未验证 提交 46ccde82 编写于 作者: M Maksim Shabunin 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #18195 from mshabunin:linux-tutorial

Installation tutorials rework

* Doc: general installation, config reference, linux installation

* Doc: addressed review comments

* Minor fixes
上级 537494f4
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......@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ OpenCV4Android SDK {#tutorial_O4A_SDK}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Vsevolod Glumov |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
This tutorial is deprecated.
This tutorial was designed to help you with installation and configuration of OpenCV4Android SDK.
......@@ -4,6 +4,14 @@ Introduction into Android Development {#tutorial_android_dev_intro}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Vsevolod Glumov |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
This tutorial is deprecated.
This guide was designed to help you in learning Android development basics and setting up your
working environment quickly. It was written with Windows 7 in mind, though it would work with Linux
......@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ Use OpenCL in Android camera preview based CV application {#tutorial_android_ocl
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Andrey Pavlenko |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
This tutorial is deprecated.
This guide was designed to help you in use of [OpenCL ™](https://www.khronos.org/opencl/) in Android camera preview based CV application.
It was written for [Eclipse-based ADT tools](http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adt.html)
......@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ Android Development with OpenCV {#tutorial_dev_with_OCV_on_Android}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Vsevolod Glumov |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
This tutorial is deprecated.
This tutorial has been created to help you use OpenCV library within your Android project.
......@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ Building OpenCV for Tegra with CUDA {#tutorial_building_tegra_cuda}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Randy J. Ray |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.1.0 |
This tutorial is deprecated.
......@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ Introduction to OpenCV Development with Clojure {#tutorial_clojure_dev_intro}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Mimmo Cosenza |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
This tutorial can contain obsolete information.
As of OpenCV 2.4.4, OpenCV supports desktop Java development using nearly the same interface as for
Android development.
......@@ -3,6 +3,13 @@ Cross referencing OpenCV from other Doxygen projects {#tutorial_cross_referencin
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Sebastian Höffner |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.3.0 |
This tutorial can contain obsolete information.
Cross referencing OpenCV
......@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ Cross compilation for ARM based Linux systems {#tutorial_arm_crosscompile_with_c
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Alexander Smorkalov |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
This tutorial can contain obsolete information.
This steps are tested on Ubuntu Linux 12.04, but should work for other Linux distributions. I case
of other distributions package names and names of cross compilation tools may differ. There are
......@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ Introduction to Java Development {#tutorial_java_dev_intro}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Eric Christiansen and Andrey Pavlenko |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
This tutorial can contain obsolete information.
As of OpenCV 2.4.4, OpenCV supports desktop Java development using nearly the same interface as for
Android development. This guide will help you to create your first Java (or Scala) application using
......@@ -4,6 +4,14 @@ Getting Started with Images {#tutorial_display_image}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Ana Huamán |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.4.4 |
This tutorial can contain obsolete information.
......@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ Writing documentation for OpenCV {#tutorial_documentation}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Maksim Shabunin |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
OpenCV installation overview {#tutorial_general_install}
There are two ways of installing OpenCV on your machine: download prebuilt version for your platform or compile from sources.
# Prebuilt version {#tutorial_general_install_prebuilt}
In many cases you can find prebuilt version of OpenCV that will meet your needs.
## Packages by OpenCV core team {#tutorial_general_install_prebuilt_core}
Packages for Android, iOS and Windows built with default parameters and recent compilers are published for each release, they do not contain _opencv_contrib_ modules.
- GitHub releases: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/releases
- SourceForge.net: https://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/files/
## Third-party packages {#tutorial_general_install_prebuilt_thirdparty}
Other organizations and people maintain their own binary distributions of OpenCV. For example:
- System packages in popular Linux distributions (https://pkgs.org/search/?q=opencv)
- PyPI (https://pypi.org/search/?q=opencv)
- Conda (https://anaconda.org/search?q=opencv)
- Conan (https://github.com/conan-community/conan-opencv)
- vcpkg (https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/tree/master/ports/opencv)
- NuGet (https://www.nuget.org/packages?q=opencv)
- Brew (https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/opencv)
- Maven (https://search.maven.org/search?q=opencv)
# Build from sources {#tutorial_general_install_sources}
It can happen that existing binary packages are not applicable for your use case, then you'll have to build custom version of OpenCV by yourself. This section gives a high-level overview of the build process, check tutorial for specific platform for actual build instructions.
