提交 fddcc10a 编写于 作者: J Jacob Champion 提交者: Jacob Champion

pg_upgrade: speed up AO segment queries

The query to obtain AO auxiliary catalog names is relatively expensive
compared to the other aux table queries, and it was being performed once
for every AO table. Consolidate all calls into a single query, and
manually join the results with the other relation info by relid.

Also improve the "couldn't find aux tables" FATAL message for easier
debugging (it needs to include the dbname).
上级 19a8740d
......@@ -486,6 +486,14 @@ get_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster, DbInfo *dbinfo)
int i;
Oid tablespace_oid;
PGresult *aorels;
int i_aoreloid,
int num_aorels;
int current_ao;
* If we are upgrading from Greenplum 4.3.x we need to record which rels
* have numeric attributes, as they need to be rewritten.
......@@ -651,6 +659,47 @@ get_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster, DbInfo *dbinfo)
i_reltablespace = PQfnumber(res, "reltablespace");
i_spclocation = PQfnumber(res, "spclocation");
* GPDB: preload as much AO table information as we can in a single query,
* rather than making one query per AO table which slows down upgrades of
* real-world AO partition hierarchies considerably. This should ideally be
* pulled into the info_rels structure, but to decrease the potential merge
* hazard, we make a separate query and "join" by OID later.
* XXX (Unfortunately, since the AO auxiliary catalogs exist in separate
* relations named by AO table OID, they can't be easily queried at once.
* Improve this situation.)
* First query the catalog for the auxiliary heap relations which describe
* AO{CS} relations. The segrel and visimap must exist but the blkdirrel is
* created when required so it might not exist.
* We don't dump the block directory, even if it exists, if the table
* doesn't have any indexes. This isn't just an optimization: restoring it
* wouldn't work, because without indexes, restore won't create a block
* directory in the new cluster.
aorels = executeQueryOrDie(conn, "%s",
"SELECT a.relid, "
" cs.relname AS segrel, "
" cv.relname AS visimaprel, "
" cb.relname AS blkdirrel "
"FROM pg_appendonly a "
" JOIN pg_class cs on (cs.oid = a.segrelid) "
" JOIN pg_class cv on (cv.oid = a.visimaprelid) "
" LEFT JOIN pg_class cb on (cb.oid = a.blkdirrelid "
" AND a.blkdirrelid <> 0 "
" AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_index i WHERE i.indrelid = a.relid)) "
"ORDER BY a.relid ");
num_aorels = PQntuples(aorels);
current_ao = 0;
i_aoreloid = PQfnumber(aorels, "relid");
i_aosegrel = PQfnumber(aorels, "segrel");
i_aovisimaprel = PQfnumber(aorels, "visimaprel");
i_aoblkdirrel = PQfnumber(aorels, "blkdirrel");
for (relnum = 0; relnum < ntups; relnum++)
RelInfo *curr = &relinfos[num_rels++];
......@@ -727,46 +776,38 @@ get_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster, DbInfo *dbinfo)
if (is_appendonly(relstorage))
PGresult *aores;
Oid aoreloid = 0;
char *segrel;
char *visimaprel;
char *blkdirrel = NULL;
PGresult *aores;
int j;
* First query the catalog for the auxiliary heap relations which
* describe AO{CS} relations. The segrel and visimap must exist
* but the blkdirrel is created when required so it might not
* exist.
* We don't dump the block directory, even if it exists, if the
* table doesn't have any indexes. This isn't just an optimization:
* restoring it wouldn't work, because without indexes, restore
* won't create a block directory in the new cluster.
* Since res and aorels are both sorted by relation OID, the next
* row in aorels should usually be exactly the relation we're
* looking for. The exception is that some AO tables aren't included
* in info_rels (e.g. append-only materialized views), so we have to
* handle extras in the list.
aores = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
"SELECT cs.relname AS segrel, "
" cv.relname AS visimaprel, "
" cb.relname AS blkdirrel "
"FROM pg_appendonly a "
" JOIN pg_class cs on (cs.oid = a.segrelid) "
" JOIN pg_class cv on (cv.oid = a.visimaprelid) "
" LEFT JOIN pg_class cb on (cb.oid = a.blkdirrelid "
" AND a.blkdirrelid <> 0 "
" AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_index i WHERE i.indrelid = a.relid)) "
"WHERE a.relid = %u::pg_catalog.oid ",
if (PQntuples(aores) == 0)
pg_log(PG_FATAL, "Unable to find auxiliary AO relations for %u (%s)\n",
curr->reloid, curr->relname);
segrel = pg_strdup(PQgetvalue(aores, 0, PQfnumber(aores, "segrel")));
visimaprel = pg_strdup(PQgetvalue(aores, 0, PQfnumber(aores, "visimaprel")));
if (!PQgetisnull(aores, 0, PQfnumber(aores, "blkdirrel")))
blkdirrel = pg_strdup(PQgetvalue(aores, 0, PQfnumber(aores, "blkdirrel")));
while (current_ao < num_aorels)
aoreloid = atooid(PQgetvalue(aorels, current_ao, i_aoreloid));
if (aoreloid >= curr->reloid)
if (aoreloid != curr->reloid)
pg_log(PG_FATAL, "Unable to find auxiliary AO relations for %u (%s) in database '%s'",
curr->reloid, curr->relname, dbinfo->db_name);
segrel = pg_strdup(PQgetvalue(aorels, current_ao, i_aosegrel));
visimaprel = pg_strdup(PQgetvalue(aorels, current_ao, i_aovisimaprel));
if (!PQgetisnull(aorels, current_ao, i_aoblkdirrel))
blkdirrel = pg_strdup(PQgetvalue(aorels, current_ao, i_aoblkdirrel));
if (relstorage == 'a')
......@@ -1073,6 +1114,7 @@ get_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster, DbInfo *dbinfo)
curr->gpdb4_heap_conversion_needed = false;
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