未验证 提交 9fa014ed 编写于 作者: A Alexander Panov 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #23264 from AleksandrPanov:add_detect_qr_with_aruco

Add detect qr with aruco #23264

Using Aruco to detect finder patterns to search QR codes.

TODO (in next PR):
- add single QR detect (update `detect()` and `detectAndDecode()`)
- need reduce full enumeration of finder patterns
- need add finder pattern info to `decode` step
- need to merge the pipeline of the old and new algorithm

[Current results:](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ufKyR-Zs-IGXwvqPgftssmTlceVjiQX364sbrjr2QU8/edit#gid=1192415584)
+20% total detect, +8% total decode in OpenCV [QR benchmark](https://github.com/opencv/opencv_benchmarks/tree/develop/python_benchmarks/qr_codes) 


78.4% detect, 58.7% decode vs 58.5 detect, 50.5% decode in default



add new info to [google docs](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ufKyR-Zs-IGXwvqPgftssmTlceVjiQX364sbrjr2QU8/edit?usp=sharing)

### Pull Request Readiness Checklist

See details at https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/How_to_contribute#making-a-good-pull-request

- [x] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License.
- [x] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV
- [x] The PR is proposed to the proper branch
- [x] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work
- [ ] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable
      Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name.
- [ ] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake
上级 5330112f
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/objdetect/aruco_detector.hpp"
@defgroup objdetect Object Detection
......@@ -763,28 +764,15 @@ public:
class CV_EXPORTS_W QRCodeDetector
class CV_EXPORTS_W_SIMPLE QRCodeDetectorBase {
CV_WRAP QRCodeDetector();
CV_DEPRECATED_EXTERNAL // avoid using in C++ code, will be moved to "protected" (need to fix bindings first)
/** @brief sets the epsilon used during the horizontal scan of QR code stop marker detection.
@param epsX Epsilon neighborhood, which allows you to determine the horizontal pattern
of the scheme 1:1:3:1:1 according to QR code standard.
CV_WRAP void setEpsX(double epsX);
/** @brief sets the epsilon used during the vertical scan of QR code stop marker detection.
@param epsY Epsilon neighborhood, which allows you to determine the vertical pattern
of the scheme 1:1:3:1:1 according to QR code standard.
CV_WRAP void setEpsY(double epsY);
/** @brief use markers to improve the position of the corners of the QR code
* alignmentMarkers using by default
CV_WRAP void setUseAlignmentMarkers(bool useAlignmentMarkers);
QRCodeDetectorBase(const QRCodeDetectorBase&) = default;
QRCodeDetectorBase(QRCodeDetectorBase&&) = default;
QRCodeDetectorBase& operator=(const QRCodeDetectorBase&) = default;
QRCodeDetectorBase& operator=(QRCodeDetectorBase&&) = default;
/** @brief Detects QR code in image and returns the quadrangle containing the code.
@param img grayscale or color (BGR) image containing (or not) QR code.
......@@ -799,16 +787,7 @@ public:
@param points Quadrangle vertices found by detect() method (or some other algorithm).
@param straight_qrcode The optional output image containing rectified and binarized QR code
CV_WRAP std::string decode(InputArray img, InputArray points, OutputArray straight_qrcode = noArray());
/** @brief Decodes QR code on a curved surface in image once it's found by the detect() method.
Returns UTF8-encoded output string or empty string if the code cannot be decoded.
@param img grayscale or color (BGR) image containing QR code.
@param points Quadrangle vertices found by detect() method (or some other algorithm).
@param straight_qrcode The optional output image containing rectified and binarized QR code
CV_WRAP cv::String decodeCurved(InputArray img, InputArray points, OutputArray straight_qrcode = noArray());
CV_WRAP std::string decode(InputArray img, InputArray points, OutputArray straight_qrcode = noArray()) const;
/** @brief Both detects and decodes QR code
......@@ -817,16 +796,8 @@ public:
@param straight_qrcode The optional output image containing rectified and binarized QR code
CV_WRAP std::string detectAndDecode(InputArray img, OutputArray points=noArray(),
OutputArray straight_qrcode = noArray());
/** @brief Both detects and decodes QR code on a curved surface
OutputArray straight_qrcode = noArray()) const;
@param img grayscale or color (BGR) image containing QR code.