OpenCV uses [CMake](https://cmake.org/) build management system for configuration and build, so this section mostly describes generalized process of building software with CMake.
## Step 0: Prerequisites {#tutorial_general_install_sources_0}
Install C++ compiler and build tools. On \*NIX platforms it is usually GCC/G++ or Clang compiler and Make or Ninja build tool. On Windows it can be Visual Studio IDE or MinGW-w64 compiler. Native toolchains for Android are provided in the Android NDK. XCode IDE is used to build software for OSX and iOS platforms.
Install CMake from the official site or some other source.
Get other third-party dependencies: libraries with extra functionality like decoding videos or showing GUI elements; libraries providing optimized implementations of selected algorithms; tools used for documentation generation and other extras. Check @ref tutorial_config_reference for available options and corresponding dependencies.
## Step 1: Get software sources {#tutorial_general_install_sources_1}
Typical software project consists of one or several code repositories. OpenCV have two repositories with code: _opencv_ - main repository with stable and actively supported algorithms and _opencv_contrib_ which contains experimental and non-free (patented) algorithms; and one repository with test data: _opencv_extra_.
You can download a snapshot of repository in form of an archive or clone repository with full history.
To download snapshot archives:
- Go to https://github.com/opencv/opencv/releases and download "Source code" archive from any release.
- (optionally) Go to https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/releases and download "Source code" archive for the same release as _opencv_
- (optionally) Go to https://github.com/opencv/opencv_extra/releases and download "Source code" archive for the same release as _opencv_
- Unpack all archives to some location
To clone repositories run the following commands in console (_git_ [must be installed](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git)):
git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv
git -C opencv checkout <some-tag>
# optionally
git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib
git -C opencv_contrib checkout <same-tag-as-opencv>
# optionally
git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv_extra
git -C opencv_extra checkout <same-tag-as-opencv>
If you want to build software using more than one repository, make sure all components are compatible with each other. For OpenCV it means that _opencv_ and _opencv_contrib_ repositories must be checked out at the same tag or that all snapshot archives are downloaded from the same release.
When choosing which version to download take in account your target platform and development tools versions, latest versions of OpenCV can have build problems with very old compilers and vice versa. We recommend using latest release and fresh OS/compiler combination.
## Step 2: Configure {#tutorial_general_install_sources_2}
At this step CMake will verify that all necessary tools and dependencies are available and compatible with the library and will generate intermediate files for the chosen build system. It could be Makefiles, IDE projects and solutions, etc. Usually this step is performed in newly created build directory:
cmake -G<generator> <configuration-options> <source-directory>
`cmake-gui` application allows to see and modify available options using graphical user interface. See https://cmake.org/runningcmake/ for details.
## Step 3: Build {#tutorial_general_install_sources_3}
During build process source files are compiled into object files which are linked together or otherwise combined into libraries and applications. This step can be run using universal command:
cmake --build <build-directory> <build-options>
... or underlying build system can be called directly:
## Step 3: Install {#tutorial_general_install_sources_4}
During installation procedure build results and other files from build directory will be copied to the install location. Default installation location is `/usr/local` on UNIX and `C:/Program Files` on Windows. This location can be changed at the configuration step by setting `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` option. To perform installation run the following command:
cmake --build <build-directory> --target install <other-options>
This step is optional, OpenCV can be used directly from the build directory.
If the installation root location is a protected system directory, so the installation process must be run with superuser or administrator privileges (e.g. `sudo cmake ...`).
......@@ -4,6 +4,14 @@ Installation in iOS {#tutorial_ios_install}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Artem Myagkov, Eduard Feicho, Steve Nicholson |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
This tutorial can contain obsolete information.
Required Packages
......@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ Using OpenCV Java with Eclipse {#tutorial_java_eclipse}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Barış Evrim Demiröz |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
This tutorial can contain obsolete information.
