-- Please add an `x` to the respective line. -->
- [ ] latest release version 3.9.0
- [ ] latest release version 3.9.1
- [ ] other release - please state the version: ___
- [ ] the `develop` branch
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
## name and version
project(nlohmann_json VERSION 3.9.0 LANGUAGES CXX)
project(nlohmann_json VERSION 3.9.1 LANGUAGES CXX)
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
## [v3.9.1](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/releases/tag/v3.9.1) (2020-08-06)
[Full Changelog](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/compare/v3.9.0...v3.9.1)
- Can't parse not formatted JSON. [\#2340](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/2340)
- parse returns desired array contained in array when JSON text begins with square bracket on gcc 7.5.0 [\#2339](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/2339)
- Unexpected deserialization difference between Mac and Linux [\#2338](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/2338)
- Reading ordered\_json from file causes compile error [\#2331](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/2331)
- ignore\_comment=true fails on multiple consecutive lines starting with comments [\#2330](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/2330)
- Update documentation about Homebrew installation and CMake integration - Homebrew [\#2326](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/2326)
- Chinese character initialize error [\#2325](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/2325)
- json.update and vector\<pair\>does not work with ordered\_json [\#2315](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/2315)
- Ambiguous call to overloaded function [\#2210](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/2210)
- Fix fallthrough warning [\#2333](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2333) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
- Fix lexer to properly cope with repeated comments [\#2332](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2332) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
- Fix name of Homebrew formula in documentation [\#2327](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2327) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
- fix typo [\#2320](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2320) ([wx257osn2](https://github.com/wx257osn2))
- Fix a bug due to missing overloads in ordered\_map container [\#2319](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2319) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
- cmake: install pkg-config file relative to current\_binary\_dir [\#2318](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2318) ([eli-schwartz](https://github.com/eli-schwartz))
- Fixed installation of pkg-config file on other than Ubuntu [\#2314](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2314) ([xvitaly](https://github.com/xvitaly))
- Cleanup [\#2303](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2303) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
## [v3.9.0](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/releases/tag/v3.9.0) (2020-07-27)
[Full Changelog](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/compare/v3.8.0...v3.9.0)
......@@ -80,7 +103,6 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- Fix bug in CBOR tag handling [\#2308](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2308) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
- added inline to NLOHMANN\_DEFINE\_TYPE\_NON\_INTRUSIVE macro [\#2306](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2306) ([jwittbrodt](https://github.com/jwittbrodt))
- fixes unused variable 'ex' for \#2304 [\#2305](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2305) ([AODQ](https://github.com/AODQ))
- Cleanup [\#2303](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2303) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
- Add test with multiple translation units [\#2301](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2301) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
- Merge GitHub actions [\#2300](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2300) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
- Fix unused parameter [\#2299](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2299) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
......@@ -741,6 +763,8 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- Added to\_string and added basic tests [\#1585](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1585) ([Macr0Nerd](https://github.com/Macr0Nerd))
- Regression tests for MSVC [\#1570](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1570) ([nickaein](https://github.com/nickaein))
- Fix/1511 [\#1555](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1555) ([theodelrieu](https://github.com/theodelrieu))
- Remove C++17 extension warning from clang; \#1535 [\#1551](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1551) ([heavywatal](https://github.com/heavywatal))
- moved from Catch to doctest for unit tests [\#1439](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1439) ([onqtam](https://github.com/onqtam))
## [v3.6.1](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/releases/tag/v3.6.1) (2019-03-20)
......@@ -843,7 +867,6 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- Implicit type conversion error on MSVC [\#1333](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/1333)