@param points optional output array of vertices of the found QR code quadrangle. Will be empty if not found.
@param straight_qrcode The optional output image containing rectified and binarized QR code
CV_WRAP std::string detectAndDecodeCurved(InputArray img, OutputArray points=noArray(),
OutputArray straight_qrcode = noArray());
/** @brief Detects QR codes in image and returns the vector of the quadrangles containing the codes.
@param img grayscale or color (BGR) image containing (or not) QR codes.
......@@ -860,18 +831,109 @@ public:
OutputArray points = noArray(),
OutputArrayOfArrays straight_qrcode = noArray()
) const;
struct Impl;
Ptr<Impl> p;
class CV_EXPORTS_W_SIMPLE QRCodeDetector : public QRCodeDetectorBase
CV_WRAP QRCodeDetector();
/** @brief sets the epsilon used during the horizontal scan of QR code stop marker detection.
@param epsX Epsilon neighborhood, which allows you to determine the horizontal pattern
of the scheme 1:1:3:1:1 according to QR code standard.
CV_WRAP QRCodeDetector& setEpsX(double epsX);
/** @brief sets the epsilon used during the vertical scan of QR code stop marker detection.
@param epsY Epsilon neighborhood, which allows you to determine the vertical pattern
of the scheme 1:1:3:1:1 according to QR code standard.
CV_WRAP QRCodeDetector& setEpsY(double epsY);
/** @brief use markers to improve the position of the corners of the QR code
* alignmentMarkers using by default
CV_WRAP QRCodeDetector& setUseAlignmentMarkers(bool useAlignmentMarkers);
/** @brief Decodes QR code on a curved surface in image once it's found by the detect() method.
Returns UTF8-encoded output string or empty string if the code cannot be decoded.
@param img grayscale or color (BGR) image containing QR code.
@param points Quadrangle vertices found by detect() method (or some other algorithm).
@param straight_qrcode The optional output image containing rectified and binarized QR code
CV_WRAP cv::String decodeCurved(InputArray img, InputArray points, OutputArray straight_qrcode = noArray());
/** @brief Both detects and decodes QR code on a curved surface
@param img grayscale or color (BGR) image containing QR code.
@param points optional output array of vertices of the found QR code quadrangle. Will be empty if not found.
@param straight_qrcode The optional output image containing rectified and binarized QR code
CV_WRAP std::string detectAndDecodeCurved(InputArray img, OutputArray points=noArray(),
OutputArray straight_qrcode = noArray());
class CV_EXPORTS_W_SIMPLE QRCodeDetectorAruco : public QRCodeDetectorBase {
CV_WRAP QRCodeDetectorAruco();
struct CV_EXPORTS_W_SIMPLE Params {
CV_WRAP Params();
/** @brief The minimum allowed pixel size of a QR module in the smallest image in the image pyramid, default 4.f */
CV_PROP_RW float minModuleSizeInPyramid;
/** @brief The maximum allowed relative rotation for finder patterns in the same QR code, default pi/12 */
CV_PROP_RW float maxRotation;
/** @brief The maximum allowed relative mismatch in module sizes for finder patterns in the same QR code, default 1.75f */
CV_PROP_RW float maxModuleSizeMismatch;
/** @brief The maximum allowed module relative mismatch for timing pattern module, default 2.f
* If relative mismatch of timing pattern module more this value, penalty points will be added.
* If a lot of penalty points are added, QR code will be rejected. */
CV_PROP_RW float maxTimingPatternMismatch;
/** @brief The maximum allowed percentage of penalty points out of total pins in timing pattern, default 0.4f */
CV_PROP_RW float maxPenalties;
/** @brief The maximum allowed relative color mismatch in the timing pattern, default 0.2f*/
CV_PROP_RW float maxColorsMismatch;
/** @brief The algorithm find QR codes with almost minimum timing pattern score and minimum size, default 0.9f
* The QR code with the minimum "timing pattern score" and minimum "size" is selected as the best QR code.