Since version 2.4.4 [OpenCV supports Java](http://opencv.org/opencv-java-api.html). In this tutorial
I will explain how to setup development environment for using OpenCV Java with Eclipse in
......@@ -4,6 +4,14 @@ Using OpenCV with Eclipse (plugin CDT) {#tutorial_linux_eclipse}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Ana Huamán |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
This tutorial can contain obsolete information.
Two ways, one by forming a project directly, and another by CMake Prerequisites
......@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ Using OpenCV with gcc and CMake {#tutorial_linux_gcc_cmake}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Ana Huamán |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
This tutorial can contain obsolete information.
@note We assume that you have successfully installed OpenCV in your workstation.
......@@ -3,146 +3,123 @@ Installation in Linux {#tutorial_linux_install}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Ana Huamán |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
# Quick start {#tutorial_linux_install_quick_start}
## Build core modules {#tutorial_linux_install_quick_build_core}
@snippet linux_quick_install.sh body
## Build with opencv_contrib {#tutorial_linux_install_quick_build_contrib}
@snippet linux_quick_install_contrib.sh body
# Detailed process {#tutorial_linux_install_detailed}
This section provides more details of the build process and describes alternative methods and tools. Please refer to the @ref tutorial_general_install tutorial for general installation details and to the @ref tutorial_config_reference for configuration options documentation.
## Install compiler and build tools {#tutorial_linux_install_detailed_basic_compiler}
- To compile OpenCV you will need a C++ compiler. Usually it is G++/GCC or Clang/LLVM:
- Install GCC...
@snippet linux_install_a.sh gcc
- ... or Clang:
@snippet linux_install_b.sh clang
- OpenCV uses CMake build configuration tool:
@snippet linux_install_a.sh cmake
- CMake can generate scripts for different build systems, e.g. _make_, _ninja_:
- Install Make...
@snippet linux_install_a.sh make
- ... or Ninja:
@snippet linux_install_b.sh ninja
- Install tool for getting and unpacking sources:
- _wget_ and _unzip_...
@snippet linux_install_a.sh wget
- ... or _git_:
@snippet linux_install_b.sh git
## Download sources {#tutorial_linux_install_detailed_basic_download}
There are two methods of getting OpenCV sources:
- Download snapshot of repository using web browser or any download tool (~80-90Mb) and unpack it...
@snippet linux_install_a.sh download
- ... or clone repository to local machine using _git_ to get full change history (>470Mb):
@snippet linux_install_b.sh download
The following steps have been tested for Ubuntu 10.04 but should work with other distros as well.
Required Packages
- GCC 4.4.x or later
- CMake 2.8.7 or higher
- Git
- GTK+2.x or higher, including headers (libgtk2.0-dev)
- pkg-config
- Python 2.6 or later and Numpy 1.5 or later with developer packages (python-dev, python-numpy)
- ffmpeg or libav development packages: libavcodec-dev, libavformat-dev, libswscale-dev
- [optional] libtbb2 libtbb-dev
- [optional] libdc1394 2.x
- [optional] libjpeg-dev, libpng-dev, libtiff-dev, libjasper-dev, libdc1394-22-dev
- [optional] CUDA Toolkit 6.5 or higher
The packages can be installed using a terminal and the following commands or by using Synaptic
[compiler] sudo apt-get install build-essential
[required] sudo apt-get install cmake git libgtk2.0-dev pkg-config libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev
[optional] sudo apt-get install python-dev python-numpy libtbb2 libtbb-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libjasper-dev libdc1394-22-dev
Getting OpenCV Source Code
You can use the latest stable OpenCV version or you can grab the latest snapshot from our [Git
### Getting the Latest Stable OpenCV Version
- Go to our [downloads page](http://opencv.org/releases.html).
- Download the source archive and unpack it.
### Getting the Cutting-edge OpenCV from the Git Repository
Launch Git client and clone [OpenCV repository](http://github.com/opencv/opencv). If you need
modules from [OpenCV contrib repository](http://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib) then clone it as well.