- NuGet Package [\#1132](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/1132)
- Remove C++17 extension warning from clang; \#1535 [\#1551](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1551) ([heavywatal](https://github.com/heavywatal))
- Change macros to numeric\_limits [\#1514](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1514) ([naszta](https://github.com/naszta))
- fix GCC 7.1.1 - 7.2.1 on CentOS [\#1496](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1496) ([lieff](https://github.com/lieff))
- Update Buckaroo instructions in README.md [\#1495](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1495) ([njlr](https://github.com/njlr))
......@@ -859,7 +882,6 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- remove extra semicolon from readme [\#1451](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1451) ([Afforix](https://github.com/Afforix))
- attempt to fix \#1445, flush buffer in serializer::dump\_escaped in UTF8\_REJECT case. [\#1446](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1446) ([scinart](https://github.com/scinart))
- Use C++11 features supported by CMake 3.1. [\#1441](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1441) ([iwanders](https://github.com/iwanders))
- moved from Catch to doctest for unit tests [\#1439](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1439) ([onqtam](https://github.com/onqtam))
- :rotating\_light: fixed unused variable warning [\#1435](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1435) ([pboettch](https://github.com/pboettch))
- allow push\_back\(\) and pop\_back\(\) calls on json\_pointer [\#1434](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1434) ([pboettch](https://github.com/pboettch))
- Add instructions about using nlohmann/json with the conda package manager [\#1430](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1430) ([nicoddemus](https://github.com/nicoddemus))
......@@ -870,6 +892,7 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- Fix x64 target platform for appveyor [\#1414](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1414) ([nickaein](https://github.com/nickaein))
- Improve dump\_integer performance [\#1411](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1411) ([nickaein](https://github.com/nickaein))
- buildsystem: relax requirement on cmake version [\#1409](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1409) ([yann-morin-1998](https://github.com/yann-morin-1998))
- Added Support for Structured Bindings [\#1391](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1391) ([pratikpc](https://github.com/pratikpc))
- CMake: Optional Install if Embedded [\#1330](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1330) ([ax3l](https://github.com/ax3l))
## [v3.5.0](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/releases/tag/v3.5.0) (2018-12-21)
......@@ -939,7 +962,6 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- Check value for existence by json\_pointer [\#1194](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/1194)
- Feature/add file input adapter [\#1392](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1392) ([dumarjo](https://github.com/dumarjo))
- Added Support for Structured Bindings [\#1391](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1391) ([pratikpc](https://github.com/pratikpc))
- Link to issue \#958 broken [\#1382](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1382) ([kjpus](https://github.com/kjpus))
- readme: fix typo [\#1380](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1380) ([manu-chroma](https://github.com/manu-chroma))
- recommend using explicit from JSON conversions [\#1363](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1363) ([theodelrieu](https://github.com/theodelrieu))
......@@ -948,6 +970,7 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- Set eofbit on exhausted input stream. [\#1343](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1343) ([mefyl](https://github.com/mefyl))
- Add a SFINAE friendly iterator\_traits and use that instead. [\#1342](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1342) ([dgavedissian](https://github.com/dgavedissian))
- Fix EOL Whitespaces & CMake Spelling [\#1329](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1329) ([ax3l](https://github.com/ax3l))
- Add BSON support [\#1320](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1320) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
## [v3.4.0](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/releases/tag/v3.4.0) (2018-10-30)
......@@ -987,7 +1010,6 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- Soften the landing when dumping non-UTF8 strings \(type\_error.316 exception\) [\#1198](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/1198)
- Add macro to define enum/JSON mapping [\#1323](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1323) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
- Add BSON support [\#1320](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1320) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
- Properly convert constants to CharType [\#1315](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1315) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
- Allow to set error handler for decoding errors [\#1314](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1314) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
- Add Meson related info to README [\#1305](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/1305) ([koponomarenko](https://github.com/koponomarenko))