* If for the current QR code "timing pattern score" * scaleTimingPatternScore < "previous timing pattern score" and "size" < "previous size", then
* current QR code set as the best QR code. */
CV_PROP_RW float scaleTimingPatternScore;
/** @brief QR code detector constructor for Aruco-based algorithm. See cv::QRCodeDetectorAruco::Params */
CV_WRAP explicit QRCodeDetectorAruco(const QRCodeDetectorAruco::Params& params);
/** @brief Detector parameters getter. See cv::QRCodeDetectorAruco::Params */
CV_WRAP const QRCodeDetectorAruco::Params& getDetectorParameters() const;
/** @brief Detector parameters setter. See cv::QRCodeDetectorAruco::Params */
CV_WRAP QRCodeDetectorAruco& setDetectorParameters(const QRCodeDetectorAruco::Params& params);
/** @brief Aruco detector parameters are used to search for the finder patterns. */
CV_WRAP aruco::DetectorParameters getArucoParameters();
/** @brief Aruco detector parameters are used to search for the finder patterns. */
CV_WRAP void setArucoParameters(const aruco::DetectorParameters& params);
//! @}
#include "opencv2/objdetect/detection_based_tracker.hpp"
#include "opencv2/objdetect/face.hpp"
#include "opencv2/objdetect/aruco_detector.hpp"
#include "opencv2/objdetect/charuco_detector.hpp"
"ManualFuncs" : {
"QRCodeDetectorAruco": {
"getDetectorParameters": { "declaration" : [""], "implementation" : [""] }
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include "perf_precomp.hpp"
#include "../test/test_qr_utils.hpp"
namespace opencv_test
......@@ -23,7 +24,9 @@ PERF_TEST_P_(Perf_Objdetect_QRCode, detect)
std::vector< Point > corners;
QRCodeDetector qrcode;
TEST_CYCLE() ASSERT_TRUE(qrcode.detect(src, corners));
const int pixels_error = 3;
check_qr(root, name_current_image, "test_images", corners, {}, pixels_error);
......@@ -45,48 +48,52 @@ PERF_TEST_P_(Perf_Objdetect_QRCode, decode)
decoded_info = qrcode.decode(src, corners, straight_barcode);
std::vector<uint8_t> decoded_info_uint8_t(decoded_info.begin(), decoded_info.end());
const int pixels_error = 3;
check_qr(root, name_current_image, "test_images", corners, {decoded_info}, pixels_error);
typedef ::perf::TestBaseWithParam< std::string > Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi;
typedef ::perf::TestBaseWithParam<std::tuple<std::string, std::string>> Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi;
static inline bool compareCorners(const Point2f& corner1, const Point2f& corner2) {
return corner1.x == corner2.x ? corner1.y < corner2.y : corner1.x < corner2.x;
static std::set<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> disabled_samples = {{"5_qrcodes.png", "aruco_based"}};
PERF_TEST_P_(Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi, detectMulti)
const std::string name_current_image = GetParam();
const std::string name_current_image = get<0>(GetParam());
const std::string method = get<1>(GetParam());
const std::string root = "cv/qrcode/multiple/";
std::string image_path = findDataFile(root + name_current_image);
Mat src = imread(image_path);
ASSERT_FALSE(src.empty()) << "Can't read image: " << image_path;
std::vector<Point2f> corners;
QRCodeDetector qrcode;
std::vector<Point> corners;
QRCodeDetectorBase qrcode = QRCodeDetector();
if (method == "aruco_based") {
qrcode = QRCodeDetectorAruco();
TEST_CYCLE() ASSERT_TRUE(qrcode.detectMulti(src, corners));
sort(corners.begin(), corners.end(), compareCorners);
static inline bool compareQR(const pair<string, Mat>& v1, const pair<string, Mat>& v2) {
return v1.first < v2.first;
const int pixels_error = 7;
check_qr(root, name_current_image, "multiple_images", corners, {}, pixels_error, true);
PERF_TEST_P_(Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi, decodeMulti)
const std::string name_current_image = GetParam();
const std::string name_current_image = get<0>(GetParam());
std::string method = get<1>(GetParam());