For example
cd ~/<my_working_directory>
git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git
git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib.git
Building OpenCV from Source Using CMake
-# Create a temporary directory, which we denote as \<cmake_build_dir\>, where you want to put
the generated Makefiles, project files as well the object files and output binaries and enter
For example
cd ~/opencv
mkdir build
cd build
-# Configuring. Run cmake [\<some optional parameters\>] \<path to the OpenCV source directory\>
For example
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
or cmake-gui
- set full path to OpenCV source code, e.g. /home/user/opencv
- set full path to \<cmake_build_dir\>, e.g. /home/user/opencv/build
- set optional parameters
- run: “Configure”
- run: “Generate”
Use `cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..` , without spaces after -D if the above example doesn't work.
-# Description of some parameters
- build type: `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release\Debug`
- to build with modules from opencv_contrib set OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH to \<path to
- set BUILD_DOCS for building documents
- set BUILD_EXAMPLES to build all examples
-# [optional] Building python. Set the following python parameters:
- PYTHON2(3)_EXECUTABLE = \<path to python\>
- PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR = /usr/include/python\<version\>
- PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR2 = /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/python\<version\>
- PYTHON_LIBRARY = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython\<version\>.so
-# [optional] Building java.
- Unset parameter: BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
- It is useful also to unset BUILD_EXAMPLES, BUILD_TESTS, BUILD_PERF_TESTS - as they all
will be statically linked with OpenCV and can take a lot of memory.
-# [optional] Generate pkg-config info
- Add this flag when running CMake: `-DOPENCV_GENERATE_PKGCONFIG=ON`
- Will generate the .pc file for pkg-config and install it.
- Useful if not using CMake in projects that use OpenCV
- Installed as `opencv4`, usage: `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv4`
-# Build. From build directory execute *make*, it is recommended to do this in several threads
For example
make -j7 # runs 7 jobs in parallel
-# [optional] Building documents. Enter \<cmake_build_dir/doc/\> and run make with target
For example
cd ~/opencv/build/doc/
make -j7 doxygen
-# To install libraries, execute the following command from build directory
sudo make install
-# [optional] Running tests
- Get the required test data from [OpenCV extra
For example
git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv_extra.git
- set OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH environment variable to \<path to opencv_extra/testdata\>.
- execute tests from build directory.
For example
If the size of the created library is a critical issue (like in case of an Android build) you
can use the install/strip command to get the smallest size possible. The *stripped* version
appears to be twice as small. However, we do not recommend using this unless those extra
megabytes do really matter.
Snapshots of other branches, releases or commits can be found on the [GitHub](https://github.com/opencv/opencv) and the [official download page](https://opencv.org/releases.html).
## Configure and build {#tutorial_linux_install_detailed_basic_build}
- Create build directory:
@snippet linux_install_a.sh prepare
- Configure - generate build scripts for the preferred build system:
- For _make_...
@snippet linux_install_a.sh configure
- ... or for _ninja_:
@snippet linux_install_b.sh configure
- Build - run actual compilation process:
- Using _make_...
@snippet linux_install_a.sh build
- ... or _ninja_:
@snippet linux_install_b.sh build
_Configure_ process can download some files from the internet to satisfy library dependencies, connection failures can cause some of modules or functionalities to be turned off or behave differently. Refer to the @ref tutorial_general_install and @ref tutorial_config_reference tutorials for details and full configuration options reference.
If you experience problems with the build process, try to clean or recreate the build directory. Changes in the configuration like disabling a dependency, modifying build scripts or switching sources to another branch are not handled very well and can result in broken workspace.
_Make_ can run multiple compilation processes in parallel, `-j<NUM>` option means "run <NUM> jobs simultaneously". _Ninja_ will automatically detect number of available processor cores and does not need `-j` option.
## Check build results {#tutorial_linux_install_detailed_basic_verify}
After successful build you will find libraries in the `build/lib` directory and executables (test, samples, apps) in the `build/bin` directory:
@snippet linux_install_a.sh check
CMake package files will be located in the build root:
@snippet linux_install_a.sh check cmake
## Install
Installation process only copies files to predefined locations and do minor patching. Library installed using this method is not integrated into the system package registry and can not be uninstalled automatically. We do not recommend system-wide installation to regular users due to possible conflicts with system packages.