......@@ -1975,6 +1997,7 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- Fix usage examples' comments for std::multiset [\#321](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/321) ([vasild](https://github.com/vasild))
- Include dir relocation [\#318](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/318) ([ChristophJud](https://github.com/ChristophJud))
- trivial documentation fix [\#313](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/313) ([5tefan](https://github.com/5tefan))
- unit-constructor1.cpp: Fix floating point truncation warning [\#300](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/300) ([t-b](https://github.com/t-b))
## [v2.0.5](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/releases/tag/v2.0.5) (2016-09-14)
......@@ -2007,8 +2030,6 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- Incorrect parsing of large int64\_t numbers [\#287](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/287)
- \[question\]: macro to disable floating point support [\#284](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/284)
- unit-constructor1.cpp: Fix floating point truncation warning [\#300](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/300) ([t-b](https://github.com/t-b))
## [v2.0.2](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/releases/tag/v2.0.2) (2016-07-31)
[Full Changelog](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/compare/v2.0.1...v2.0.2)
......@@ -2085,7 +2106,6 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- What is within scope? [\#192](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/192)
- Bugs in miloyip/nativejson-benchmark: roundtrips [\#187](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/187)
- Floating point exceptions [\#181](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/181)
- Integer conversion to unsigned [\#178](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/178)
- map string string fails to compile [\#176](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/176)
- In basic\_json::basic\_json\(const CompatibleArrayType& val\), the requirement of CompatibleArrayType is not strict enough. [\#174](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/174)
- Provide a FAQ [\#163](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/163)
......@@ -2104,7 +2124,6 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- fixed noexcept; added constexpr [\#208](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/208) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
- Add support for afl-fuzz testing [\#207](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/207) ([mykter](https://github.com/mykter))
- replaced ssize\_t occurrences with auto \(addresses \#204\) [\#205](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/205) ([nlohmann](https://github.com/nlohmann))
- Fixed issue \#199 - Small bugs in json.hpp \(get\_number\) and unit.cpp \(non-standard integer type test\) [\#200](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/200) ([twelsby](https://github.com/twelsby))
- Fix broken link [\#197](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/197) ([vog](https://github.com/vog))
- Issue \#195 - update Travis to Trusty due to gcc/clang strtod\(\) bug [\#196](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/196) ([twelsby](https://github.com/twelsby))
- Issue \#178 - Extending support to full uint64\_t/int64\_t range and unsigned type \(updated\) [\#193](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/193) ([twelsby](https://github.com/twelsby))
......@@ -2118,6 +2137,7 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- Floating point equality [\#185](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/185)
- Unused variables in catch [\#180](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/180)
- Typo in documentation [\#179](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/179)
- Integer conversion to unsigned [\#178](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/178)
- JSON performance benchmark comparision [\#177](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/177)
- Since re2c is often ignored in pull requests, it may make sense to make a contributing.md file [\#175](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/175)
- Question about exceptions [\#173](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/173)
......@@ -2131,11 +2151,11 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- range based for loop for objects [\#83](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/83)
- Consider submitting this to the Boost Library Incubator [\#66](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/66)
- Fixed issue \#199 - Small bugs in json.hpp \(get\_number\) and unit.cpp \(non-standard integer type test\) [\#200](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/200) ([twelsby](https://github.com/twelsby))
- Fixed Issue \#186 - add strto\(f|d|ld\) overload wrappers, "-0.0" special case and FP trailing zero [\#191](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/191) ([twelsby](https://github.com/twelsby))
- Issue \#185 - remove approx\(\) and use \#pragma to kill warnings [\#190](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/190) ([twelsby](https://github.com/twelsby))
- Fixed Issue \#171 - added two extra template overloads of operator\[\] for T\* arguments [\#189](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/189) ([twelsby](https://github.com/twelsby))