const std::string root = "cv/qrcode/multiple/";
std::string image_path = findDataFile(root + name_current_image);
Mat src = imread(image_path);
ASSERT_FALSE(src.empty()) << "Can't read image: " << image_path;
QRCodeDetector qrcode;
if (disabled_samples.find({name_current_image, method}) != disabled_samples.end()) {
throw SkipTestException(name_current_image + " is disabled sample for method " + method);
QRCodeDetectorBase qrcode = QRCodeDetector();
if (method == "aruco_based") {
qrcode = QRCodeDetectorAruco();
std::vector<Point2f> corners;
ASSERT_TRUE(qrcode.detectMulti(src, corners));
std::vector<Mat> straight_barcode;
......@@ -94,26 +101,20 @@ PERF_TEST_P_(Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi, decodeMulti)
ASSERT_TRUE(qrcode.decodeMulti(src, corners, decoded_info, straight_barcode));
for(size_t i = 0; i < decoded_info.size(); i++)
ASSERT_TRUE(decoded_info.size() > 0ull);
for(size_t i = 0; i < decoded_info.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(decoded_info.size(), straight_barcode.size());
vector<pair<string, Mat> > result;
for (size_t i = 0ull; i < decoded_info.size(); i++) {
result.push_back(make_pair(decoded_info[i], straight_barcode[i]));
vector<Point> corners_result(corners.size());
for (size_t i = 0ull; i < corners_result.size(); i++) {
corners_result[i] = corners[i];
sort(result.begin(), result.end(), compareQR);
vector<vector<uint8_t> > decoded_info_sort;
vector<Mat> straight_barcode_sort;
for (size_t i = 0ull; i < result.size(); i++) {
vector<uint8_t> tmp(result[i].first.begin(), result[i].first.end());
const int pixels_error = 7;
check_qr(root, name_current_image, "multiple_images", corners_result, decoded_info, pixels_error, true);
......@@ -127,11 +128,10 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/*nothing*/, Perf_Objdetect_QRCode,
// version_5_right.jpg DISABLED after tile fix, PR #22025
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/*nothing*/, Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi,
"2_qrcodes.png", "3_close_qrcodes.png", "3_qrcodes.png", "4_qrcodes.png",
"5_qrcodes.png", "6_qrcodes.png", "7_qrcodes.png", "8_close_qrcodes.png"
testing::Combine(testing::Values("2_qrcodes.png", "3_close_qrcodes.png", "3_qrcodes.png", "4_qrcodes.png",
"5_qrcodes.png", "6_qrcodes.png", "7_qrcodes.png", "8_close_qrcodes.png"),
testing::Values("contours_based", "aruco_based")));
typedef ::perf::TestBaseWithParam< tuple< std::string, Size > > Perf_Objdetect_Not_QRCode;
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
namespace opencv_test {
static inline
void check_qr(const string& root, const string& name_current_image, const string& config_name,
const std::vector<Point>& corners,
const std::vector<string>& decoded_info, const int max_pixel_error,
bool isMulti = false) {
const std::string dataset_config = findDataFile(root + "dataset_config.json");
FileStorage file_config(dataset_config, FileStorage::READ);
ASSERT_TRUE(file_config.isOpened()) << "Can't read validation data: " << dataset_config;
FileNode images_list = file_config[config_name];
size_t images_count = static_cast<size_t>(images_list.size());
ASSERT_GT(images_count, 0u) << "Can't find validation data entries in 'test_images': " << dataset_config;
for (size_t index = 0; index < images_count; index++) {
FileNode config = images_list[(int)index];
std::string name_test_image = config["image_name"];
if (name_test_image == name_current_image) {
if (isMulti) {
for(int j = 0; j < int(corners.size()); j += 4) {
bool ok = false;
for (int k = 0; k < int(corners.size() / 4); k++) {
int count_eq_points = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int x = config["x"][k][i];
int y = config["y"][k][i];
if(((abs(corners[j + i].x - x)) <= max_pixel_error) && ((abs(corners[j + i].y - y)) <= max_pixel_error))
if (count_eq_points == 4) {
ok = true;
else {
for (int i = 0; i < (int)corners.size(); i++) {