By default OpenCV will be installed to the `/usr/local` directory, all files will be copied to following locations:
* `/usr/local/bin` - executable files
* `/usr/local/lib` - libraries (.so)
* `/usr/local/cmake/opencv4` - cmake package
* `/usr/local/include/opencv4` - headers
* `/usr/local/share/opencv4` - other files (e.g. trained cascades in XML format)
Since `/usr/local` is owned by the root user, the installation should be performed with elevated privileges (`sudo`):
@snippet linux_install_a.sh install
@snippet linux_install_b.sh install
Installation root directory can be changed with `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` configuration parameter, e.g. `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/.local` to install to current user's local directory. Installation layout can be changed with `OPENCV_*_INSTALL_PATH` parameters. See @ref tutorial_config_reference for details.
......@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ Installation in MacOS {#tutorial_macos_install}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | `@sajarindider` |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.4 |
The following steps have been tested for MacOSX (Mavericks) but should work with other versions as well.
Introduction to OpenCV {#tutorial_table_of_content_introduction}
Here you can read tutorials about how to set up your computer to work with the OpenCV library.
Additionally you can find very basic sample source code to introduce you to the world of the OpenCV.
- @subpage tutorial_general_install
- @subpage tutorial_config_reference
##### Linux
- @subpage tutorial_linux_install
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 2.0
_Author:_ Ana Huamán
We will learn how to setup OpenCV in your computer!
- @subpage tutorial_linux_gcc_cmake
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 2.0
_Author:_ Ana Huamán
We will learn how to compile your first project using gcc and CMake
- @subpage tutorial_linux_eclipse
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 2.0
_Author:_ Ana Huamán
We will learn how to compile your first project using the Eclipse environment
##### Windows
- @subpage tutorial_windows_install
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 2.0
_Author:_ Bernát Gábor
You will learn how to setup OpenCV in your Windows Operating System!
- @subpage tutorial_windows_visual_studio_opencv
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 2.0
_Author:_ Bernát Gábor
You will learn what steps you need to perform in order to use the OpenCV library inside a new
Microsoft Visual Studio project.
- @subpage tutorial_windows_visual_studio_image_watch
_Compatibility:_ \>= OpenCV 2.4
_Author:_ Wolf Kienzle
You will learn how to visualize OpenCV matrices and images within Visual Studio 2012.
##### Java & Android
- @subpage tutorial_java_dev_intro
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 2.4.4
_Authors:_ Eric Christiansen and Andrey Pavlenko
Explains how to build and run a simple desktop Java application using Eclipse, Ant or the
Simple Build Tool (SBT).
- @subpage tutorial_java_eclipse
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 2.4.4
_Author:_ Barış Evrim Demiröz
A tutorial on how to use OpenCV Java with Eclipse.
- @subpage tutorial_clojure_dev_intro
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 2.4.4
_Author:_ Mimmo Cosenza
A tutorial on how to interactively use OpenCV from the Clojure REPL.
- @subpage tutorial_android_dev_intro
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 2.4.2
_Author:_ Vsevolod Glumov
Not a tutorial, but a guide introducing Android development basics and environment setup
- @subpage tutorial_O4A_SDK
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 2.4.2
_Author:_ Vsevolod Glumov
OpenCV4Android SDK: general info, installation, running samples
- @subpage tutorial_dev_with_OCV_on_Android
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 2.4.3
_Author:_ Vsevolod Glumov
Development with OpenCV4Android SDK
- @subpage tutorial_android_ocl_intro
_Compatibility:_ \>= OpenCV 3.0
_Author:_ Andrey Pavlenko
Modify Android camera preview with OpenCL
##### Other platforms
- @subpage tutorial_macos_install
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 3.4.x
_Author:_ [\@sajarindider](https://github.com/sajarindider)
We will learn how to setup OpenCV in MacOS.
- @subpage tutorial_ios_install
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 2.4.2
_Author:_ Artem Myagkov, Eduard Feicho, Steve Nicholson
We will learn how to setup OpenCV for using it in iOS!
- @subpage tutorial_arm_crosscompile_with_cmake
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 2.4.4
_Author:_ Alexander Smorkalov
We will learn how to setup OpenCV cross compilation environment for ARM Linux.