- Fixed issue \#167 - removed operator ValueType\(\) condition for VS2015 [\#188](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/188) ([twelsby](https://github.com/twelsby))
- Implementation of get\_ref\(\) [\#184](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/184) ([dariomt](https://github.com/dariomt))
- Fixed some typos in CONTRIBUTING.md [\#182](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/182) ([nibroc](https://github.com/nibroc))
## [v1.0.0](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/releases/tag/v1.0.0) (2015-12-27)
......@@ -2177,6 +2197,7 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This projec
- Wishlist [\#65](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/65)
- Windows/Visual Studio \(through 2013\) is unsupported [\#62](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/62)
- Implementation of get\_ref\(\) [\#184](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/184) ([dariomt](https://github.com/dariomt))
- Replace sprintf with hex function, this fixes \#149 [\#153](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/153) ([whackashoe](https://github.com/whackashoe))
- Fix character skipping after a surrogate pair [\#146](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/146) ([robertmrk](https://github.com/robertmrk))
- Detect correctly pointer-to-const [\#137](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/137) ([dariomt](https://github.com/dariomt))
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
PROJECT_NAME = "JSON for Modern C++"
<a target="_blank" href="https://wandbox.org/permlink/shE8T6phAQiEzAad"><b>online</b></a>
\ No newline at end of file
<a target="_blank" href="https://wandbox.org/permlink/UYcLkpu1GaaAO2Cp"><b>online</b></a>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"version": {
"major": 3,
"minor": 9,
"patch": 0,
"string": "3.9.0"
"patch": 1,
"string": "3.9.1"
......@@ -332,4 +332,4 @@ Note that this table only lists those exceptions thrown due to the type. For ins
@author [Niels Lohmann](http://nlohmann.me)
@see https://github.com/nlohmann/json to download the source code
@version 3.9.0
@version 3.9.1

1.6 MB | W: | H:


1.6 MB | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ SOFTWARE.
#include <algorithm> // all_of, find, for_each
#include <cstddef> // nullptr_t, ptrdiff_t, size_t
......@@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ class basic_json
object = nullptr; // silence warning, see #821
if (JSON_HEDLEY_UNLIKELY(t == value_t::null))
JSON_THROW(other_error::create(500, "961c151d2e87f2686a955a9be24d316f1362bf21 3.9.0")); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
JSON_THROW(other_error::create(500, "961c151d2e87f2686a955a9be24d316f1362bf21 3.9.1")); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
version : '3.9.0',
version : '3.9.1',
license : 'MIT',
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ SOFTWARE.
#include <algorithm> // all_of, find, for_each
#include <cstddef> // nullptr_t, ptrdiff_t, size_t
......@@ -17540,7 +17540,7 @@ class basic_json
object = nullptr; // silence warning, see #821
if (JSON_HEDLEY_UNLIKELY(t == value_t::null))
JSON_THROW(other_error::create(500, "961c151d2e87f2686a955a9be24d316f1362bf21 3.9.0")); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
JSON_THROW(other_error::create(500, "961c151d2e87f2686a955a9be24d316f1362bf21 3.9.1")); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (fuzz test support)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
This file implements a driver for American Fuzzy Lop (afl-fuzz). It relies on
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (fuzz test support)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
This file implements a parser test suitable for fuzz testing. Given a byte
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (fuzz test support)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
This file implements a parser test suitable for fuzz testing. Given a byte
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (fuzz test support)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
This file implements a parser test suitable for fuzz testing. Given a byte
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (fuzz test support)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
This file implements a parser test suitable for fuzz testing. Given a byte
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (fuzz test support)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
This file implements a parser test suitable for fuzz testing. Given a byte
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
......@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ TEST_CASE("version information")
CHECK(j["url"] == "https://github.com/nlohmann/json");
CHECK(j["version"] == json(
{"string", "3.9.0"},
{"string", "3.9.1"},
{"major", 3},
{"minor", 9},
{"patch", 0}
{"patch", 1}
CHECK(j.find("platform") != j.end());
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite)
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.0
| | |__ | | | | | | version 3.9.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ wsjcpp_version: "v0.1.1"
cmake_minimum_required: "3.0"
cmake_cxx_standard: "11"
name: "nlohmann/json"
version: "v3.9.0"
version: "v3.9.1"
description: "JSON for Modern C++"
issues: "https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues"
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