int x = config["x"][i];
int y = config["y"][i];
EXPECT_NEAR(x, corners[i].x, max_pixel_error);
EXPECT_NEAR(y, corners[i].y, max_pixel_error);
if (decoded_info.size() == 0ull)
if (isMulti) {
size_t count_eq_info = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < int(decoded_info.size()); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < int(decoded_info.size()); j++) {
std::string original_info = config["info"][j];
if(original_info == decoded_info[i]) {
EXPECT_EQ(decoded_info.size(), count_eq_info);
else {
std::string original_info = config["info"];
EXPECT_EQ(decoded_info[0], original_info);
return; // done
FAIL() << "Not found results for '" << name_current_image << "' image in config file:" << dataset_config <<
"Re-run tests with enabled UPDATE_QRCODE_TEST_DATA macro to update test data.\n";
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
#include "test_qr_utils.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
namespace opencv_test { namespace {
......@@ -33,6 +34,8 @@ std::string qrcode_images_multiple[] = {
"5_qrcodes.png", "6_qrcodes.png", "7_qrcodes.png", "8_close_qrcodes.png"
static std::set<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> disabled_samples = {{"5_qrcodes.png", "aruco_based"}};
......@@ -262,43 +265,7 @@ TEST_P(Objdetect_QRCode, regression)
ASSERT_TRUE(qrcode.detect(src, corners));
const std::string dataset_config = findDataFile(root + "dataset_config.json");
FileStorage file_config(dataset_config, FileStorage::READ);
ASSERT_TRUE(file_config.isOpened()) << "Can't read validation data: " << dataset_config;
FileNode images_list = file_config["test_images"];
size_t images_count = static_cast<size_t>(images_list.size());
ASSERT_GT(images_count, 0u) << "Can't find validation data entries in 'test_images': " << dataset_config;
for (size_t index = 0; index < images_count; index++)
FileNode config = images_list[(int)index];
std::string name_test_image = config["image_name"];
if (name_test_image == name_current_image)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int x = config["x"][i];
int y = config["y"][i];
EXPECT_NEAR(x, corners[i].x, pixels_error);
EXPECT_NEAR(y, corners[i].y, pixels_error);
std::string original_info = config["info"];
EXPECT_EQ(decoded_info, original_info);
return; // done
<< "Not found results for '" << name_current_image
<< "' image in config file:" << dataset_config << std::endl
<< "Re-run tests with enabled UPDATE_QRCODE_TEST_DATA macro to update test data."
<< std::endl;
check_qr(root, name_current_image, "test_images", corners, {decoded_info}, pixels_error);
typedef testing::TestWithParam< std::string > Objdetect_QRCode_Close;
......@@ -329,43 +296,7 @@ TEST_P(Objdetect_QRCode_Close, regression)
ASSERT_TRUE(qrcode.detect(barcode, corners));
const std::string dataset_config = findDataFile(root + "dataset_config.json");
FileStorage file_config(dataset_config, FileStorage::READ);
ASSERT_TRUE(file_config.isOpened()) << "Can't read validation data: " << dataset_config;
FileNode images_list = file_config["close_images"];
size_t images_count = static_cast<size_t>(images_list.size());
ASSERT_GT(images_count, 0u) << "Can't find validation data entries in 'test_images': " << dataset_config;
for (size_t index = 0; index < images_count; index++)
FileNode config = images_list[(int)index];
std::string name_test_image = config["image_name"];
if (name_test_image == name_current_image)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int x = config["x"][i];
int y = config["y"][i];
EXPECT_NEAR(x, corners[i].x, pixels_error);
EXPECT_NEAR(y, corners[i].y, pixels_error);
std::string original_info = config["info"];
EXPECT_EQ(decoded_info, original_info);
return; // done
<< "Not found results for '" << name_current_image
<< "' image in config file:" << dataset_config << std::endl
<< "Re-run tests with enabled UPDATE_QRCODE_TEST_DATA macro to update test data."