- @subpage tutorial_building_tegra_cuda
_Compatibility:_ \>= OpenCV 3.1.0
_Author:_ Randy J. Ray
This tutorial will help you build OpenCV 3.1.0 for NVIDIA<sup>&reg;</sup> Tegra<sup>&reg;</sup> systems with CUDA 8.0.
- @subpage tutorial_display_image
_Languages:_ C++, Python
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 3.4.4
_Author:_ Ana Huamán
We will learn how to read an image, display it in a window and write it to a file using OpenCV
- @subpage tutorial_documentation
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 3.0
_Author:_ Maksim Shabunin
This tutorial describes new documenting process and some useful Doxygen features.
- @subpage tutorial_transition_guide
_Author:_ Maksim Shabunin
This document describes some aspects of 2.4 -> 3.0 transition process.
- @subpage tutorial_cross_referencing
_Compatibility:_ \> OpenCV 3.3.0
_Author:_ Sebastian Höffner
##### Usage basics
- @subpage tutorial_display_image - We will learn how to load an image from file and display it using OpenCV
This document outlines how to create cross references to the OpenCV documentation from other Doxygen projects.
##### Miscellaneous
- @subpage tutorial_documentation - This tutorial describes new documenting process and some useful Doxygen features.
- @subpage tutorial_transition_guide - This document describes some aspects of 2.4 -> 3.0 transition process.
- @subpage tutorial_cross_referencing - This document outlines how to create cross references to the OpenCV documentation from other Doxygen projects.
......@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ Transition guide {#tutorial_transition_guide}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Maksim Shabunin |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
......@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ Installation in Windows {#tutorial_windows_install}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Bernát Gábor |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
This tutorial can contain obsolete information.
The description here was tested on Windows 7 SP1. Nevertheless, it should also work on any other
relatively modern version of Windows OS. If you encounter errors after following the steps described
......@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ Image Watch: viewing in-memory images in the Visual Studio debugger {#tutorial_w
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Wolf Kienzle |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
This tutorial can contain obsolete information.
Image Watch is a plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio that lets you to visualize in-memory images
(*cv::Mat* or *IplImage_* objects, for example) while debugging an application. This can be helpful
How to build applications with OpenCV inside the "Microsoft Visual Studio" {#tutorial_windows_visual_studio_opencv}
| | |
| -: | :- |
| Original author | Bernát Gábor |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.0 |
This tutorial can contain obsolete information.
Everything I describe here will apply to the `C\C++` interface of OpenCV. I start out from the
assumption that you have read and completed with success the @ref tutorial_windows_install tutorial.
OpenCV Tutorials {#tutorial_root}
The following links describe a set of basic OpenCV tutorials. All the source code mentioned here is
provided as part of the OpenCV regular releases, so check before you start copying & pasting the code.
The list of tutorials below is automatically generated from reST files located in our GIT
As always, we would be happy to hear your comments and receive your contributions on any tutorial.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_introduction
You will learn how to setup OpenCV on your computer
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_core
Here you will learn
about the basic building blocks of this library. A must read for understanding how
to manipulate the images on a pixel level.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_imgproc
In this section
you will learn about the image processing (manipulation) functions inside OpenCV.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_highgui
This section contains valuable tutorials on how to use the
built-in graphical user interface of the library.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_imgcodecs
These tutorials show how to read and write images using imgcodecs module.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_videoio
These tutorials show how to read and write videos using videio module.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_calib3d
most of our images are in a 2D format they do come from a 3D world. Here you will learn how to find
out 3D world information from 2D images.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_features2d
Learn about how
to use the feature points detectors, descriptors and matching framework found inside OpenCV.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_video
Here you will find
algorithms usable on your video streams like motion extraction, feature tracking and
foreground extractions.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_objdetect
Ever wondered
how your digital camera detects people's faces? Look here to find out!