<< std::endl;
check_qr(root, name_current_image, "close_images", corners, {decoded_info}, pixels_error);
typedef testing::TestWithParam< std::string > Objdetect_QRCode_Monitor;
......@@ -396,43 +327,7 @@ TEST_P(Objdetect_QRCode_Monitor, regression)
ASSERT_TRUE(qrcode.detect(barcode, corners));
const std::string dataset_config = findDataFile(root + "dataset_config.json");
FileStorage file_config(dataset_config, FileStorage::READ);
ASSERT_TRUE(file_config.isOpened()) << "Can't read validation data: " << dataset_config;
FileNode images_list = file_config["monitor_images"];
size_t images_count = static_cast<size_t>(images_list.size());
ASSERT_GT(images_count, 0u) << "Can't find validation data entries in 'test_images': " << dataset_config;
for (size_t index = 0; index < images_count; index++)
FileNode config = images_list[(int)index];
std::string name_test_image = config["image_name"];
if (name_test_image == name_current_image)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int x = config["x"][i];
int y = config["y"][i];
EXPECT_NEAR(x, corners[i].x, pixels_error);
EXPECT_NEAR(y, corners[i].y, pixels_error);
std::string original_info = config["info"];
EXPECT_EQ(decoded_info, original_info);
return; // done
<< "Not found results for '" << name_current_image
<< "' image in config file:" << dataset_config << std::endl
<< "Re-run tests with enabled UPDATE_QRCODE_TEST_DATA macro to update test data."
<< std::endl;
check_qr(root, name_current_image, "monitor_images", corners, {decoded_info}, pixels_error);
typedef testing::TestWithParam< std::string > Objdetect_QRCode_Curved;
......@@ -458,56 +353,26 @@ TEST_P(Objdetect_QRCode_Curved, regression)
ASSERT_TRUE(qrcode.detect(src, corners));
const std::string dataset_config = findDataFile(root + "dataset_config.json");
FileStorage file_config(dataset_config, FileStorage::READ);
ASSERT_TRUE(file_config.isOpened()) << "Can't read validation data: " << dataset_config;
FileNode images_list = file_config["test_images"];
size_t images_count = static_cast<size_t>(images_list.size());
ASSERT_GT(images_count, 0u) << "Can't find validation data entries in 'test_images': " << dataset_config;
for (size_t index = 0; index < images_count; index++)
FileNode config = images_list[(int)index];
std::string name_test_image = config["image_name"];
if (name_test_image == name_current_image)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int x = config["x"][i];
int y = config["y"][i];
EXPECT_NEAR(x, corners[i].x, pixels_error);
EXPECT_NEAR(y, corners[i].y, pixels_error);
std::string original_info = config["info"];
EXPECT_EQ(decoded_info, original_info);
return; // done
<< "Not found results for '" << name_current_image
<< "' image in config file:" << dataset_config << std::endl
<< "Re-run tests with enabled UPDATE_QRCODE_TEST_DATA macro to update test data."
<< std::endl;
check_qr(root, name_current_image, "test_images", corners, {decoded_info}, pixels_error);
typedef testing::TestWithParam < std::string > Objdetect_QRCode_Multi;
typedef testing::TestWithParam<std::tuple<std::string, std::string>> Objdetect_QRCode_Multi;
TEST_P(Objdetect_QRCode_Multi, regression)
const std::string name_current_image = GetParam();
const std::string name_current_image = get<0>(GetParam());
const std::string root = "qrcode/multiple/";
const std::string method = get<1>(GetParam());
const int pixels_error = 4;
std::string image_path = findDataFile(root + name_current_image);
Mat src = imread(image_path);
ASSERT_FALSE(src.empty()) << "Can't read image: " << image_path;
QRCodeDetector qrcode;
if (disabled_samples.find({name_current_image, method}) != disabled_samples.end())
throw SkipTestException(name_current_image + " is disabled sample for method " + method);
QRCodeDetectorBase qrcode = QRCodeDetector();
if (method == "aruco_based") {
qrcode = QRCodeDetectorAruco();
std::vector<Point> corners;
std::vector<cv::String> decoded_info;
......@@ -521,75 +386,15 @@ TEST_P(Objdetect_QRCode_Multi, regression)
ASSERT_TRUE(qrcode.detectMulti(src, corners));
const std::string dataset_config = findDataFile(root + "dataset_config.json");
FileStorage file_config(dataset_config, FileStorage::READ);
ASSERT_TRUE(file_config.isOpened()) << "Can't read validation data: " << dataset_config;
FileNode images_list = file_config["multiple_images"];
size_t images_count = static_cast<size_t>(images_list.size());
ASSERT_GT(images_count, 0u) << "Can't find validation data entries in 'test_images': " << dataset_config;
for (size_t index = 0; index < images_count; index++)
FileNode config = images_list[(int)index];
std::string name_test_image = config["image_name"];
if (name_test_image == name_current_image)
for(int j = 0; j < int(corners.size()); j += 4)
bool ok = false;
for (int k = 0; k < int(corners.size() / 4); k++)
int count_eq_points = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int x = config["x"][k][i];
int y = config["y"][k][i];
if(((abs(corners[j + i].x - x)) <= pixels_error) && ((abs(corners[j + i].y - y)) <= pixels_error))
if (count_eq_points == 4)
ok = true;
size_t count_eq_info = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < int(decoded_info.size()); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < int(decoded_info.size()); j++)
std::string original_info = config["info"][j];
if(original_info == decoded_info[i])
EXPECT_EQ(decoded_info.size(), count_eq_info);
return; // done
<< "Not found results for '" << name_current_image
<< "' image in config file:" << dataset_config << std::endl
<< "Re-run tests with enabled UPDATE_QRCODE_TEST_DATA macro to update test data."
<< std::endl;
check_qr(root, name_current_image, "multiple_images", corners, decoded_info, pixels_error, true);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Objdetect_QRCode, testing::ValuesIn(qrcode_images_name));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Objdetect_QRCode_Close, testing::ValuesIn(qrcode_images_close));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Objdetect_QRCode_Monitor, testing::ValuesIn(qrcode_images_monitor));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Objdetect_QRCode_Curved, testing::ValuesIn(qrcode_images_curved));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Objdetect_QRCode_Multi, testing::ValuesIn(qrcode_images_multiple));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Objdetect_QRCode_Multi, testing::Combine(testing::ValuesIn(qrcode_images_multiple),
testing::Values("contours_based", "aruco_based")));
TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_decodeMulti, decode_regression_16491)
......@@ -611,8 +416,10 @@ TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_decodeMulti, decode_regression_16491)
TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_detectMulti, detect_regression_16961)
typedef testing::TestWithParam<std::string> Objdetect_QRCode_detectMulti;
TEST_P(Objdetect_QRCode_detectMulti, detect_regression_16961)
const std::string method = GetParam();
const std::string name_current_image = "9_qrcodes.jpg";
const std::string root = "qrcode/multiple/";
......@@ -620,7 +427,10 @@ TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_detectMulti, detect_regression_16961)
Mat src = imread(image_path);
ASSERT_FALSE(src.empty()) << "Can't read image: " << image_path;
QRCodeDetector qrcode;
QRCodeDetectorBase qrcode = QRCodeDetector();
if (method == "aruco_based") {
qrcode = QRCodeDetectorAruco();
std::vector<Point> corners;
EXPECT_TRUE(qrcode.detectMulti(src, corners));
......@@ -628,21 +438,27 @@ TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_detectMulti, detect_regression_16961)
EXPECT_EQ(corners.size(), expect_corners_size);
TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_decodeMulti, check_output_parameters_type_19363)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Objdetect_QRCode_detectMulti, testing::Values("contours_based", "aruco_based"));
typedef testing::TestWithParam<std::string> Objdetect_QRCode_detectAndDecodeMulti;
TEST_P(Objdetect_QRCode_detectAndDecodeMulti, check_output_parameters_type_19363)
const std::string name_current_image = "9_qrcodes.jpg";
const std::string root = "qrcode/multiple/";
const std::string method = GetParam();
std::string image_path = findDataFile(root + name_current_image);
Mat src = imread(image_path);
ASSERT_FALSE(src.empty()) << "Can't read image: " << image_path;
QRCodeDetector qrcode;
QRCodeDetectorBase qrcode = QRCodeDetector();