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_dnn
These tutorials show how to use dnn module effectively.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_ml
Use the powerful
machine learning classes for statistical classification, regression and clustering of data.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_gapi
Learn how to use Graph API (G-API) and port algorithms from "traditional" OpenCV to a graph model.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_photo
Use OpenCV for
advanced photo processing.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_stitching
Learn how to create beautiful photo panoramas and more with OpenCV stitching pipeline.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_introduction - build and install OpenCV on your computer
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_core - basic building blocks of the library
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_imgproc - image processing functions
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_highgui - built-in graphical user interface
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_imgcodecs - read and write images from/to files using _imgcodecs_ module
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_videoio - read and write videos using _videio_ module
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_calib3d - extract 3D world information from 2D images
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_features2d - feature detectors, descriptors and matching framework
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_video - algorithms for video streams: motion detection, object and feature tracking, etc.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_objdetect - detect objects using conventional CV methods
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_dnn - infer neural networks using built-in _dnn_ module
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_ml - machine learning algorithms for statistical classification, regression and data clustering
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_gapi - graph-based approach to computer vision algorithms building
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_photo - advanced photo processing
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_stitching - create panoramas and more using _stitching_ module
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_ios - running OpenCV on an iDevice
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_gpu
Squeeze out every
little computational power from your system by utilizing the power of your video card to run the
OpenCV algorithms.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_gpu - utilizing power of video card to run CV algorithms
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_ios
Run OpenCV and your vision apps on an iDevice
# This file contains documentation snippets for Linux installation tutorial
if [ "$1" = "--check" ] ; then
command $@
sudo apt update
# [gcc]
sudo apt install -y g++
# [gcc]
# [make]
sudo apt install -y make
# [make]
# [cmake]
sudo apt install -y cmake
# [cmake]
# [wget]
sudo apt install -y wget unzip
# [wget]
# [download]
wget -O opencv.zip https://github.com/opencv/opencv/archive/master.zip
unzip opencv.zip
mv opencv-master opencv
# [download]
# [prepare]
mkdir -p build && cd build
# [prepare]
# [configure]
cmake ../opencv
# [configure]
# [build]
make -j4
# [build]
# [check]
ls bin
ls lib
# [check]
# [check cmake]
ls OpenCVConfig*.cmake
ls OpenCVModules.cmake
# [check cmake]
# [install]
sudo make install
# [install]
# This file contains documentation snippets for Linux installation tutorial
if [ "$1" = "--check" ] ; then
command $@
sudo apt update
# [clang]
sudo apt install -y clang
# [clang]
# [ninja]
sudo apt install -y ninja-build
# [ninja]
# [cmake]
sudo apt install -y cmake
# [cmake]
# [git]
sudo apt install -y git
# [git]
# [download]
git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git
git -C opencv checkout master
# [download]
# [prepare]
mkdir -p build && cd build
# [prepare]
# [configure]
cmake -GNinja ../opencv
# [configure]
# [build]
# [build]
# [install]
sudo ninja install
# [install]
# This file contains documentation snippets for Linux installation tutorial
if [ "$1" = "--check" ] ; then
command $@
# [body]
# Install minimal prerequisites (Ubuntu 18.04 as reference)
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y cmake g++ wget unzip
# Download and unpack sources
wget -O opencv.zip https://github.com/opencv/opencv/archive/master.zip
unzip opencv.zip
# Create build directory
mkdir -p build && cd build
# Configure
cmake ../opencv-master
# Build
cmake --build .
# [body]
# This file contains documentation snippets for Linux installation tutorial
if [ "$1" = "--check" ] ; then
command $@
# [body]
# Install minimal prerequisites (Ubuntu 18.04 as reference)
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y cmake g++ wget unzip
# Download and unpack sources
wget -O opencv.zip https://github.com/opencv/opencv/archive/master.zip
wget -O opencv_contrib.zip https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/archive/master.zip
unzip opencv.zip
unzip opencv_contrib.zip
# Create build directory and switch into it
mkdir -p build && cd build
# Configure
cmake -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../opencv_contrib-master/modules ../opencv-master
# Build
cmake --build .
# [body]
# This script verifies that all shell snippets in the
# Linux installation tutorial work (in Ubuntu 18 container)
set -e
set -x
SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null && pwd )"
docker pull ubuntu:18.04
for f in $(cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}" && ls -1 linux_*install*.sh) ; do
echo "Checking $f..."
docker run -it \
--volume "${SCRIPT_DIR}":/install:ro \
ubuntu:18.04 \
/bin/bash -ex /install/$f --check
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