if (method == "aruco_based") {
qrcode = QRCodeDetectorAruco();
std::vector<Point> corners;
std::vector<cv::String> decoded_info;
#if 0 // FIXIT: OutputArray::create() type check
std::vector<Mat2b> straight_barcode_nchannels;
EXPECT_ANY_THROW(qrcode.detectAndDecodeMulti(src, decoded_info, corners, straight_barcode_nchannels));
EXPECT_ANY_THROW(qrcode->detectAndDecodeMulti(src, decoded_info, corners, straight_barcode_nchannels));
int expected_barcode_type = CV_8UC1;
......@@ -653,6 +469,8 @@ TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_decodeMulti, check_output_parameters_type_19363)
EXPECT_EQ(expected_barcode_type, straight_barcode[i].type());
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Objdetect_QRCode_detectAndDecodeMulti, testing::Values("contours_based", "aruco_based"));
TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_detect, detect_regression_20882)
......@@ -793,14 +611,18 @@ TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_decode, decode_regression_version_25)
TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_decodeMulti, decode_9_qrcodes_version7)
TEST_P(Objdetect_QRCode_detectAndDecodeMulti, decode_9_qrcodes_version7)
const std::string name_current_image = "9_qrcodes_version7.jpg";
const std::string root = "qrcode/multiple/";
std::string image_path = findDataFile(root + name_current_image);
Mat src = imread(image_path);
QRCodeDetector qrcode;
const std::string method = GetParam();
QRCodeDetectorBase qrcode = QRCodeDetector();
if (method == "aruco_based") {
qrcode = QRCodeDetectorAruco();
std::vector<Point> corners;
std::vector<cv::String> decoded_info;
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ using namespace cv;
static int liveQRCodeDetect();
static int imageQRCodeDetect(const string& in_file);
static bool g_useArucoBased = false;
static bool g_modeMultiQR = false;
static bool g_detectOnly = false;
......@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const string keys =
"{h help ? | | print help messages }"
"{i in | | input image path (also switches to image detection mode) }"
"{aruco_based | false | use Aruco-based QR code detector instead of contour-based }"
"{detect | false | detect QR code only (skip decoding) }"
"{m multi | | use detect for multiple qr-codes }"
"{o out | qr_code.png | path to result file }"
......@@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
g_modeMultiQR = cmd_parser.has("multi") && cmd_parser.get<bool>("multi");
g_detectOnly = cmd_parser.has("detect") && cmd_parser.get<bool>("detect");
g_useArucoBased = cmd_parser.has("aruco_based") && cmd_parser.get<bool>("aruco_based");
g_saveDetections = cmd_parser.has("save_detections") && cmd_parser.get<bool>("save_detections");
g_saveAll = cmd_parser.has("save_all") && cmd_parser.get<bool>("save_all");
......@@ -157,7 +160,7 @@ void drawQRCodeResults(Mat& frame, const vector<Point>& corners, const vector<cv
void runQR(
QRCodeDetector& qrcode, const Mat& input,
const QRCodeDetectorBase& qrcode, const Mat& input,
vector<Point>& corners, vector<cv::String>& decode_info
// +global: bool g_modeMultiQR, bool g_detectOnly
......@@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ void runQR(
double processQRCodeDetection(QRCodeDetector& qrcode, const Mat& input, Mat& result, vector<Point>& corners)
double processQRCodeDetection(const QRCodeDetectorBase& qrcode, const Mat& input, Mat& result, vector<Point>& corners)
if (input.channels() == 1)
cvtColor(input, result, COLOR_GRAY2BGR);
......@@ -229,7 +232,9 @@ int liveQRCodeDetect()
cout << "Press 'd' to switch between decoder and detector" << endl;
cout << "Press ' ' (space) to save result into images" << endl;
cout << "Press 'ESC' to exit" << endl;
QRCodeDetector qrcode;
QRCodeDetectorBase qrcode = QRCodeDetector();
if (g_useArucoBased)
qrcode = QRCodeDetectorAruco();
for (;;)
......@@ -310,7 +315,10 @@ int imageQRCodeDetect(const string& in_file)
<< " on image: " << input.size() << " (" << typeToString(input.type()) << ")"
<< endl;
QRCodeDetector qrcode;
QRCodeDetectorBase qrcode = QRCodeDetector();
if (g_useArucoBased)
qrcode = QRCodeDetectorAruco();
vector<Point> corners;
vector<cv::String> decode_info;
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